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| Chirpy! v0.3 2007-02-09 |
* Added statistics page
* Users can now revert their vote if, for example, they accidentally clicked
on the wrong link
* Now keeping (and displaying) vote counts per quote
* Radically changed order of top and bottom quotes, by introducing quote
scores: score = (positive votes + 1) / (negative votes + 1), as suggested by
sp3000 at irc.mozilla.org #bs on 2006-10-28
* Added metadata-based logging, including search
* Made rating and reporting links use POST instead of GET and added
intermediate confirmation page for non-AJAX users
* Added microsummaries
* You can now edit quotes before approving them
* Added wildcard searching
* Made tag cloud ignore unapproved quotes
* Tag cloud can now use logarithmic calculation, to make tag use distribution
appear more even
* Added dynamic tag cloud pruning based on number of quotes
* Administrative interface now only displays tabs that are available
* Improved and simplified captcha support; added preliminary support for
GD::SecurityImage as an alternative for Authen::Captcha; to enable captchas,
simply webapp.captcha_provider=Authen_Captcha should suffice
* Made pages point to their own feeds instead of QotW (where applicable)
* Added description field in chirpy.ini, for use in feeds
* Made quote titles in feeds more meaningful
* Put page title in feed title instead of subtitle
* Improved feed modification detection
* Made templates use HTML::Template's caching feature, which is pretty fast
* Template parameters are now global, which means you can include parameters
from outside a loop
* Renamed template parameters for search form; they are now always available
and the default theme includes a search form with search results
* Optimized template parsing a little
* Moved administration-related subs to a separate class, speeding up non-admin
pages somewhat
* Extended quick style linking method: <> is now omitted and link text can be
changed by separating it from URL by whitespace, e.g.
Surf to <http://chirpy.sourceforge.net/ The Chirpy! web site>!
* Simplified RSS feed: using HTML in <description> and removing
<content:encoded> and <xhtml:body>, making feedvalidator.org like it more
* Added tags as categories in feeds
* Made check for expired sessions a lot faster
* News body on start page is now divided into paragraphs; opening and closing
tag are included, so update your templates
* Bugfix: live rating no longer throws a JavaScript error in IE
* Bugfix: quote rating up log entry now includes quote ID (#1493589)
* Just for fun, quote IDs can now be in binary and hex notation too, as per
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| Chirpy! v0.2 2006-05-02 |
* Fixed SQL injection vulnerabilities
* Fixed logging of author when editing or removing news items (#1289047)
* Added on-the-fly gzip compression to Chirpy::UI::WebApp--webapp.enable_gzip=1
in your configuration file enables it
* Added optional captcha image to Chirpy::UI::WebApp's quote submission page
* Added quote tagging
* Made search query Google-style and added tag: prefix for searching for quotes
with a certain tag
* Made top and bottom quotes browsable
* Added periodic update check (site owners only)
* Made ui.quotes_per_page apply to random, top and bottom quotes instead of
individual setting per page type
* Added webapp.quotes_per_feed to set maximum number of quotes in feeds
* Made Atom 1.0 feed valid by adding feed ID and webmaster name. Webmaster name
must be configured as webapp.webmaster_name
* Added quote_count method to Chirpy::DataManager and APPROVED_QUOTE_COUNT,
* Added mass quote approval and unflagging to Chirpy::UI::WebApp's
administration section
* Changed Chirpy::DataManager's API so add_* methods set IDs
* Added option to automatically turn URLs and e-mail addresses in quotes into
* Made Chirpy::UI::WebApp escape all e-mail addresses to prevent spam
* Made Chirpy::UI::WebApp replace sequences of whitespaces with &#xA0; instead
of &nbsp;, so the Atom feed remains valid
* Made quote reporting require session information to prevent false positives
from crawlers
* Fixed sub account_count in Chirpy::DataManager::MySQL; removing accounts now
works again
* Optimized fetching single quote in Chirpy::DataManager::MySQL
* Made Chirpy::UI::WebApp::Session automatically remove expired sessions every
24 hours; util/remove_expired_sessions.pl is now obsolete
* Fixed US English (and Dutch) locale: quote_submission_thanks_administrator is
now quote_submission_thanks_no_approval
* Extended feed templates with a couple of variables and added rating and
report URLs as well as notes to the default templates
* Replaced feed templates' CSS with legacy HTML
* Cosmetic fixes to Chirpy::UI::WebApp's live rating system
* Mentioned Chirpy::UI::WebApp::Session::DataManager in Chirpy::DataManager's
* Cosmetic fix in Account Manager: space after New Account
* Replaced table for vertical split on start page with divs
* No longer overriding old onunload function in style switcher
* Added some debugging features
* Added changelog.txt
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| Chirpy! v0.1 2005-09-12 |
* First official release