
117 lines
3.7 KiB

export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
# The IMAGE__ functions should be called when building the image.
# The CONTAINER__ functions should be called when running an instance of the
# image in a container.
IMAGE__auth_setup() {
apt install -y --no-install-recommends libnss-ldapd
service nslcd stop || true
mkdir -p /etc/ldap
cp .drone/ldap.conf /etc/ldap/ldap.conf
grep -Eq '^map group member uniqueMember$' /etc/nslcd.conf || \
echo 'map group member uniqueMember' >> /etc/nslcd.conf
sed -E -i 's/^uri .*$/uri ldap:\/\/auth1.csclub.internal/' /etc/nslcd.conf
sed -E -i 's/^base .*$/base dc=csclub,dc=internal/' /etc/nslcd.conf
cp .drone/nsswitch.conf /etc/nsswitch.conf
apt install -y krb5-user libpam-krb5 libsasl2-modules-gssapi-mit
cp .drone/krb5.conf /etc/krb5.conf
IMAGE__common_setup() {
apt update
# netcat is used for synchronization between the containers
apt install -y netcat-openbsd
IMAGE__ceod_setup() {
# ceod uses Augeas, which is not installed by default in the Python
# Docker container
apt install -y libaugeas0
CONTAINER__fix_resolv_conf() {
# don't resolve container names to *real* CSC machines
sed -E 's/([[:alnum:]-]+\.)*uwaterloo\.ca//g' /etc/resolv.conf > /tmp/resolv.conf
# remove empty 'search' lines, if we created them
sed -E -i '/^search[[:space:]]*$/d' /tmp/resolv.conf
# also remove the 'rotate' option, since this can cause the Docker DNS server
# to be circumvented
sed -E -i '/^options.*\brotate/d' /tmp/resolv.conf
# we can't replace /etc/resolv.conf using 'mv' because it's mounted into the container
cp /tmp/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
rm /tmp/resolv.conf
CONTAINER__auth_setup() {
local hostname=$1
sync_with auth1
service nslcd start
rm -f /etc/krb5.keytab
cat <<EOF | kadmin -p sysadmin/admin -w krb5
addprinc -randkey host/$hostname.csclub.internal
addprinc -randkey ceod/$hostname.csclub.internal
ktadd host/$hostname.csclub.internal
ktadd ceod/$hostname.csclub.internal
CONTAINER__ceod_setup() {
# normally systemd creates /run/ceod for us
mkdir -p /run/ceod
# mock out systemctl
ln -sf /bin/true /usr/local/bin/systemctl
# mock out
mkdir -p /root/
ln -sf /bin/true /root/
# mock out kubectl
cp .drone/mock_kubectl /usr/local/bin/kubectl
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl
# add k8s authority certificate
mkdir -p /etc/csc
cp .drone/k8s-authority.crt /etc/csc/k8s-authority.crt
# openssl is actually already present in the python Docker image,
# so we don't need to mock it out
# Common utility functions
get_ip_addr() {
# There appears to be a bug in newer versions of Podman where using both
# --name and --hostname causes a container to have two identical DNS
# entries, which causes `getent hosts` to print two lines.
# So we use `head -n 1` to select just the first line.
getent hosts $1 | head -n 1 | cut -d' ' -f1
add_fqdn_to_hosts() {
local ip_addr=$1
local hostname=$2
sed -E "/${ip_addr}.*\\b${hostname}\\b/d" /etc/hosts > /tmp/hosts
# we can't replace /etc/hosts using 'mv' because it's mounted into the container
cp /tmp/hosts /etc/hosts
rm /tmp/hosts
echo "$ip_addr $hostname.csclub.internal $hostname" >> /etc/hosts
sync_with() {
local host=$1
local port=9000
local synced=false
# give it 20 minutes (can be slow if you're using e.g. NFS or Ceph)
for i in {1..240}; do
if nc -vz $host $port ; then
sleep 5
test $synced = true