from typing import List, Dict, Union from zope.interface import Interface from .IUser import IUser from .IGroup import IGroup class ILDAPService(Interface): """An interface to the LDAP database.""" def uid_to_dn(uid: str) -> str: """Get the LDAP DN for the user with this UID.""" def group_cn_to_dn(cn: str) -> str: """Get the LDAP DN for the group with this CN.""" def get_user(username: str) -> IUser: """Retrieve the user with the given username.""" def get_display_info_for_users(usernames: List[str]) -> List[Dict[str, str]]: """ Retrieve a subset of the LDAP attributes for the given users. Useful for displaying a list of users in a compact way. """ def get_users_with_positions() -> List[IUser]: """Retrieve users who have a non-empty position attribute.""" def add_user(user: IUser): """ Add the user to the database. A new UID and GID will be generated and returned in the new user. """ def get_groups_for_user(username: str) -> List[str]: """ Get a list of the groups to which the user belongs. """ def remove_user(user: IUser): """Remove this user from the database.""" def get_group(cn: str) -> IGroup: """Retrieve the group with the given cn (Unix group name).""" def add_group(group: IGroup): """ Add the group to the database. The GID will not be changed and must be valid. """ def remove_group(group: IGroup): """Remove this group from the database.""" def entry_ctx_for_user(user: IUser): """ Get a context manager which yields an ldap3.WritableEntry for this user. """ def entry_ctx_for_group(group: IGroup): """ Get a context manager which yields an ldap3.WritableEntry for this group. """ def add_sudo_role(uid: str): """Create a sudo role for the club with this UID.""" def remove_sudo_role(uid: str): """Remove the sudo role for this club from the database.""" def update_programs( dry_run: bool = False, members: Union[List[str], None] = None, ): """ Sync the 'program' attribute in CSC LDAP with UW LDAP. If `dry_run` is set to True, then a list of members whose programs *would* be changed is returned along with their old and new programs: ``` [ ('user1', 'old_program1', 'new_program1'), ('user2', 'old_program2', 'new_program2'), ... ] ``` If `members` is set to a list of usernames, then only those members will (possibly) have their programs updated. On success, a list of members whose programs *were* changed will be returned along with their new programs, in the same format described above. """ def get_nonflagged_expired_users() -> List[IUser]: """ Retrieves members whose term or nonMemberTerm does not contain the current or the last term. """ def get_expiring_users() -> List[IUser]: """ Retrieves members whose membership will expire in less than a month. This is used to send membership renewal reminders at the beginning of a term, during the one-month grace period. """ def get_clubs() -> List[IGroup]: """ Retrieves all clubs. """ # couldn't import the Term class from ceo_common.model due to some # circular import issue... def get_club_reps_non_member_terms(club_reps: List[str]) -> Dict[str, List['Term']]: # noqa: F821 """ Retrieves the non-member terms for the given club reps. e.g. { "user1": [w2022, s2022], "user2": [s2022], ... } """