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This directory contains an experimental self-service web portal for CSC members to use. It is an alternative to the ceo TUI. Currently it is only meant to be used by general members, but in the future it may be extended to be used by syscom/office members as well.

Implemented APIs:

  • Password reset
  • Change login shell
  • Change forwarding addresses
  • Show membership terms


Make sure the Docker containers for ceo are running. Build the "web" executable on the host, then run it in the phosphoric-acid container:

# Don't use cgo because the glibc version in the container will likely be
# older than the one on the host
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -o ceod-web
docker-compose exec phosphoric-acid bash
cd web
./ceod-web -c dev.json

The application will listen on a Unix socket. In production, it expects to receive ADFS information from Apache, which is acting as a reverse proxy. In development, we will use our own proxy instead:

# On the host
go run scripts/proxy.go -s app.sock -u ctdalek -f Calum

Now you should be able to visit http://localhost:9988 in your browser.

NOTE: If you are not accessing the website via "localhost" (e.g. you are using some custom proxy setup), then you need to modify the value of "app_url" in dev.json. The app_url value must be equal to the base URL which you enter in your browser's address bar, otherwise the cookie domain will not match.

You can change the -u (username) and -f (first name) arguments to the proxy.go program to simulate a different user. See the .drone/data.ldif file in the parent directory to see all mock users.

Templates and static assets

In development, the templated views and static assets will be loaded from the internal/views and internal/static folders, respectively. Unfortunately I think that the Echo framework caches those files internally so you will need to restart the app process if you modify them.


By default, no emails will be sent; they will only be printed to stdout. To send real emails, add these fields to the dev.json (replace your_username):

  "mta": "",
  "forced_email_recipient": ""

This will send all of the emails to your email address (the To header will still be preserved, however).


# On the host
CGO_ENABLED=0 go test -c -o test ./tests
# In the container
./test -test.v


Apache configuration on caffeine:

Redirect permanent /ceo /ceo/
<Location /ceo/ >
  Include snippets/adfs-require-auth.conf
  Include snippets/adfs-set-headers.conf
  ProxyPass        "unix:/run/ceod-web/app.sock|http://ceod-web/"
  ProxyPassReverse "unix:/run/ceod-web/app.sock|http://ceod-web/"