import sys, ldap from getpass import getpass import ceo.urwid.main import ceo.console.main from ceo import ldapi, members, library def start(): try: print "Reading config file...", #XXX this should really all be done through one big config file members.configure() library.configure() print "read." print "Connecting to LDAP..." members.connect(AuthCallback()) if len(sys.argv) == 1: ceo.urwid.main.start() else: ceo.console.main.start() except ldap.LOCAL_ERROR, e: print ldapi.format_ldaperror(e) except ldap.INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS, e: print ldapi.format_ldaperror(e) print "You probably aren't permitted to do whatever you just tried." print "Admittedly, ceo probably shouldn't have crashed either." class AuthCallback: def callback(self, error): try: print "Password: ", return getpass("") except KeyboardInterrupt: print "" sys.exit(1)