//#!/usr/bin/rdmd import std.stdio, std.path, std.process, std.file, std.array, std.string, std.algorithm, std.datetime, std.ascii, std.regex; import config; string dweb_root; string[string] template_variables; string[string] headers; string write_link(string to, bool expand) { bool isdir = dirExists(dweb_root ~ "/srv/" ~ to[url_root.length..$]); string result = ""; result ~= ""; result ~= "" ~ baseName(to) ~ /* (isdir ? "/" : "") ~ */ ""; result ~= ""; return result; } string nav_tree_r(string url, string cur_loc, string[] subdirs) { string result = ""; string[] dirs = array(map!"a.name"(dirEntries(dweb_root ~ "/srv/" ~ cur_loc, SpanMode.shallow))); sort(dirs); if (dirs.length == 0) return ""; bool inserted_ul = false; bool next = false; string next_loc; foreach(string s; dirs) { s= s[(dweb_root ~ "/srv/").length..$]; string name = stripExtension(baseName(s)); if (name.length == 0) continue; // e.g. ".md", should we do something else with these files? if (name == "index") continue; // "index" will never appear in the nav_tree. if (name[0] == '@') continue; // hidden file if (!inserted_ul) { result ~= ""; if (next) result ~= nav_tree_r(url, next_loc, subdirs[1..$]); return result; } string do_nav_tree(string url) { return nav_tree_r(url, "", cast(string[])array(pathSplitter(url))); } string not_found(string path) { headers["Status"] = "404 Not Found"; return "The page " ~ path ~ " does not exist. (404)"; } bool dirExists(string path) { try { if (isDir(path)) return true; else return false; } catch (Exception e) { return false; } } string do_content(string url) { // first, see if we have something that wants to handle url outright foreach (StaticRegex!char reg, string h; handlers) { if (match(url, reg)) { return shell(dweb_root ~ "/bin/" ~ h ~ " " ~ url); } } // if that failed, see if we can handle the file if (url == "" ? true : url[$-1] == '/') url ~= "index"; foreach (f; array(map!"a.name"(dirEntries(dirName(dweb_root ~ "/srv/" ~ url), SpanMode.shallow)))) { if (isDir(f)) continue; string name = baseName(f); name = name[0] == '@' ? name[1..$] : name; if (stripExtension(name) == baseName(url)) { foreach (StaticRegex!char reg, string h; handlers) { if (match(name, reg)) { return shell(dweb_root ~ "/bin/" ~ h ~ " " ~ f); } } } } if (baseName(url) != "index") return not_found(url); return ""; } bool evil(string s) { foreach(char c; s) if (!isAlphaNum(c) && c != '/' && c != '-' && c != '_') return true; return false; } string simple_template(string text, string[string] vars) { return std.regex.replace!((match) { return vars[match[1]]; })(text, regex("\\{\\{\\s*(\\w+)\\s*\\}\\}", "g")); } void send_headers() { foreach (header, header_body; headers) { writefln("%s: %s", header, header_body); } writeln(); } void main(string[] args) { init_handlers(); dweb_root = getcwd()[0..$-4]; // take out bin/ headers["Content-Type"] = "text/html; charset=UTF-8"; string url = getenv("REQUEST_URI")[url_root.length..$]; if (evil(url)) { headers["Status"] = "400 Bad Request"; send_headers(); writeln("bad url."); return; } string pagename = baseName(url); if (pagename.length != 0) pagename = " - " ~ pagename; pagename = site_title ~ pagename; template_variables["url_root"] = url_root; template_variables["site_title"] = site_title; template_variables["site_subtitle"] = site_subtitle; template_variables["pagename"] = pagename; template_variables["nav_tree"] = do_nav_tree(url); template_variables["content"] = do_content(url); send_headers(); string default_template = readText(dweb_root ~ "/templates/default.html"); write(simple_template(default_template, template_variables)); }