import sys from typing import List, Union import click import requests from ..StreamResponseHandler import StreamResponseHandler from ..operation_strings import descriptions as op_desc class Abort(click.ClickException): """Abort silently.""" def __init__(self, exit_code=1): super().__init__('') self.exit_code = exit_code def show(self): pass class CLIStreamResponseHandler(StreamResponseHandler): def __init__(self, operations: List[str]): super().__init__() self.operations = operations self.idx = 0 def handle_non_200(self, resp: requests.Response): click.echo('An error occurred:') click.echo(resp.text.rstrip()) raise Abort() def begin(self): click.echo(op_desc[self.operations[0]] + '... ', nl=False) def handle_aborted(self, err_msg: str): click.echo('ABORTED', fg='red')) click.echo('The transaction was rolled back.') click.echo('The error was: ' + err_msg) click.echo('Please check the ceod logs.') sys.exit(1) def handle_completed(self): click.echo('Transaction successfully completed.') def _go_to_next_op(self): """ Increment the operation index and print the next operation, if there is one. """ self.idx += 1 if self.idx < len(self.operations): click.echo(op_desc[self.operations[self.idx]] + '... ', nl=False) def handle_successful_operation(self): click.echo('Done', fg='green')) self._go_to_next_op() def handle_failed_operation(self, err_msg: Union[str, None]): click.echo('Failed', fg='red')) if err_msg is not None: click.echo(' Error message: ' + err_msg) self._go_to_next_op() def handle_skipped_operation(self): click.echo('Skipped') self._go_to_next_op() def handle_unrecognized_operation(self, operation: str): click.echo('Unrecognized operation: ' + operation)