--- name: 'CSC General Meeting' short: 'Come out to discuss current & future plans/projects for the Club' startDate: 'June 21 2006 16:30' online: false location: 'MC4042' --- The venue will include: - Computer usage agreement discussion (Holden has some changes he'd like to propose) - Web site - Juti is redesigning the web site (you can see [a beta here]() \- ideas are welcome. - Frosh Linux cd's that could be put in frosh math faculty kits. - VoIP "not phone services" ideas. - Ideas for talks (people, topics, etc...). We requested Steve Jobs and Steve Balmer, so no idea is too crazy. - Ideas for books. - General improvements/comments for the club. If you have ideas, but can't attend, please email them to [president@csclub.uwaterloo.ca]() and they will be read them at the meeting.