Add a minimal README #218

a3thakra merged 1 commits from adi-basic-readme into main 2021-08-30 00:50:32 -04:00
- #128
a3thakra added 1 commit 2021-08-28 23:02:51 -04:00
Add a minimal README
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
- #128
a3thakra requested review from n3parikh 2021-08-28 23:03:14 -04:00
a258wang reviewed 2021-08-30 00:47:43 -04:00
@ -0,0 +18,4 @@
- `npm install` to install project dependencies
- `npm run build` to generate html/css/js
- `npm run export` to move the built files (along with assets in the public directory) to the `/out` directory
- Use your favourite web server to host the files in the `/out` directory. (A very simple one would be `python -m http.server` - not sure if it should actually be used for production :P)

The :P) looks a little strange, in my opinion. (It is difficult to put an emoticon at the end of a sentence that is enclosed in brackets.) I'm also not sure how "professional"/formal our README should be.

The `:P)` looks a little strange, in my opinion. (It is difficult to put an emoticon at the end of a sentence that is enclosed in brackets.) I'm also not sure how "professional"/formal our README should be.

It's fine for now, we will be updating it by the end of September! IMO it can have some informal bits as long as things make sense.

It's fine for now, we will be updating it by the end of September! IMO it can have some informal bits as long as things make sense.
a258wang approved these changes 2021-08-30 00:48:37 -04:00
a258wang left a comment

Overall, it looks good! I like the straightforward instructions and explanation of each command.

Overall, it looks good! I like the straightforward instructions and explanation of each command.
a3thakra merged commit a8337cbe5e into main 2021-08-30 00:50:32 -04:00
a3thakra deleted branch adi-basic-readme 2021-08-30 00:50:37 -04:00
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Reference: www/www-new#218
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