
109 lines
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/* Use this mock data to showcase your components in the playground,
* or add your own data that fits your component's props
export const mockCategoricalData = [
category: "Roboto",
value: 88,
category: "Open Sans",
value: 16,
category: "Lato",
value: 14,
category: "Montserrat",
value: 73,
category: "Oswald",
value: 14,
category: "Source Sans Pro",
value: 8,
category: "Slabo 27px",
value: 41,
category: "Raleway",
value: 29,
export const moreMockCategoricalData = [
{ key: "Python", value: 29.53 },
{ key: "Java", value: 17.06 },
{ key: "JavaScript", value: 8.56 },
{ key: "C", value: 6.49 },
{ key: "Assembly", value: 6.31 },
{ key: "R", value: 5.83 },
{ key: "Objective C", value: 4.43 },
{ key: "Swift", value: 3.89 },
{ key: "PHP", value: 3.85 },
{ key: "Rust", value: 3.33 },
{ key: "Ruby", value: 3.25 },
{ key: "Matlab", value: 3.06 },
{ key: "TypeScript", value: 3.98 },
{ key: "Go", value: 3.85 },
{ key: "Haskell", value: 3.28 },
{ key: "VBA", value: 3.11 },
{ key: "Scala", value: 2.79 },
{ key: "Lua", value: 2.79 },
{ key: "Julia", value: 2.77 },
{ key: "Kotlin", value: 2.7 },
{ key: "Perl", value: 2.41 },
{ key: "Groovy", value: 2.4 },
{ key: "Abap", value: 2.24 },
{ key: "Cobol", value: 2.23 },
{ key: "Ada", value: 2.21 },
{ key: "Dart", value: 2.21 },
export const mockBoxPlotData = [
category: "1A",
min: 20,
firstQuartile: 25,
median: 30,
thirdQuartile: 80,
max: 100,
outliers: [],
category: "1B",
min: 0,
firstQuartile: 20,
median: 30,
thirdQuartile: 50,
max: 100,
outliers: [],
category: "2A",
min: 25,
firstQuartile: 35,
median: 50,
thirdQuartile: 90,
max: 100,
outliers: [],
export const mockQuoteData = [
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.",
"Sphinx of black quartz, judge my vow!",
"Pack my box with five dozen liquor jugs.",
export const mockQuoteDataLong = [
"Here, have some quotes of varying lengths, and see how they look.",
"Hello, world!",
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla in enim neque. Sed sit amet convallis tellus. Integer condimentum a felis id gravida. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nullam metus libero, sagittis in consectetur in, scelerisque sed sapien. Nullam ut feugiat sapien. Praesent dictum ac ipsum ac lacinia.",