from base64 import b64encode import datetime import hashlib import hmac import ipaddress import json import os import re from typing import Dict, List from urllib.parse import quote import requests from zope import component from zope.interface import implementer from .VHostManager import VHostManager from ceo_common.errors import CloudStackAPIError, InvalidDomainError, InvalidIPError from ceo_common.logger_factory import logger_factory from ceo_common.interfaces import ICloudService, IConfig, IUser, ILDAPService, \ IMailService from ceo_common.model import Term import ceo_common.utils as utils logger = logger_factory(__name__) @implementer(ICloudService) class CloudService: VALID_DOMAIN_RE = re.compile(r'^(?:[0-9a-z-]+\.)+[a-z]+$') def __init__(self): cfg = component.getUtility(IConfig) self.api_key = cfg.get('cloudstack_api_key') self.secret_key = cfg.get('cloudstack_secret_key') self.base_url = cfg.get('cloudstack_base_url') self.members_domain = 'Members' self.vhost_mgr = VHostManager( vhost_dir=cfg.get('cloud vhosts_config_dir'), ssl_cert_path=cfg.get('cloud vhosts_ssl_cert_path'), ssl_key_path=cfg.get('cloud vhosts_ssl_key_path'), ) self.max_vhosts_per_account = cfg.get('cloud vhosts_max_vhosts_per_account') self.vhost_domain = cfg.get('cloud vhosts_members_domain') self.vhost_ip_min = ipaddress.ip_address(cfg.get('cloud vhosts_ip_range_min')) self.vhost_ip_max = ipaddress.ip_address(cfg.get('cloud vhosts_ip_range_max')) state_dir = '/run/ceod' if not os.path.isdir(state_dir): os.mkdir(state_dir) self.pending_deletions_file = os.path.join(state_dir, 'cloudstack_pending_account_deletions.json') def _create_url(self, params: Dict[str, str]) -> str: # See if 'apiKey' not in params and 'apikey' not in params: params['apiKey'] = self.api_key params['response'] = 'json' request_str = '&'.join( key + '=' + quote(val) for key, val in params.items() ) sig_str = '&'.join( key.lower() + '=' + quote(val).lower() for key, val in sorted(params.items()) ) sig =, sig_str.encode(), hashlib.sha1).digest() encoded_sig = b64encode(sig).decode() url = self.base_url + '?' + request_str + '&signature=' + quote(encoded_sig) return url def _get_domain_id(self, domain_name: str) -> str: url = self._create_url({ 'command': 'listDomains', 'details': 'min', 'name': domain_name, }) resp = requests.get(url) resp.raise_for_status() d = resp.json()['listdomainsresponse'] assert d['count'] == 1, 'there should be one domain found' return d['domain'][0]['id'] def _get_all_accounts(self, domain_id: str) -> List[Dict]: url = self._create_url({ 'command': 'listAccounts', 'domainid': domain_id, 'details': 'min', }) resp = requests.get(url) resp.raise_for_status() d = resp.json()['listaccountsresponse'] if 'account' not in d: # The API returns an empty dict if there are no accounts return [] return d['account'] def _delete_account(self, account_id: str): url = self._create_url({ 'command': 'deleteAccount', 'id': account_id, }) resp = resp.raise_for_status() def create_account(self, user: IUser): domain_id = self._get_domain_id(self.members_domain) url = self._create_url({ 'command': 'ldapCreateAccount', 'accounttype': '0', 'domainid': domain_id, 'username': user.uid, }) resp = d = resp.json()['createaccountresponse'] if not resp.ok: raise CloudStackAPIError(d['errortext']) def purge_accounts(self) -> Dict: accounts_deleted = [] accounts_to_be_deleted = [] result = { 'accounts_deleted': accounts_deleted, 'accounts_to_be_deleted': accounts_to_be_deleted, } current_term = Term.current() beginning_of_term = current_term.to_datetime() now = utils.get_current_datetime() delta = now - beginning_of_term if delta.days < 30: # one-month grace period return result ldap_srv = component.getUtility(ILDAPService) mail_srv = component.getUtility(IMailService) domain_id = self._get_domain_id(self.members_domain) accounts = self._get_all_accounts(domain_id) if os.path.isfile(self.pending_deletions_file): state = json.load(open(self.pending_deletions_file)) last_check = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(state['timestamp']) delta = now - last_check if delta.days < 7: logger.debug( 'Skipping account purge because less than one week has ' 'passed since the warning emails were sent out' ) accounts_to_be_deleted.extend(state['accounts_to_be_deleted']) return result username_to_account_id = { account['name']: account['id'] for account in accounts } for username in state['accounts_to_be_deleted']: if username not in username_to_account_id: continue user = ldap_srv.get_user(username) if user.membership_is_valid(): continue account_id = username_to_account_id[username] self._delete_account(account_id) self.vhost_mgr.delete_all_vhosts_for_user(username) accounts_deleted.append(username) mail_srv.send_cloud_account_has_been_deleted_message(user)'Deleted cloud account for {username}') os.unlink(self.pending_deletions_file) return result state = { 'timestamp': int(now.timestamp()), 'accounts_to_be_deleted': accounts_to_be_deleted, } for account in accounts: username = account['name'] account_id = account['id'] user = ldap_srv.get_user(username) if user.membership_is_valid(): continue accounts_to_be_deleted.append(username) mail_srv.send_cloud_account_will_be_deleted_message(user) f'A warning email was sent to {username} because their ' 'cloud account will be deleted' ) if accounts_to_be_deleted: json.dump(state, open(self.pending_deletions_file, 'w')) return result def _is_valid_domain(self, username: str, domain: str) -> bool: subdomain = username + '.' + self.vhost_domain if not (domain == subdomain or domain.endswith('.' + subdomain)): return False if self.VALID_DOMAIN_RE.match(domain) is None: return False if len(domain) > 80: return False return True def _is_valid_ip_address(self, ip_address: str) -> bool: try: addr = ipaddress.ip_address(ip_address) except ValueError: return False return self.vhost_ip_min <= addr <= self.vhost_ip_max def create_vhost(self, username: str, domain: str, ip_address: str): if self.vhost_mgr.get_num_vhosts(username) >= self.max_vhosts_per_account: raise Exception(f'Only {self.max_vhosts_per_account} vhosts ' 'allowed per account') if not self._is_valid_domain(username, domain): raise InvalidDomainError() if not self._is_valid_ip_address(ip_address): raise InvalidIPError() self.vhost_mgr.create_vhost(username, domain, ip_address) def delete_vhost(self, username: str, domain: str): if not self._is_valid_domain(username, domain): raise InvalidDomainError() self.vhost_mgr.delete_vhost(username, domain) def get_vhosts(self, username: str) -> List[Dict]: return self.vhost_mgr.get_vhosts(username)