Hello {{ user.given_name }}, This is an automated message from ceo, the CSC Electronic Office. You are receiving this message because your CSC membership will expire at the end of this month. If you do not wish to renew your membership, you may safely ignore this message. When your CSC membership expires, the following will happen: * You will lose access to most CSC resources, including the general-use machines * Your CSC email address will be unsubscribed from the csc-general mailing list * If you have a CSC cloud account, all of your cloud resources will be permanently deleted Note that even if you are not a member, you are still welcome to participate in CSC events and interact with CSC on social media, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitch, Discord and IRC. If you wish to renew your membership, please follow the instructions here: https://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/get-involved/ If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Systems Committee: syscom@csclub.uwaterloo.ca Best regards, ceo