
962 lines
35 KiB

# Chirpy! 0.3, a quote management system #
# Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Tim De Pauw <ceetee@users.sourceforge.net> #
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it #
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free #
# Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) #
# any later version. #
# #
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or #
# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for #
# more details. #
# #
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along #
# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 #
# Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA #
# $Id:: Administration.pm 305 2007-02-09 01:06:56Z ceetee $ #
=head1 NAME
Chirpy::UI::WebApp::Administration - Administration-section related routines
of L<Chirpy::UI::WebApp>
=head1 TODO
Make this template-based and avoid inline calls to parents.
=head1 AUTHOR
Tim De Pauw E<lt>ceetee@users.sourceforge.netE<gt>
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Chirpy::UI::WebApp>, L<Chirpy::UI>, L<Chirpy>,
Copyright 2005-2007 Tim De Pauw. All rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A
PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
package Chirpy::UI::WebApp::Administration;
use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw($VERSION);
$VERSION = '0.3';
use Chirpy 0.3;
use Chirpy::UI::WebApp 0.3;
use Chirpy::Event 0.3;
sub new {
my ($class, $parent) = @_;
return bless { 'parent' => $parent }, $class;
sub parent {
my $self = shift;
return $self->{'parent'};
sub output {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $event_log_allowed = $self->parent()->administration_allowed(
if ($event_log_allowed && $self->parent()->_wants_xml()) {
my $template = $self->parent()->_load_template('administration');
my $locale = $self->parent()->locale();
my ($upd_url, $upd_text);
if (my $update = $self->parent()->{'available_update'}) {
=> &_text_to_xhtml($locale->get_string('update_available')));
$template->param('UPDATE_AVAILABLE_TEXT' => &_text_to_xhtml(
$update->[0], $update->[1])));
=> &_text_to_xhtml($locale->get_string('update_link_text')));
$template->param('UPDATE_URL' => &_text_to_xhtml($update->[2]));
elsif (my $errmsg = $self->parent()->{'update_check_error'}) {
=> &_text_to_xhtml($locale->get_string('update_check_failed')));
$template->param('UPDATE_CHECK_FAILED_TEXT' => &_text_to_xhtml(
=> &_text_to_xhtml($errmsg));
'PAGE_TITLE' => &_text_to_xhtml(
'APPROVE_QUOTES' => &_text_to_xhtml(
=> sub { return $self->get_approve_quotes_html(%params) },
=> $self->parent()->administration_allowed(Chirpy::UI::MANAGE_UNAPPROVED_QUOTES),
=> sub { return $self->get_access_disallowed_html() },
'FLAGGED_QUOTES' => &_text_to_xhtml(
=> sub { return $self->get_flagged_quotes_html(%params) },
=> $self->parent()->administration_allowed(Chirpy::UI::MANAGE_FLAGGED_QUOTES),
=> sub { return $self->get_access_disallowed_html() },
'MANAGE_QUOTES' => &_text_to_xhtml(
=> sub { return $self->get_manage_quotes_html(%params) },
=> $self->parent()->administration_allowed(Chirpy::UI::EDIT_QUOTE)
&& $self->parent()->administration_allowed(Chirpy::UI::REMOVE_QUOTE),
=> sub { return $self->get_access_disallowed_html() },
'MANAGE_NEWS' => &_text_to_xhtml(
=> sub { return $self->get_manage_news_html(%params) },
=> $self->parent()->administration_allowed(Chirpy::UI::ADD_NEWS)
&& $self->parent()->administration_allowed(Chirpy::UI::EDIT_NEWS)
&& $self->parent()->administration_allowed(Chirpy::UI::REMOVE_NEWS),
=> sub { return $self->get_access_disallowed_html() },
'MANAGE_ACCOUNTS' => &_text_to_xhtml(
=> sub { return $self->get_manage_accounts_html(%params) },
=> $self->parent()->administration_allowed(Chirpy::UI::ADD_ACCOUNT)
&& $self->parent()->administration_allowed(Chirpy::UI::EDIT_ACCOUNT)
&& $self->parent()->administration_allowed(Chirpy::UI::REMOVE_ACCOUNT),
=> sub { return $self->get_access_disallowed_html() },
'VIEW_EVENT_LOG' => &_text_to_xhtml(
=> sub { return $self->get_event_log_html(%params) },
=> $event_log_allowed,
=> sub { return $self->get_access_disallowed_html() },
'CHANGE_PASSWORD' => &_text_to_xhtml(
=> sub { return $self->get_change_password_html(%params) },
'ACTION_IS_' . $self->parent()->_admin_action() => 1
sub get_approve_quotes_html {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $locale = $self->parent()->locale();
my $quotes = $self->parent()->parent()->get_unapproved_quotes();
if (defined $quotes) {
my $html = '<script type="text/javascript" src="'
. &_text_to_xhtml($self->parent()->_resources_url())
. '/js/administration.js"></script>' . $/
. '<form method="post" action="'
. $self->parent()->_url(
) . '">' . $/
. '<ul id="unapproved-quotes-list" class="quote-list">' . $/;
foreach my $quote (@$quotes) {
my $id = $quote->get_id();
my $notes = $quote->get_notes();
my $tags = $quote->get_tags();
$html .= '<li>' . $/
. '<div class="quote-container">' . $/
. '<h3 class="quote-header">'
. '<span class="quote-id">#' . $quote->get_id() . '</span> '
. ($self->parent()->moderation_queue_is_public()
? '<span class="quote-rating">'
. Chirpy::Util::format_quote_rating($quote->get_rating())
. '</span>'
. '<span class="quote-vote-count">/<span>'
. $quote->get_vote_count()
. '</span></span> '
: '')
. '<span class="quote-date">'
. $self->parent()->format_date_time($quote->get_date_submitted())
. '</span>' . $/
. '<a href="javascript:editQuote(' . $id . ');" '
. 'class="quote-edit" id="quote-edit-' . $id . '">['
. &_text_to_xhtml($locale->get_string('edit'))
. ']</a>'
. '</h3>' . $/
. '<div class="quote-data" id="quote-data-' . $id . '">' . $/
. '<blockquote class="quote-body">' . $/
. '<p id="quote-body-' . $id . '">' . &_text_to_xhtml($quote->get_body())
. '</p>' . $/
. '</blockquote>' . $/
. (defined $notes || @$tags ?
'<div class="quote-footer">' . (defined $notes
? '<div class="quote-notes">' . $/
. '<p><em class="quote-notes-title">Notes:</em>' . $/
. '<span id="quote-notes-' . $id . '">'
. &_text_to_xhtml($notes)
. '</span></p>' . $/
. '</div>' . $/
: '')
. (@$tags
? '<div class="quote-tags">' . $/
. '<p><em class="quote-tags-title">'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '</em>' . $/
. '<span id="quote-tags-' . $id . '">'
. &_text_to_xhtml(join(' ', @$tags))
. '</span></p>' . $/
. '</div>' . $/
: '')
. '</div>' : '')
. '</div>' . $/
. '</div>' . $/
. '<div class="approval-options">' . $/
. '<input type="radio" class="approve-do-nothing-rb" name="action_' . $id
. '" value="0" id="a' . $id . '-0" '
. 'checked="checked" /> <label '
. 'for="a' . $id . '-0">'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '</label>' . $/
. '<input type="radio" class="approve-rb" name="action_' . $id
. '" value="1" id="a' . $id . '-1" /> <label '
. 'for="a' . $id . '-1">'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '</label>' . $/
. '<input type="radio" class="discard-rb" name="action_' . $id
. '" value="2" id="a' . $id . '-2" /> <label '
. 'for="a' . $id . '-2">'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '</label>' . $/
. '</div>' . $/
. '</li>' . $/;
$html .= '</ul>' . $/
. '<div id="approve-submit-container">' . $/
. '<div id="mass-approve-container">' . $/
. '<input type="button" value="'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '" id="approve-all-button" onclick="if (confirm(\''
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '\')) { var a = document.getElementsByTagName(\'input\'); '
. 'for (var i = 0; i &lt; a.length; i++) '
. 'if (a[i].className == \'approve-rb\') a[i].checked = true; '
. 'submit(); }" />' . $/
. '<input type="button" value="'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '" id="discard-all-button" onclick="if (confirm(\''
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '\')) { var a = document.getElementsByTagName(\'input\'); '
. 'for (var i = 0; i &lt; a.length; i++) '
. 'if (a[i].className == \'discard-rb\') a[i].checked = true; '
. 'submit(); }" />' . $/
. '</div>' . $/
. '<input type="submit" value="'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '" id="approve-submit-button" />' . $/
. '<input type="reset" value="'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '" id="approve-reset-button" onclick="'
. 'var a = document.getElementsByTagName(\'input\'); '
. 'for (var i = 0; i &lt; a.length; i++) '
. 'if (a[i].className == \'approve-do-nothing-rb\') a[i].checked = true; '
. 'return false;" />' . $/
. '</div>' . $/
. '</form>';
return $html;
else {
return '<p>' . &_text_to_xhtml(
$locale->get_string('no_unapproved_quotes')) . '</p>';
sub get_flagged_quotes_html {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $locale = $self->parent()->locale();
my $quotes = $self->parent()->parent()->get_flagged_quotes();
if (defined $quotes) {
my $html = '<form method="post" action="'
. $self->parent()->_url(
) . '">' . $/
. '<ul id="flagged-quotes-list" class="quote-list">' . $/;
foreach my $quote (@$quotes) {
my $id = $quote->get_id();
my $notes = $quote->get_notes();
my $tags = $quote->get_tags();
$html .= '<li>' . $/
. '<div class="quote-container">' . $/
. '<h3 class="quote-header">'
. '<span class="quote-id">#' . $quote->get_id() . '</span> '
. '<span class="quote-rating">'
. Chirpy::Util::format_quote_rating($quote->get_rating())
. '</span>'
. '<span class="quote-vote-count">/<span>'
. $quote->get_vote_count()
. '</span></span> '
. '<span class="quote-date">'
. $self->parent()->format_date_time($quote->get_date_submitted())
. '</span>'
. '</h3>' . $/
. '<blockquote class="quote-body">' . $/
. '<p>' . &_text_to_xhtml($quote->get_body())
. '</p>' . $/
. '</blockquote>' . $/
. (defined $notes || @$tags ?
'<div class="quote-footer">' . (defined $notes
? '<div class="quote-notes">' . $/
. '<p><em class="quote-notes-title">'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '</em>' . $/
. &_text_to_xhtml($notes)
. '</p>' . $/
. '</div>' . $/
: '')
. (@$tags
? '<div class="quote-tags">' . $/
. '<p><em class="quote-tags-title">'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '</em>' . $/
. &_text_to_xhtml(join(' ', @$tags))
. '</p>' . $/
. '</div>' . $/
: '')
. '</div>' : '')
. '</div>' . $/
. '<div class="flag-options">' . $/
. '<input type="radio" name="action_' . $id
. '" value="0" id="a' . $id . '-0" '
. 'checked="checked" /> <label '
. 'for="a' . $id . '-0">'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '</label>' . $/
. '<input type="radio" class="keep-rb" name="action_' . $id
. '" value="1" id="a' . $id . '-1" /> <label '
. 'for="a' . $id . '-1">'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '</label>' . $/
. '<input type="radio" class="remove-rb" name="action_' . $id
. '" value="2" id="a' . $id . '-2" /> <label '
. 'for="a' . $id . '-2">'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '</label>' . $/
. '</div>' . $/
. '</li>' . $/;
$html .= '</ul>' . $/
. '<div id="flag-submit-container">' . $/
. '<div id="mass-unflag-container">' . $/
. '<input type="button" value="'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '" id="keep-all-button" onclick="if (confirm(\''
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '\')) { var a = document.getElementsByTagName(\'input\'); '
. 'for (var i = 0; i &lt; a.length; i++) '
. 'if (a[i].className == \'keep-rb\') a[i].checked = true; '
. 'submit(); }" />' . $/
. '<input type="button" value="'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '" id="discard-all-button" onclick="if (confirm(\''
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '\')) { var a = document.getElementsByTagName(\'input\'); '
. 'for (var i = 0; i &lt; a.length; i++) '
. 'if (a[i].className == \'remove-rb\') a[i].checked = true; '
. 'submit(); }" />' . $/
. '</div>' . $/
. '<input type="submit" value="'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '" id="flag-submit-button" />' . $/
. '<input type="reset" value="'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '" id="flag-reset-button" />' . $/
. '</div>' . $/
. '</form>';
return $html;
else {
return '<p>' . &_text_to_xhtml(
$locale->get_string('no_flagged_quotes')) . '</p>';
sub get_manage_quotes_html {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $locale = $self->parent()->locale();
if (my $quote = $params{'edit_quote'}) {
my $notes = $quote->get_notes();
my $tags = $quote->get_tags();
return '<div id="edit-quote-form">' . $/
. '<form method="post" action="'
. $self->parent()->_url(
'id' => $quote->get_id()
) . '"><div id="quote-container">' . $/
. '<label for="quote-field">'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '</label>' . $/
. '<textarea name="quote" id="quote-field"' . $/
. 'rows="8" cols="80">'
. Chirpy::Util::encode_xml_entities($quote->get_body())
. '</textarea></div>' . $/
. '<div id="notes-container">' . $/
. '<label for="notes-field">'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '</label>' . $/
. '<textarea name="notes" id="notes-field"' . $/
. 'rows="3" cols="80">'
. (defined $notes ? Chirpy::Util::encode_xml_entities($notes) : '')
. '</textarea></div>' . $/
. '<div id="tags-container">' . $/
. '<label for="tags-field">'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '</label>' . $/
. '<input type="text" name="tags" value="'
. (@$tags ? &_text_to_xhtml(join(' ', @$tags)) : '')
. '" id="tags-field" /></div>' . $/
. '<div id="edit-quote-submit-container">' . $/
. '<input type="submit" value="'
. &_text_to_xhtml($locale->get_string('save_quote'))
. '" id="edit-quote-submit-button" />' . $/
. '<input type="reset" value="'
. &_text_to_xhtml($locale->get_string('reset_form'))
. '" id="edit-quote-reset-button" />' . $/
. '</div></form></div>';
if (my $quote = $params{'confirm_quote_removal'}) {
my ($body, $notes, $tags) = $self->parent()->_format_quote($quote);
return '<div id="quote-removal-confirmation-form">' . $/
. '<form method="post" action="'
. $self->parent()->_url(
'id' => $quote->get_id()
) . '">' . $/
. '<p id="quote-removal-confirmation-request">'
. &_text_to_xhtml($locale->get_string('quote_removal_confirmation'))
. '</p>' . $/
. '<blockquote class="quote-body"><p>'
. $body . '</p></blockquote>' . $/
. '<div id="quote-removal-confirmation-submit-container">' . $/
. '<input type="submit" name="confirm" value="'
. &_text_to_xhtml($locale->get_string('remove_quote'))
. '" id="quote-removal-confirmation-submit-button" />' . $/
. '<input type="button" value="'
. &_text_to_xhtml($locale->get_string('cancel'))
. '" id="quote-removal-confirmation-cancel-button"'
. ' onclick="history.go(-1);" />' . $/
. '</div></form></div>';
my $result;
if ($params{'quote_removed'}) {
$result = $locale->get_string('quote_removed');
elsif ($params{'quote_to_edit_not_found'}) {
$result = $locale->get_string('quote_to_edit_not_found');
elsif ($params{'quote_to_remove_not_found'}) {
$result = $locale->get_string('quote_to_remove_not_found');
elsif ($params{'quote_modified'}) {
$result = $locale->get_string('quote_modified');
return (defined $result
? '<p id="manage-quotes-result">'
. &_text_to_xhtml($result) . '</p>'
: '')
. '<p id="manage-quote-instructions">'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '</p>' . $/
. '<div id="quick-manage-quote-form">' . $/
. '<form method="post" action="'
. $self->parent()->_url(undef, 1)
. '" onsubmit="return (!document.getElementById'
. '(\'quote-remove\').checked || confirm(&quot;'
. &_text_to_xhtml($locale->get_string(
. '&quot;))">' . $/
. '<div id="quick-manage-quote-id-container"><label' . $/
. 'for="quick-manage-quote-id-field">'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
$locale->get_string('quote_id_title')) . '</label>' . $/
. '<input name="id" id="quick-manage-quote-id-field" />' . $/
. '</div>' . $/
. '<div id="quick-manage-quote-options">' . $/
. '<input type="radio" name="admin_action" value="'
. Chirpy::UI::WebApp::ADMIN_ACTIONS->{'EDIT_QUOTE'} . '"' . $/
. 'id="quote-edit" checked="checked" /> <label for="quote-edit">'
. &_text_to_xhtml($locale->get_string('edit'))
. '</label>' . $/
. '<input type="radio" name="admin_action" value="'
. Chirpy::UI::WebApp::ADMIN_ACTIONS->{'REMOVE_QUOTE'} . '"' . $/
. 'id="quote-remove" /> <label for="quote-remove">'
. &_text_to_xhtml($locale->get_string('remove'))
. '</label></div>' . $/
. '<div id="quick-manage-quote-submit">'
. '<input type="submit" value="'
. &_text_to_xhtml($locale->get_string('go'))
. '&rarr;" /></div>' . $/
. '</form></div>';
sub get_manage_news_html {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $locale = $self->parent()->locale();
if (my $item = $params{'edit_news_item'}) {
my $html = '<div id="edit-news-item-form">' . $/
. '<form method="post" action="'
. $self->parent()->_url(
'id' => $item->get_id())
. '">' . $/
. '<div id="news-item-container">' . $/
. '<textarea name="body" id="news-item-field"' . $/
. 'rows="8" cols="80">'
. Chirpy::Util::encode_xml_entities($item->get_body())
. '</textarea></div>' . $/
. '<div id="news-item-poster-container">' . $/
. '<label for="news-item-poster-select">'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '</label>' . $/
. '<select name="poster" id="news-item-poster-select">' . $/
. '<option>('
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. ')</option>' . $/;
my $posters = $self->parent()->get_news_posters();
if (defined $posters) {
foreach my $account (@$posters) {
my $p = $item->get_poster();
my $level = $account->get_level();
$html .= '<option value="' . $account->get_id() . '"'
. (defined $p && $account->get_id() == $p->get_id()
? ' selected="selected"' : '')
. ' class="user-level-' . $level . '">'
. $account->get_username()
. ' &lt;' . $self->parent()->parent()->user_level_name($level)
. '&gt;</option>' . $/;
return $html . '</select>'
. '</div>' . $/
. '<div id="edit-news-item-submit-container">' . $/
. '<input type="submit" value="'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '" id="edit-news-item-submit-button" />' . $/
. '<input type="reset" value="'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '"' . $/
. 'id="edit-news-item-reset-button" />' . $/
. '</div></form></div>';
my $result;
if ($params{'news_item_added'}) {
$result = $locale->get_string('news_item_added');
elsif ($params{'news_item_modified'}) {
$result = $locale->get_string('news_item_modified');
elsif ($params{'news_item_to_edit_not_found'}) {
$result = $locale->get_string('news_item_to_edit_not_found');
elsif ($params{'news_item_removed'}) {
$result = $locale->get_string('news_item_removed');
elsif ($params{'news_item_to_remove_not_found'}) {
$result = $locale->get_string('news_item_to_remove_not_found');
return (defined $result
? '<p id="manage-news-items-result">'
. &_text_to_xhtml($result) . '</p>'
: '')
. '<div id="post-news-form">' . $/
. '<form method="post" action="'
. $self->parent()->_url(
) . '">' . $/
. '<div id="news-container">' . $/
. '<label for="news-field">'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '</label>' . $/
. '<textarea name="news" id="news-field" rows="8" cols="80">'
. '</textarea>' . $/
. '</div>' . $/
. '<div id="submit-news-container">' . $/
. '<input type="submit" value="'
. &_text_to_xhtml($locale->get_string('add_news_item'))
. '" id="submit-news-button" />' . $/
. '<input type="reset" value="'
. &_text_to_xhtml($locale->get_string('reset_form'))
. '" id="reset-news-button" />' . $/
. '</div>' . $/
. '</form>' . $/
. '</div>' . $/
. '<p id="news-instructions">'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '</p>';
sub get_manage_accounts_html {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $locale = $self->parent()->locale();
my $status_message;
if ($params{'account_to_modify_not_found'}) {
$status_message = $locale->get_string('account_to_modify_not_found');
elsif ($params{'account_to_remove_not_found'}) {
$status_message = $locale->get_string('account_to_remove_not_found');
elsif ($params{'last_owner_account_removal'}) {
$status_message = $locale->get_string(
elsif ($params{'modified_account_information_required'}) {
$status_message = $locale->get_string(
elsif ($params{'invalid_username'}) {
$status_message = $locale->get_string('invalid_username');
elsif ($params{'username_exists'}) {
$status_message = $locale->get_string('username_exists');
elsif ($params{'invalid_password'}) {
$status_message = $locale->get_string('invalid_password');
elsif ($params{'different_passwords'}) {
$status_message = $locale->get_string('different_passwords');
elsif ($params{'invalid_user_level'}) {
$status_message = $locale->get_string('invalid_user_level');
elsif ($params{'account_removed'}) {
$status_message = $locale->get_string('account_removed');
elsif ($params{'account_modified'}) {
$status_message = $locale->get_string('account_modified');
elsif ($params{'account_created'}) {
$status_message = $locale->get_string('account_created');
my $html = '<form method="post" action="'
. $self->parent()->_url(
) . '">' . $/
. '<div id="account-manager">' . $/
. '<div id="username-select-container">' . $/
. '<select name="id" id="username-select" size="16">' . $/
. '<option value="-1" id="username-new-user" selected="selected">'
. '&lt;&lt; '
. &_text_to_xhtml($locale->get_string('new_account'))
. ' &gt;&gt;</option>' . $/;
my $users = $self->parent()->parent()->get_accounts();
if (defined $users) {
foreach my $user (@$users) {
$html .= '<option value="' . $user->get_id()
. '" class="user-level-' . $user->get_level()
. '">' . $user->get_username() . ' &lt;'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '&gt;</option>' . $/;
$html .= '</select>' . $/
. '</div>' . $/
. '<div id="username-container">' . $/
. '<label for="username-field">'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '</label>' . $/
. '<input name="new_username" id="username-field" />' . $/
. '</div>' . $/
. '<div id="password-container">' . $/
. '<label for="password-field">'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '</label>' . $/
. '<input type="password" name="new_password" '
. 'id="password-field" />' . $/
. '</div>' . $/
. '<div id="repeat-password-container">' . $/
. '<label for="repeat-password-field">'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '</label>' . $/
. '<input type="password" name="new_password_repeat" '
. 'id="repeat-password-field" />' . $/
. '</div>' . $/
. '<div id="level-container">' . $/
. '<label for="level-select">'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '</label>' . $/
. '<select name="new_level" id="level-select" size="1">' . $/
. '<option value="-1" selected="selected">&lt;'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '&gt;</option>' . $/;
foreach my $level ($self->parent()->parent()->user_levels()) {
$html .= '<option value="' . $level . '" class="user-level-'
. $level . '">' . &_text_to_xhtml(
. ' &lt;' . $level . '&gt;</option>' . $/;
$html .= '</select>' . $/
. '</div>' . $/
. '<div id="account-submit-container">' . $/
. '<input type="submit" value="'
. &_text_to_xhtml($locale->get_string('update_accounts'))
. '" id="account-submit-button" />' . $/
. '<input type="submit" name="account_remove" value="'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '" id="modify-account-remove-button" onclick="return confirm(&quot;'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '&quot;)" />' . $/
. '</div>' . $/
. (defined $status_message
? '<div id="account-manager-result">' . $/
. &_text_to_xhtml($status_message)
. $/ . '</div>' . $/
: '')
. '</div>' . $/
. '<div style="clear: both;"></div>' . $/
. '</form>' . $/;
return $html;
sub get_event_log_html {
my $self = shift;
my $locale = $self->parent()->locale();
my $resurl = $self->parent()->_resources_url();
my $url = $self->parent()->_url(
$url .= ($url =~ /\?/ ? '&amp;' : '?');
my $html = '<script type="text/javascript" src="'
. $resurl . '/js/ajax.js"></script>' . $/
. '<script type="text/javascript" src="'
. $resurl . '/js/administration.js"></script>' . $/
. '<script type="text/javascript">' . $/
. 'var eventLogURL = "' . $url . '";' . $/
. 'var eventLogLocale = new Array();' . $/;
foreach my $col (qw(id date username event empty)) {
$html .= 'eventLogLocale["' . $col . '"] = "'
. &_text_to_xhtml($locale->get_string($col)) . '";' . $/;
$html .= 'eventLogLocale["previous"] = "' . &_text_to_xhtml(
$locale->get_string('webapp.previous_page_title')) . '";' . $/
. 'eventLogLocale["next"] = "' . &_text_to_xhtml(
$locale->get_string('webapp.next_page_title')) . '";' . $/
. 'eventLogLocale["current"] = "' . &_text_to_xhtml(
$locale->get_string('webapp.current_page_title')) . '";' . $/
. 'eventLogLocale["loading"] = "' . &_text_to_xhtml(
$locale->get_string('processing')) . '";' . $/
. 'eventLogLocale["guest"] = "' . &_text_to_xhtml(
$locale->get_string('guest')) . '";' . $/;
foreach my $id (qw/code data user asc/) {
my $val = $self->parent()->_cgi_param($id);
next unless (defined $val);
$html .= 'eventLogURLParam["' . $id . '"] = "'
. &_text_to_xhtml($val) . '";' . $/;
$html .= '</script>' . $/
. '<div id="event-log-placeholder"></div>';
return $html;
sub _serve_event_log_table_data {
my $self = shift;
my $locale = $self->parent()->locale();
my $count = $self->parent()->_cgi_param('count');
$count = (defined $count ? int $count : undef);
my $start = $self->parent()->_cgi_param('start');
$start = 0 unless (defined $start && $start >= 0);
my $desc = ($self->parent()->_cgi_param('asc') ? 0 : 1);
my $user = $self->parent()->_cgi_param('user');
$user = undef if (defined $user && $user !~ /^\d+$/);
my $event = $self->parent()->_cgi_param('code');
$event = undef if (defined $event && $event !~ /^\d+$/);
my $filter = $self->parent()->_cgi_param('data');
if (defined $filter && $filter =~ /^([^=]+)=(.*)$/s) {
$filter = { $1 => $2 };
else {
$filter = undef;
my ($events, $leading, $trailing) = $self->parent()->parent()->get_events(
$start, $count, $desc, $event, $user, $filter);
my @events = ();
foreach my $event (@$events) {
my $id = $event->get_id();
my $date = $self->parent()->format_date_time($event->get_date());
my $user = $event->get_user();
my $username;
if (defined $user) {
my $acct = $self->parent()->parent()->get_account_by_id($user);
if (defined $acct) {
$username = $acct->get_username();
my $description = &_text_to_xhtml($locale->get_string(
'event_' . $event->get_code() . '_name'));
my $data = $event->get_data();
my $result = {
'id' => $id,
'date' => $date,
(defined $username ? ('username' => $username) : ()),
'userid' => (defined $user ? $user : 0),
'description' => $description,
'code' => $event->get_code()
my @data = ();
foreach my $key (sort keys %$data) {
my $value = $data->{$key};
push @data, {
'name' => &_text_to_xhtml($key),
'value' => &_text_to_xhtml($value)
$result->{'data'} = \@data;
push @events, $result;
$self->parent()->_output_xml('result', {
'event' => \@events,
($leading ? ('leading' => 'true') : ()),
($trailing ? ('trailing' => 'true') : ())
sub get_access_disallowed_html {
my $self = shift;
return '<p id="insufficient-administrator-privileges-notification">'
. &_text_to_xhtml($self->parent()->locale()->get_string(
. '</p>';
sub get_change_password_html {
my ($self, %params) = @_;
my $locale = $self->parent()->locale();
if ($params{'password_changed'}) {
return '<div id="change-password-result">' . $/
. '<p>' . $locale->get_string('password_changed_text') . '</p>' . $/
. '</div>';
my $html = '';
if (my $error = $params{'password_change_error'}) {
$html = '<div id="change-password-error">' . $/ . '<p>'
. &_text_to_xhtml($locale->get_string(
$error == Chirpy::UI::NEW_PASSWORD_INVALID
? 'change_password_new_password_invalid_text'
: ($error == Chirpy::UI::PASSWORDS_DIFFER
? 'change_password_passwords_differ_text'
? 'change_password_current_password_invalid_text'
: undef))))
. '</p>' . $/ . '</div>' . $/;
return $html . '<div id="change-password-form">' . $/
. '<form method="post" action="'
. $self->parent()->_url(Chirpy::UI::WebApp::ADMIN_ACTIONS->{'CHANGE_PASSWORD'}, 1)
. '">' . $/
. '<div id="current-password-container">' . $/
. '<label for="current-password-field">'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '</label>' . $/
. '<input type="password" name="current_password" '
. 'id="current-password-field" />' . $/
. '</div>' . $/
. '<div id="new-password-container">' . $/
. '<label for="new-password-field">'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '</label>' . $/
. '<input type="password" name="new_password" '
. 'id="new-password-field" />' . $/
. '</div>' . $/
. '<div id="repeat-new-password-container">' . $/
. '<label for="repeat-new-password-field">'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '</label>' . $/
. '<input type="password" name="repeat_new_password" '
. 'id="repeat-new-password-field" />' . $/
. '</div>' . $/
. '<div id="submit-container">' . $/
. '<input type="submit" value="'
. &_text_to_xhtml(
. '" id="change-password-button" />' . $/
. '</div>' . $/
. '</form>' . $/
. '</div>';
*_text_to_xhtml = \&Chirpy::UI::WebApp::_text_to_xhtml;