MathSoc Capital Improvements Fund link leads to 404 #40

opened 2021-06-13 21:45:32 -04:00 by b38peng · 3 comments
b38peng commented 2021-06-13 21:45:32 -04:00 (Migrated from

Current link leads to a 404.

Current [link]( leads to a 404.
b38peng commented 2021-06-13 21:45:43 -04:00 (Migrated from

changed the description

changed the description
b38peng commented 2021-06-13 21:46:08 -04:00 (Migrated from

changed title from MathSoc Capital Improvements Fund link to MathSoc Capital Improvements Fund link{+ leads to 404+}

changed title from **MathSoc Capital Improvements Fund link** to **MathSoc Capital Improvements Fund link{+ leads to 404+}**
a3thakra added this to the Pre launch milestone 2021-07-11 16:26:27 -04:00
n3parikh was assigned by a3thakra 2021-07-19 22:02:37 -04:00

I looked around and couldn't find a working link, so I think we can just get of the link (but leave the text).

I looked around and couldn't find a working link, so I think we can just get of the link (but leave the text).
a3thakra referenced this issue from a commit 2021-08-13 05:31:34 -04:00
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Reference: www/www-new#40
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