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Terms Routines
This module contains functions for manipulating terms, such as determining
the current term, finding the next or previous term, converting dates to
terms, and more.
import time, datetime, re
# year to count terms from
EPOCH = 1970
# seasons list
SEASONS = [ 'w', 's', 'f' ]
def validate(term):
Determines whether a term is well-formed.
term - the term string
Returns: whether the term is valid (boolean)
Example: validate("f2006") -> True
regex = '^[wsf][0-9]{4}$'
return re.match(regex, term) is not None
def parse(term):
"""Helper function to convert a term string to the number of terms
since the epoch. Such numbers are intended for internal use only."""
if not validate(term):
raise Exception("malformed term: %s" % term)
year = int( term[1:] )
season = SEASONS.index( term[0] )
return (year - EPOCH) * len(SEASONS) + season
def generate(term):
"""Helper function to convert a year and season to a term string."""
year = int(term / len(SEASONS)) + EPOCH
season = term % len(SEASONS)
return "%s%04d" % ( SEASONS[season], year )
def next(term):
Returns the next term. (convenience function)
term - the term string
Retuns: the term string of the following term
Example: next("f2006") -> "w2007"
return add(term, 1)
def previous(term):
Returns the previous term. (convenience function)
term - the term string
Returns: the term string of the preceding term
Example: previous("f2006") -> "s2006"
return add(term, -1)
def add(term, offset):
Calculates a term relative to some base term.
term - the base term
offset - the number of terms since term (may be negative)
Returns: the term that comes offset terms after term
return generate(parse(term) + offset)
def delta(initial, final):
Calculates the distance between two terms.
It should be true that add(a, delta(a, b)) == b.
initial - the base term
final - the term at some offset from the base term
Returns: the offset of final relative to initial
return parse(final) - parse(initial)
def compare(first, second):
Compares two terms. This function is suitable
for use with list.sort().
first - base term for comparison
second - term to compare to
Returns: > 0 (if first > second)
= 0 (if first == second)
< 0 (if first < second)
return delta(second, first)
def interval(base, count):
Returns a list of adjacent terms.
base - the first term in the interval
count - the number of terms to include
Returns: a list of count terms starting with initial
Example: interval('f2006', 3) -> [ 'f2006', 'w2007', 's2007' ]
terms = []
for num in xrange(count):
terms.append( add(base, num) )
return terms
def tstamp(timestamp):
"""Helper to convert seconds since the epoch
to terms since the epoch."""
# let python determine the month and year
date =
# determine season
if date.month <= 4:
season = SEASONS.index('w')
elif date.month <= 8:
season = SEASONS.index('s')
season = SEASONS.index('f')
return (date.year - EPOCH) * len(SEASONS) + season
def from_timestamp(timestamp):
Converts a number of seconds since
the epoch to a number of terms since
the epoch.
This function notes that:
timestamp - number of seconds since the epoch
Returns: the number of terms since the epoch
Example: from_timestamp(1166135779) -> 'f2006'
return generate( tstamp(timestamp) )
def curr():
"""Helper to determine the current term."""
return tstamp( time.time() )
def current():
Determines the current term.
Returns: current term
Example: current() -> 'f2006'
return generate( curr() )
def next_unregistered(registered):
Find the first future or current unregistered term.
Intended as the 'default' for registrations.
registered - a list of terms a member is registered for
Returns: the next unregistered term
# get current term number
now = curr()
# never registered -> current term is next
if len( registered) < 1:
return generate( now )
# return the first unregistered, or the current term (whichever is greater)
return generate(max([max(map(parse, registered))+1, now]))
### Tests ###
if __name__ == '__main__':
from ceo.test import test, assert_equal, success
test(parse); assert_equal(110, parse('f2006')); success()
test(generate); assert_equal('f2006', generate(110)); success()
test(next); assert_equal('w2007', next('f2006')); success()
test(previous); assert_equal('s2006', previous('f2006')); success()
test(delta); assert_equal(1, delta('f2006', 'w2007')); success()
test(compare); assert_equal(-1, compare('f2006', 'w2007')); success()
test(add); assert_equal('w2010', add('f2006', delta('f2006', 'w2010'))); success()
test(interval); assert_equal(['f2006', 'w2007', 's2007'], interval('f2006', 3)); success()
test(from_timestamp); assert_equal('f2006', from_timestamp(1166135779)); success()
test(current); assert_equal(True, parse( current() ) >= 110 ); success()
assert_equal( next(current()), next_unregistered([ current() ]))
assert_equal( current(), next_unregistered([]))
assert_equal( current(), next_unregistered([ previous(current()) ]))
assert_equal( current(), next_unregistered([ add(current(), -2) ]))