import sys, ldap, termios from getopt import getopt from ceo import members, terms, uwldap import ceo.ldapi as ldapi shortopts = [ ] longopts = [ ] def start(): (opts, args) = getopt(sys.argv[1:], shortopts, longopts) if len(args) >= 1: if args[0] in commands: commands[args[0]](args[1:]) else: print "Invalid command '%s'" % args[0] def help(): print 'Available commands:' for c in commands: print ' %s' % c def memberlist(args): mlist = members.list_term(terms.current()) dns = mlist.keys() dns.sort() for dn in dns: member = mlist[dn] print '%s %s %s' % ( member['uid'][0].ljust(12), member['cn'][0].ljust(30), member.get('program', [''])[0] ) def updateprogram(args): mlist = members.list_all().items() uwl = ldap.initialize(uwldap.uri()) fd = sys.stdin.fileno() for (dn, member) in mlist: uid = member['uid'][0] user = uwl.search_s(uwldap.base(), ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, '(uid=%s)' % ldapi.escape(uid)) if len(user) == 0: continue user = user[0][1] oldprog = member.get('program', [''])[0] newprog = user.get('ou', [''])[0] if oldprog == newprog: continue sys.stdout.write("%s: '%s' => '%s'? (y/n) " % (uid, oldprog, newprog)) new = old = termios.tcgetattr(fd) new[3] = new[3] & ~termios.ICANON try: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSANOW, new) try: if != 'y': continue except KeyboardInterrupt: return '' finally: print '' termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSANOW, old) old = new = {} if oldprog != '': old = {'program': [oldprog]} if newprog != '': new = {'program': [newprog]} mlist = ldapi.make_modlist(old, new) # TODO: don't use members.ld directly members.ld.modify_s(dn, mlist) def expiredaccounts(args): send_email = False if len(args) == 1 and args[0] == '--email': sys.stderr.write("If you want to send an account expiration notice to " \ "these users then type 'Yes, do this' and hit enter\n") if raw_input() == 'Yes, do this': send_email = True uwl = ldap.initialize(uwldap.uri()) mlist = members.expired_accounts() for member in mlist.values(): uid = member['uid'][0] name = member['cn'][0] email = None if send_email: members.send_account_expired_email(name, uid) user = uwl.search_s(uwldap.base(), ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, '(uid=%s)' % ldapi.escape(uid)) if len(user) > 0 and 'mailLocalAddress' in user[0][1]: email = user[0][1]['mailLocalAddress'][0] members.send_account_expired_email(name, email) print '%s %s' % (uid.ljust(12), name.ljust(30)) # list of commands commands = { 'memberlist' : memberlist, 'updateprogram' : updateprogram, 'expiredaccounts' : expiredaccounts, }