import urwid from ceo import members from ceo.urwid import search from ceo.urwid.widgets import * from ceo.urwid.window import * import ceo.library as lib def library(data): menu = make_menu([ ("Checkout Book", checkout_book, None), ("Return Book", return_book, None), ("List Books", search_books, None), ("Add Book", add_book, None), ("Remove Book", remove_book, None), ("Back", raise_back, None), ]) push_window(menu, "Library") def checkout_book(data): "should only search signed in books" pass def return_book(data): "should bring up a searchbox of all the guys first" pass def search_books(data): push_wizard("Search Books", [ SearchPage, ]) def view_book(book): "this should develop into a full fledged useful panel for doing stuff with books. for now it's not." push_window(BookPage(book), "Book detail") def view_books(books): #XXX should not use a hardcoded 20 in there, should grab the value from the width of the widget widgets = [] for b in books: widgets.append(urwid.AttrWrap(ButtonText(view_book, b, str(b)), None, 'selected')) widgets.append(urwid.Divider()) push_window(urwid.ListBox(widgets)) def add_book(data): push_wizard("Add Book", [AddBookPage]) def remove_book(data): pass def parse_commaranges(s): """parse a string into a list of numbers""" def numbers(section): if "-" in section: range_ = section.split("-") assert len(range_) == 2 start = int(range_[0]) end = int(range_[1]) return range(start, end+1) #+1 to be inclusive of end else: return [int(section)] l = [] for y in s.split(","): l.append(numbers(y)) return l class AddBookPage(WizardPanel): def init_widgets(self): = SingleEdit("Author: ") self.title = SingleEdit("Title: ") self.year = SingleIntEdit("Year(s): ") self.widgets = [ urwid.Text("Add Book"), urwid.Divider(),, self.title, self.year, ] def check(self): author = if author == "": author = None #null it so that searching ignores title = self.title.get_edit_text() if title == "": title = None try: year = self.year.get_edit_text() if year == "": year = None else: year = int(year) except: self.focus_widget(self.year) set_status("Invalid year") return True lib.add(author, title, year) raise_back() class SearchPage(WizardPanel): def init_widgets(self): = SingleEdit("Author: ") self.title = SingleEdit("Title: ") self.year = SingleEdit("Year(s): ") self.signedout = urwid.CheckBox("Checked Out: ") self.widgets = [ urwid.Text("Search Library"), urwid.Divider(),, self.title, self.year, urwid.Divider(), urwid.Text("Author/Title are regexes.\nYear is a comma-separated list or a hyphen-separated range") ] def check(self): author = if author == "": author = None #null it so that searching ignores title = self.title.get_edit_text() if title == "": title = None try: years = self.year.get_edit_text() if years == "": years = None else: #try to parse the year field years = parse_commaranges( year ) except: self.focus_widget(self.year) set_status("Invalid year") return True signedout = self.signedout.get_state() view_books(, title, years, signedout)) class CheckoutPage(urwid.WidgetWrap): def __init__(self, book): = SingleEdit("Book: ") #this needs to be a widget that when you click on it, it takes you to the search_books pane, lets you pick a book, and then drops you back here self.user = SingleEdit("Checkoutee: ") self.widgets = [ urwid.Text("Checkout A Book"), urwid.Divider(),, self.user, ] urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, urwid.Pile(self.widgets)) class ConfirmDialog(urwid.WidgetWrap): def __init__(self, msg): raise NotImplementedError def Confirm(msg): #this should be in push_window(ConfirmDialog(msg)) class InputDialog(urwid.WidgetWrap): def __init__(self, msg=None): msg = urwid.Text(msg) self.input = SingleEdit("") ok = urwid.Button("OK", self.ok) cancel = urwid.Button("Cancel", self.cancel) buttons = urwid.Columns([ok, cancel]) display = urwid.Pile([msg, self.input, buttons]) urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self, display) def ok(): self.result = self.input.get_edit_text() raise Abort() #break out of the inner event loop def cancel(): self.result = None raise Abort() def urwid_input(msg): #this should be in dialog = InputDialog(msg) push_window(dialog) event_loop(urwid.main.ui) #HACK return dialog.result def do_checkout(book): "this is temporary to fil lthe gap until we see what we reall need" username = urwid_input("Username to check out to?") if username is None: set_status("Checkout cancelled") else: book.sign_out(username) def do_delete(book): if Confirm("Do you wish to delete %r?" % book): lib.delete(book) class BookPage(urwid.WidgetWrap): def __init__(self, book): self._book = book = SingleEdit("Author: ") self.title = SingleEdit("Title: ") self.year = SingleIntEdit("Year: ") #now need a checkout widget to go down here.. #and "Delete" if book.signout is None: self.checkout = ButtonText(do_checkout, book, "Check Out") else: self.checkout = ButtonText(lambda book: book.sign_in(), book, "Check In") #self.remove = ButtonText(do_delete, book, "Delete") display = urwid.GridFlow([, self.title, self.year, #self.checkout, #self.remove ], 15, 3, 1, 'left') urwid.WidgetWrap.__init__(self,