Update codey images on /about and /team pages #81

opened 2021-07-05 12:05:18 -04:00 by d43su · 2 comments

On figma, the Get Involved page uses a different codey image for the header of the page on the mobile version of the website. Is this intended?

On figma, the Get Involved page uses a different codey image for the header of the page on the mobile version of the website. Is this intended?
a3thakra added this to the Pre launch milestone 2021-07-11 16:25:06 -04:00
a3thakra added the
label 2021-08-13 04:58:26 -04:00

It looks like Figma may have been updated since this issue was created, since these images seem to be the same:

However, it does look like there are small differences between the desktop/mobile header images for the About Us page as well as the Meet the Team page:

Would we still like to consult Design about this?

It looks like Figma may have been updated since this issue was created, since these images seem to be the same: ![image](/attachments/77a28d09-9fdc-4309-a7b6-bf48cc746110) ![image](/attachments/29d0beb6-4c07-4387-a20d-53040a0a7907) However, it does look like there are small differences between the desktop/mobile header images for the About Us page as well as the Meet the Team page: ![image](/attachments/1fa52e99-47e4-4eab-b08a-b5f3da4f7c0a) ![image](/attachments/a4894c75-775d-4fe0-a55a-3de85ea8d498) ![image](/attachments/2f173af1-376e-4e80-bc57-f6f4bb54e101) ![image](/attachments/8cf48d9f-5fb9-4418-b2c0-33467db5aed8) Would we still like to consult Design about this?

We should update the about us page and meet the team page images to match figma.

We should update the about us page and meet the team page images to match figma.
a3thakra changed title from Update mobile image for get involved page to Update codey images on /about and /team pages 2021-08-24 11:07:25 -04:00
a3thakra removed the
label 2021-08-25 15:14:25 -04:00
l42luo self-assigned this 2021-08-26 21:47:08 -04:00
a3thakra added the
In Progress
label 2021-08-27 23:45:14 -04:00
a3thakra self-assigned this 2021-08-27 23:45:27 -04:00
l42luo was unassigned by a3thakra 2021-08-27 23:45:27 -04:00
a3thakra referenced this issue from a commit 2021-08-28 13:05:42 -04:00
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Reference: www/www-new#81
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