BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 X-WR-CALNAME:University of Waterloo Computer Science Club PRODID:-//Apple Computer, Inc//iCal 2.0//EN X-WR-RELCALID:3359A191-B19E-4B53-BADC-DFC084FC51C9 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:PUBLISH BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Online DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20210717T230000Z DTEND:20210718T000000Z SUMMARY:Afterhours: Burnout DESCRIPTION:This Afterhours will be a discussion about recognizing burnout, recovering from burnout, and preventing it from occurring. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Online DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20210616T000000Z DTEND:20210616T010000Z SUMMARY:Speed-Friending DESCRIPTION:Come hop on a Zoom call with us to to connect with others in our community! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Online DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20210610T230000Z DTEND:20210611T000000Z SUMMARY:Titus Winters Tech Talk DESCRIPTION:Become inspired in an upcoming talk by Titus Winters on June 10th from 7-8pm ET, who will share how good team culture can positively impact code! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Online DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20210524T040000Z DTEND:20210524T050000Z SUMMARY:CSC x SE Soc: Interview Prep DESCRIPTION:CSC and SE Soc are hosting an Interview Prep Workshop next week! Join Kristy Gao and Bimesh De Silva as they review the interview process, from behavioural to technical interviews. They'll finish off with live mock interviews, and the event will be held on Twitch ( END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Online DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20210518T000000Z DTEND:20210518T010000Z SUMMARY:CSC BOT & Game Night DESCRIPTION:Learn about our plans for the term and play some games with us. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Online DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20210516T230000Z DTEND:20210517T000000Z SUMMARY:Drop-in Resume Critiques (Day 2) DESCRIPTION:Live Resume Critiques with Tech+, UW Data Science Club, and UW PM (registration required). END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Online DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20210515T230000Z DTEND:20210516T000000Z SUMMARY:Drop-in Resume Critiques (Day 1) DESCRIPTION:Live Resume Critiques with Tech+, UW Data Science Club, and UW PM (registration required). END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Online DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20210327T183000Z DTEND:20210327T193000Z SUMMARY:Alt-Tab DESCRIPTION:Join us for lightning tech talk presented by students. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Online DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20210325T040000Z DTEND:20210325T050000Z SUMMARY:Out of The Box: React DESCRIPTION:Learn how React works and make your own version! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Online DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20210316T233000Z DTEND:20210317T003000Z SUMMARY:Speed-Friending DESCRIPTION:Join CSC to meet new people in a Speed-Friending event. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Online DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20210307T000000Z DTEND:20210307T010000Z SUMMARY:Afterhours: Personal Relationships DESCRIPTION:Join CSC as we talk about personal relationships. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Online DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20210220T010000Z DTEND:20210220T020000Z SUMMARY:Fun Friday DESCRIPTION:Join CSC as we play games all night! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Online DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20210219T010000Z DTEND:20210219T020000Z SUMMARY:Theatre Thursday DESCRIPTION:Come watch a movie with CSC! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Online DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20210217T010000Z DTEND:20210217T020000Z SUMMARY:Talk to CSC Tuesday DESCRIPTION:Come meet and chill out with CSC execs. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Online DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20210129T000000Z DTEND:20210129T010000Z SUMMARY:Recovering From a Rough Term DESCRIPTION:Join us to learn about other students have bounced back from a rough term, and how you can too. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Online DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20210127T000000Z DTEND:20210127T010000Z SUMMARY:CTCI136 DESCRIPTION:Join us for tips and tricks on technical interviews. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Online DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20210115T000000Z DTEND:20210115T010000Z SUMMARY:RES 135 DESCRIPTION:Join us for resume and WaterlooWorks tips for the upcoming coop search. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Online DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20210112T000000Z DTEND:20210112T010000Z SUMMARY:Get involved in CS Club! DESCRIPTION:Learn about how you can involved with CS Club this term. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Online DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20201126T000000Z DTEND:20201126T010000Z SUMMARY:Roasting Our First Year Resumes DESCRIPTION:Upper years students will be critiquing their own resumes from first year. 👉 Streamed at END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Online DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20201119T220000Z DTEND:20201119T230000Z SUMMARY:WiCS x CSC: Alt-Tab DESCRIPTION:CSC and WiCS are hosting Alt-Tab on November 19th, 5-7 PM EST. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20200312T220000Z DTEND:20200312T230000Z SUMMARY:WiCS x CSC Bondfire DESCRIPTION:"Bonfire" with WiCS Thursday March 12th @ 6PM in MC Comfy END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4045 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20200211T230000Z DTEND:20200212T000000Z SUMMARY:Physical Security Workshop DESCRIPTION:Physical Security Workshop on Tuesday, Feb 11th, at 6:00 PM in MC 4045 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - STC 0010 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20200128T233000Z DTEND:20200129T003000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 0 DESCRIPTION:Code Party 0 on January 28th, 2020, at 6:30 PM in STC 0010 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20190729T220000Z DTEND:20190729T230000Z SUMMARY:End of Term Event DESCRIPTION:The Computer Science Club will be holding a end of term event on Monday, July 29th at MC Comfy at 6:00 PM. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 5417 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20190718T220000Z DTEND:20190718T230000Z SUMMARY:Alt-Tab DESCRIPTION:The Computer Science Club will be holding a joint event with Women in Computer Science on Thursday, July 18th at MC 5417 at 6:00 PM. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20190709T230000Z DTEND:20190710T000000Z SUMMARY:Movie Night DESCRIPTION:The Computer Science Club will be holding a joint event with Women in Computer Science on Tuesday, July 9th at MC Comfy at 7:00 PM. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - PHY 150 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20190618T220000Z DTEND:20190618T230000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 0 DESCRIPTION:The Computer Science Club will be holding Code Party 0 on Tuesday, June 18th at PHY 150 at 6:00 PM. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MOVED to MC Comfy DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20190605T230000Z DTEND:20190606T000000Z SUMMARY:WiCS x CSC Bondfire Night DESCRIPTION:The Computer Science Club will be holding a joint event with Women in Computer Science on Wednesday, June 5th at MC Comfy at 7:00 PM. NOTE: the event has been moved from the Laurel Creek Firepit due to rain. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy (MC 3001) DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20190516T230000Z DTEND:20190517T000000Z SUMMARY:Spring 2019 Elections DESCRIPTION:The Computer Science Club will be holding elections for the Spring 2019 term on Thursday, May 16th in MC Comfy (MC 3001) at 7:00 PM. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - STC 0020 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20190405T193000Z DTEND:20190405T203000Z SUMMARY:Prof talk: Making the Switch: Going from 2D to S3D DESCRIPTION:We will be having our second prof talk of the term with Lesley Istead, on April 5, 3:30 pm in STC 0020. She will be talking about the problems and algorithms used in the film industry to go from 2D to S3D. Come listen to the talk and enjoy some free food! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20190321T040000Z DTEND:20190321T050000Z SUMMARY:CSC + WiCS Movie Night DESCRIPTION:CSC + WiCS Movie Night on March 21th, 2019, at 6 PM in MC Comfy END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - PHY 150 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20190320T040000Z DTEND:20190320T050000Z SUMMARY:Prof talk: Animated Tilings DESCRIPTION:Professor Craig Kaplan will be talking about tiling arrangements on March 20th, 2019, at 4 PM in PHY 150 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - QNC 1502 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20190313T040000Z DTEND:20190313T050000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 0 DESCRIPTION:Code Party 0 on March 13th, 2019, at 6 PM in QNC 1502 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - QNC 1502 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20190302T050000Z DTEND:20190302T060000Z SUMMARY:Git 101 DESCRIPTION:Git 101 workshop on March 2nd, 2019, at 12 PM in QNC 1502 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - STC 0060 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20190124T233000Z DTEND:20190125T003000Z SUMMARY:Algorithms practice workshop DESCRIPTION:Algorithms practice workshop on January 24th, 2019, at 6:30 PM in STC 0060 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20181204T020000Z DTEND:20181204T030000Z SUMMARY:CSC EOT DESCRIPTION:CSC End of term celebrations on December 3rd, at 7 PM in MC Comfy. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 5479 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20181129T230000Z DTEND:20181130T000000Z SUMMARY:Alt-Tab DESCRIPTION:Alt-Tab is coming up next week on Thursday Nov. 29th 6-8pm at MC 5417. We have an amazing group of members giving short talks on topics of their choice. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC-4063 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20181112T223000Z DTEND:20181112T233000Z SUMMARY:Netplay in emulators DESCRIPTION:Professor Gregor Richards will be talking about netplay in emulators, which allows for playing video games over the internet. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC-4063 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20181105T223000Z DTEND:20181105T233000Z SUMMARY:[Cancelled] BBC micro:bit computer: What is it good for? DESCRIPTION:Professor Richard Mann will be talking about the BBC micro:bit, an embedded computer that is popular with hobbyists and comes with a variety of peripherals. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - QNC-1506 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20181029T213000Z DTEND:20181029T223000Z SUMMARY:Gloves 101 DESCRIPTION:Make touchscreen gloves with the CS Club on October 29, 5:30 PM in QNC 1506. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC-3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20181022T213000Z DTEND:20181022T223000Z SUMMARY:Unix 101 DESCRIPTION:Learn the basics of UNIX with the CS Club on October 22, 5:30 PM in MC 3003. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - EV3-1408 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20181018T223000Z DTEND:20181018T233000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 0 DESCRIPTION:The CS Club is hosting our first Code Party of the term from 6:30pm until ~9:30pm in EV3-1408, on Thursday October 18. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC 1302 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20181015T213000Z DTEND:20181015T223000Z SUMMARY:Data Driven UIs, Incrementally DESCRIPTION:Jane Street's Yaron Minsky is coming to Waterloo to give a talk aimed at undergraduate students. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Columbia Lake Firepit 2 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20181003T230000Z DTEND:20181004T000000Z SUMMARY:CSC & WiCS & MathSoc go outside! DESCRIPTION:We will be having a bonfire this Wednesday, Oct 3rd 7-10pm, at Columbia Lake Firepit 2 (NW of CIF), co-hosted with WiCS and MathSoc. Smores and snacks will be provided! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4041 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20180717T220000Z DTEND:20180717T230000Z SUMMARY:Sound: From microphones to speakers and everything inbetween DESCRIPTION:The CSC will be hosting a Prof Talk by Richard Mann. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - STC 0010 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20180711T220000Z DTEND:20180711T230000Z SUMMARY:Capture the Flag DESCRIPTION:Test your programming, web, networking, and trivia skills in this computer security themed contest. Learn how to reverse engineer, crack codes, find flaws in websites, and use security tools. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4058 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20180704T220000Z DTEND:20180704T230000Z SUMMARY:Alt-Tab DESCRIPTION:Come hear 10-15 minutes talks from CSC members on a variety of topics. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Laurel Creek Firepit DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20180604T220000Z DTEND:20180604T230000Z SUMMARY:CSC and WiCS Go Outside DESCRIPTION:Come join us for a bonfire outside at the Laurel Creek firepit (across Ring. Rd. from EV3) with fellow CSC and WiCS members. Smores and snacks will be provided. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - STC 0020 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20180528T223000Z DTEND:20180528T233000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 0 DESCRIPTION:The CS Club is hosting our first Code Party of the term from 6:30pm until ~9:30pm in STC 0020! Come code with us, eat some food, do some things. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4020 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20180328T220000Z DTEND:20180328T230000Z SUMMARY:Alt-Tab: W18 DESCRIPTION:CSC will be hosting our termly Alt-Tab event, the Computer Science version of Short Attention Span Math Seminars (SASMS) hosted by that math club down the hall. It will be a night full of friendly talks. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - QNC 2502 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20180326T230000Z DTEND:20180327T000000Z SUMMARY:Uncode Party with WiCS DESCRIPTION:We are having a joint Code Party with Women in Computer Science (WiCS). This time, it's an Uncode Party, where you try to find the worst solutions possible to programming problems that we will provide. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4059 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20180322T220000Z DTEND:20180322T230000Z SUMMARY:Prof Talk with Richard Mann DESCRIPTION:Professor Richard Mann will be giving a talk on black-box testing of audio gear. Come out to see fancy audio gear, learn more about his Advanced Topics course in Computational Sound, and eat free food! Click through for his abstract. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20180313T220000Z DTEND:20180313T230000Z SUMMARY:Discussion with maddog DESCRIPTION:We'll be having a discussion session with maddog, an out-of-town speaker from the LPI. Food will be provided, as well as good company. Come out! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20180312T220000Z DTEND:20180312T230000Z SUMMARY:Programming for the 22nd Century DESCRIPTION:We are bringing an out-of-town speaker, John "maddog" Hall, to come speak! Come to this event, where he will be talking about changes in programming paradigms since the invention of C, and the discussion event tomorrow. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - QNC 1502 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20180207T223000Z DTEND:20180207T233000Z SUMMARY:Technical Interview Prep DESCRIPTION:Our first workshop of the term! Fatema and Arshia will be heading a workshop on how to prepare for technical interviews. Got technical interviews? Come out! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - STC 0040 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20180125T230000Z DTEND:20180126T000000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 0 DESCRIPTION:Our first code party of the term! Food is sandwiches, constitution amendments are a go, and Dr. Morton will be talking there! It'll be fun. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20180115T220000Z DTEND:20180115T230000Z SUMMARY:Winter 2018 Elections DESCRIPTION:The Computer Science Club will be holding elections for the Winter 2018 President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Additionally, the Systems Administrator, Office Manager and Librarian, CTF Club Liaison and IMAPd (fridge and snack runs) will be appointed. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20171201T230000Z DTEND:20171202T000000Z SUMMARY:End of Term Event DESCRIPTION:Join fellow CSC members for our end of term social. There will be food and good company. We can grab board games from Mathsoc. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - STC 0010 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20171123T230000Z DTEND:20171124T000000Z SUMMARY:CTF Computer Networking Workshop DESCRIPTION:Hosted in collaboration with the Univerisy of Waterloo CTF Club END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - STC 0050 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20171115T223000Z DTEND:20171115T233000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 1 DESCRIPTION:The CS Club is hosting our second Code Party of the term from 6:00pm until late in the evening in STC 0050! Come code with us, eat some food, do some things. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - STC 0020 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20171114T230000Z DTEND:20171115T000000Z SUMMARY:Capture the Flag Computing Competition DESCRIPTION:Test your programming, web, networking, and trivial skills Learn how to reverse engineer, crack codes, and use various tools. Win prizes! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4059 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20171109T230000Z DTEND:20171110T000000Z SUMMARY:Alt+Tab Talks DESCRIPTION:Come watch (or give!) interesting short talks by CS Club members. Talks include "Dynamic programming as path finding", "What is a landing page", "Subsurface scattering" and "How to compute on a GPU", but more are welcome (email! Click the link to the event detail page for more info. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4059 and MC 4061 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20171102T040000Z DTEND:20171102T050000Z SUMMARY:CSC+WiCS Fall Social and Movie Night DESCRIPTION:Join other CSC and WiCS members for a social event featuring free food, board games and a showing of Wonder Woman. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20171012T213000Z DTEND:20171012T223000Z SUMMARY:Unix 101 DESCRIPTION:Interested in Linux, but don't know where to start? Come learn some basic topics with us including interaction with the shell, motivation for using it, some simple commands, and more! (Snacks after) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Laurel Creek Firepit DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20171005T220000Z DTEND:20171005T230000Z SUMMARY:CSC Goes Outside DESCRIPTION:Come join us for a bonfire outside at the Laurel Creek firepit (across Ring. Rd. from EV3) with fellow CSC members. Smores and snacks will be provided. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - M3 1006 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20170929T223000Z DTEND:20170929T233000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 0 DESCRIPTION:The CS Club is hosting our first Code Party of the term (Friday September 29th) from 6:30pm until late in the evening in M3 1006! Come code with us, eat some food, do some things. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20170922T220000Z DTEND:20170922T230000Z SUMMARY:Fall 2017 Special Elections DESCRIPTION:The Computer Science Club will be holding special elections for the Spring 2017 Vice-President and Secretary. Additionally, the Systems Administrator, Office Manager and Librarian, CTF Club Liaison and IMPAD will be appointed. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20170915T220000Z DTEND:20170915T230000Z SUMMARY:Fall 2017 Elections DESCRIPTION:The Computer Science Club will be holding elections for the Spring 2017 President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Additionally, the Systems Administrator, Office Manager and Librarian, CTF Club Liaison and Fridge Person will be appointed. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20170724T220000Z DTEND:20170724T230000Z SUMMARY:End of Term Party DESCRIPTION:Come celebrate the end of the term with us in MC Comfy! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4040 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20170718T210000Z DTEND:20170718T220000Z SUMMARY:Alt-Tab: S17 DESCRIPTION:Join us for food and interesting member talks! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - CSC Office DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20170715T140000Z DTEND:20170715T150000Z SUMMARY:Spring Cleaning DESCRIPTION:Join us for Spring Cleaning! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Laurel Creek Firepit DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20170705T230000Z DTEND:20170706T000000Z SUMMARY:CSC and WiCS Goes Outside DESCRIPTION:Come join Women in Computer Science and the Computer Science Club outdoors! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - STC 0020 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20170622T220000Z DTEND:20170622T230000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 0 DESCRIPTION:Join us for Code Party 0! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4060 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20170615T220000Z DTEND:20170615T230000Z SUMMARY:Understanding machine learning - a theory perspective DESCRIPTION:Professor Shai Ben-David will discuss the basic principles behind machine learning and how they relate to some of the headline-making practical tools, in addition to the major research challenges and directions that address the fast expanding scope of potential machine learning applications. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20170601T220000Z DTEND:20170601T230000Z SUMMARY:Unix 102 DESCRIPTION:Come gain some more in-depth knowledge or some less well-known tips and tricks for using the command line. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20170517T220000Z DTEND:20170517T230000Z SUMMARY:Spring 2017 Elections DESCRIPTION:The Computer Science Club will be holding elections for the Spring 2017 President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Additionally, the Systems Administrator, Office Manager and Librarian will be appointed. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - STC 0060 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20170405T210000Z DTEND:20170405T220000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 1 DESCRIPTION:Come code with us, eat some food, do some things. Personal projects you want to work on? Homework projects you need to finish? Or want some time to explore some new technology and chat about it? You can join us at Code Party 1 and do it, with great company and great food. Come any time after 5pm, but if you come earlier your food preferences are more likely to be accounted for, and there's more time for coding! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4045 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20170322T220000Z DTEND:20170322T230000Z SUMMARY:Unix 201 DESCRIPTION:A talk and demo about more advanced Unix tricks and tools than are taught in our regular Unix 101 events. Topics may include customizing your prompt, the ranger console file manager, fancy shells, htop, rsync and using terminal escape sequences in your programs. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4042 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20170309T230000Z DTEND:20170310T000000Z SUMMARY:Alt+Tab Talks DESCRIPTION:Come watch (or give!) interesting short talks by CS Club members. Talks include "Stepping into math: building a step-by-step algebra solver" and "Online database migrations at scale", but more are welcome (email! Click the link to the event detail page for more info. (Note: date was moved to Thursday) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - STC 0020 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20170208T220000Z DTEND:20170208T230000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 0 DESCRIPTION:Come code with us, eat some food, do some things. Personal projects you want to work on? Homework projects you need to finish? Or want some time to explore some new technology and chat about it? You can join us at Code Party 0 and do it, with great company and great food. Come any time after 5pm, but if you come earlier your food preferences are more likely to be accounted for, and there's more time for coding! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20170112T230000Z DTEND:20170113T000000Z SUMMARY:Winter 2017 Elections DESCRIPTION:The Computer Science Club will be holding elections for the Winter 2017 President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Additionally, the Systems Administrator, Office Manager and Librarian will be appointed. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20161205T230000Z DTEND:20161206T000000Z SUMMARY:CSC/PMC EOT Party DESCRIPTION:The CSC and the PMAMC&OC (aka pure math club) are hosting our end of term events together! We'll be taking over MC Comfy to hang out, eat lots of food (from Kismet!), and play board games. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4063 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20161130T230000Z DTEND:20161201T000000Z SUMMARY:ALT+TAB Talks DESCRIPTION:Various members of the CSC will be giving brief, 25 minute talks on CS-related topics. An list of the talks being delivered can be found if you follow the event page link in this description. There will be food provided. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4063 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20161125T230000Z DTEND:20161126T000000Z SUMMARY:Edmund Noble Member Talk DESCRIPTION:CSC member Edmund Noble will be giving a talk, titled "Purely Functional Programming with Freely-Generated Domain Specific Languages". The talk will focus on embedded DSLs that exist within other languages, and how they can easily be constructed. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4063 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20161121T231500Z DTEND:20161122T001500Z SUMMARY:Richard Mann Prof Talk DESCRIPTION:Professor Richard Mann will be giving a talk, titled "Open Source Software for Sound Measurement and Analysis". He will be presenting information about his new course, CS 489, Computational Sound, which will be running in Winter 2017. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - M3 1006 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20161117T013000Z DTEND:20161117T023000Z SUMMARY:General Meeting DESCRIPTION:This general meeting will be held to discuss changes to our Code of Conduct. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - M3 1006 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20161116T233000Z DTEND:20161117T003000Z SUMMARY:Code Party DESCRIPTION:Come code with us, eat some food, do some things. Personal projects you want to work on? Homework projects you need to finish? Or want some time to explore some new technology and chat about it? You can join us at Code Party and do it, with great company and great food. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20161109T230000Z DTEND:20161110T000000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 101 DESCRIPTION:The CSC is having its next event, UNIX 101, on Wednesday November 9th at 6 PM in MC 3003 (the mac lab across from the CSC). UNIX 101 is a tutorial where we teach the basics of using a command-line (terminal) environment in UNIX. Knowing how to use the command-line and UNIX is an invaluable skill in CS, and helps prepare you for future projects and co-ops. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - QNC 1507 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20161018T213000Z DTEND:20161018T223000Z SUMMARY:Feminism in STEM - a 101 Panel DESCRIPTION:An introductory feminism in STEM panel, free food. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Columbia Lake 2 Fire Pit DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20161013T220000Z DTEND:20161013T230000Z SUMMARY:CSC and WiCS Go Outside DESCRIPTION:The CSC and WiCS (Women in Computer Science) are co-hosting a social event on Thursday, October 13th (the day after reading week). We will be Going Outside to the Columbia Lake 2 Fire Pit; there will be a campfire, s'mores, lots of food, frisbees, grass, etc. Bring your friends! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4021 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20161006T220000Z DTEND:20161006T230000Z SUMMARY:Bringing OOP Best Practices to the World of Functional Programming DESCRIPTION:The CSC will have its first talk of the term this Thursday, October 6th. UW alumna and CSC member Elana Hashman will be giving a talk on using functional programming languages (like Racket!) in industry, and how some concepts from the more common object-oriented paradigm are translated to the functional paradigm. The abstract for the talk is below. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20160919T223000Z DTEND:20160919T233000Z SUMMARY:Fall 2016 Elections DESCRIPTION:The Computer Science Club will be holding elections for the Fall 2016 President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer. Additionally, the Systems Administrator, Office Manager and Librarian will be appointed. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20160725T220000Z DTEND:20160725T230000Z SUMMARY:Richard Mann Prof Talk and EOT DESCRIPTION:Join us on Monday, July 25th at 6pm in the MC Comfy Lounge for an exciting prof talk by Richard Mann on Open Source Computer Sound Measurement. The abstract for the talk is below. We will follow this up by an EOT event with dinner and board games! Last event of the term, get hype. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4045 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20160721T220000Z DTEND:20160721T230000Z SUMMARY:Notorious CS452 DESCRIPTION:Bill Cowan is the Director of the Computer Graphics Lab, and teaches the notorious CS452, lovingly known as the trains course by CS students. He will be giving a talk on that very course. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2034 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20160714T223000Z DTEND:20160714T233000Z SUMMARY:Computer Science: Beyond Bits and Bytes DESCRIPTION:Gladimir Baranoski is an Associate Professor at the School of Computer Science, in the Natural Phenomena Simulation Group. He will be giving a talk on underappreciated facets of computer science and its connections to other disciplines. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - BMH Green DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20160711T230000Z DTEND:20160712T000000Z SUMMARY:WiCS and CSC Go Outside! DESCRIPTION:Join us at BMH Green for a night outdoors with fellow people in Computer Science! There will be ice cream and board games and frisbees and maybe some water guns. Bring your friends! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 5479 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20160608T220000Z DTEND:20160608T230000Z SUMMARY:scp talks DESCRIPTION:Listen to cool 15-20 lightning talks by CSC members on a variety of computer science and related topics. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - STC 0010 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20160602T223000Z DTEND:20160602T233000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 0 DESCRIPTION:Come code with us, eat some food, do some things. Personal projects you want to work on? Homework projects you need to finish? Or want some time to explore some new technology and chat about it? You can join us at Code Party 0 and do it, with great company and great food. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3036 (CSC Office) DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20160525T220000Z DTEND:20160525T230000Z SUMMARY:CSC Does Spring Cleaning DESCRIPTION:Come out and help make the office slightly less messy! We will bribe... uh, provide you with food for helping. :) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3001 (Comfy) DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20160512T230000Z DTEND:20160513T000000Z SUMMARY:Spring 2016 Elections DESCRIPTION:The Computer Science Club will be holding elections for the Spring 2016 for President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Additionally, librarian, office manager, sysadmin, and fridge regent will be appointed and ratified. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20160404T210000Z DTEND:20160404T220000Z SUMMARY:On Surrounding a Polygon DESCRIPTION:Come out to a talk on surrounding a polygon by Dr. Craig Kaplan! Also stay afterwards for our EOT and socialize :) food will be provided! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4021 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20160329T220000Z DTEND:20160329T230000Z SUMMARY:SASMS Style Talk Night DESCRIPTION:The CSC is hosting the first annual member talk series! This is a chance for anyone to come and give a short talk on any relevant topic. Some talks already arranged are on topics ranging from modern Javascript, to the Linux Kernel. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - QNC 1502 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20160323T220000Z DTEND:20160323T230000Z SUMMARY:SAT and SMT Solvers for Software Engineering and Security DESCRIPTION:A talk about SAT and SMT Solvers for Software Engineering and Security by Dr. Vijay Ganesh END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20160316T220000Z DTEND:20160316T230000Z SUMMARY:Git 102 DESCRIPTION:Git 102 : Why you learned git in the first place. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4058 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20160309T233000Z DTEND:20160310T003000Z SUMMARY:Steve Bourque and Mike Patterson Network Infrastructure talk DESCRIPTION:Steve Bourque and Mike Patterson of IST will give a brief overview of campus network connectivity and interconnectivity. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20160303T230000Z DTEND:20160304T000000Z SUMMARY:Tea and Study DESCRIPTION:It's midterms season, and everyone has to study. So why not come study with the CS Club? Everyone welcome, especially new members! There will be tea and delicious snacks and outlets. Plus our delightful company. See you there! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20160210T233000Z DTEND:20160211T003000Z SUMMARY:Movie Night: Big Hero 6 DESCRIPTION:Movie Night! Come watch "Big Hero 6" with the CSC! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - STC 0010 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20160204T230000Z DTEND:20160205T000000Z SUMMARY:Code Party DESCRIPTION:The CS Club is having its termly code party! Come out and work on projects, assignments, and more. Food is provided! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20160128T230000Z DTEND:20160129T000000Z SUMMARY:Unix 101 DESCRIPTION:Interested in Linux, but don't know where to start? Come learn some basic topics with us including interaction with the shell, motivation for using it, some simple commands, and more! (Cookies after) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - TBA DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20160123T160000Z DTEND:20160123T170000Z SUMMARY:Eth1: Jane Street Competition DESCRIPTION:eth1: a day-long programming contest. Form teams and hack together a trading bot to compete against others and the markets. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3001 (Comfy) DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20160114T050000Z DTEND:20160114T060000Z SUMMARY:Winter 2016 Elections DESCRIPTION:Interested in Linux, but don't know where to start? Come learn some basic topics with us including interaction with the shell, motivation for using it, some simple commands, and more! (Cookies after) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20151128T003000Z DTEND:20151128T013000Z SUMMARY:WiCS and CSC watch War Games! DESCRIPTION:WiCS and CSC are watching War Games in the Comfy lounge. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4063 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20151127T000000Z DTEND:20151127T010000Z SUMMARY:An Introduction to Google's FOAM Framework DESCRIPTION:An introduction to Google's FOAM framework, an open-source modeling framework written in Javascript, by Google's Kevin Greer. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4041 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20151123T230000Z DTEND:20151124T000000Z SUMMARY:'Static Analysis and Program Optimization Using Dataflow Analysis' DESCRIPTION:An introduction to some basic issues with optimization of imperative programs, by Sean Harrap END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4020 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20151120T010000Z DTEND:20151120T020000Z SUMMARY:'Git 101' DESCRIPTION:Learn how to use Git properly in an exciting talk by Charlie Wang! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - ML Theatre of the Arts DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20151016T230000Z DTEND:20151017T000000Z SUMMARY:Cory Doctorow - The War on General Purpose Computing DESCRIPTION:Between walled gardens, surveillance agencies, and political opponents, no matter who's winning the war on general purpose computing you're losing. The Computer Science Club will be hosting Cory Doctorow's talk in the Theatre of the Arts on October 16. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4061 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20151007T213000Z DTEND:20151007T223000Z SUMMARY:Starting an VN Indie Game Company as a UW Student DESCRIPTION:Come out to a talk by Alfe Clemencio! Many people want to make games as signified by all the game development schools that are appearing everywhere. But how would you do it as a UW student? This talk shares the experiences of how making Sakura River Interactive was founded without any Angel/VC investment. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4040 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20151002T233000Z DTEND:20151003T003000Z SUMMARY:'Why Am I Studying This?' DESCRIPTION:Big-O, the Halting Problem, Finite State Machines, and more are concepts that get even more interesting in the real world. Come and hear Tom Rathborne talk about how theory hits reality (often with a bang!) at END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC 1304 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20150930T210000Z DTEND:20150930T220000Z SUMMARY:Back to Back Talks: Culture Turnaround and Software Defined Networks DESCRIPTION:Back to back talks from John Stix and Francisco Dominguez on turning a company's culture around and on Software Defined Networks! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - EIT 3142 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20150924T203000Z DTEND:20150924T213000Z SUMMARY:CSC and WiCS Career Panel DESCRIPTION:The CSC is joining WiCS to host a career panel! Come hear from Waterloo alumni as they speak about their time at Waterloo, experience with coop, and life beyond the university. Please register at END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3001 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20150922T040000Z DTEND:20150922T050000Z SUMMARY:Results of Fall 2015 Elections DESCRIPTION:The Computer Science Club has elected its executive for the term, and a new Office Manager and System Administrator have been appointed. See inside for results. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3001 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20150922T040000Z DTEND:20150922T050000Z SUMMARY:Fall 2015 Elections DESCRIPTION:The Computer Science Club will be holding elections for the Fall 2015 term on Tuesday, September 22nd in MC Comfy (MC 3001) at 19:00. During the meeting, the president, vice-president, treasurer and secretary will be elected, the sysadmin will be ratified, and the librarian and office manager will be appointed. See inside for nominations. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2065 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20150917T040000Z DTEND:20150917T050000Z SUMMARY:Google Cardboard DESCRIPTION:Come for a talk from Rob Suderman on Cardboard, Google's recent exploration in affordable, cereal box based Virtual Reality. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4064 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20150716T040000Z DTEND:20150716T050000Z SUMMARY:Algorithms for Shortest Paths DESCRIPTION:Come to this exciting talk about path-finding algorithms which is being presented by Professor Anna Lubiw. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4060 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20150708T040000Z DTEND:20150708T050000Z SUMMARY:Infrasound is all around us DESCRIPTION:Ambient infra sound surrounds us. Richard Mann presents his current research and equipment on measuring infra sound, and samples of recorded infra sound. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Laurel Creek Firepit DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20150626T230000Z DTEND:20150627T000000Z SUMMARY:WiCS and CSC Go Outside DESCRIPTION:Come hang out with the Women in Computer Science and the Computer Science Club! There will be s'mores and frozen yogurt. Also fire. And a creek. Let's enjoy the outdoors! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20150619T220000Z DTEND:20150619T230000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 102 DESCRIPTION:n things SCS hasn't told you about the shell END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3001 (Coomfy) DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20150522T200000Z DTEND:20150522T210000Z SUMMARY:By-Elections DESCRIPTION:As there are vacancies in the executive council, there will be by-election on May 22nd. The following positions are open for election: Treasurer Secretary The executive are also looking for people who may be interested in the following positions: Systems Administrator Office Manager Librarian END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4020 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20150402T213000Z DTEND:20150402T223000Z SUMMARY:Describing and Synthesizing Microfluidics DESCRIPTION:Derek Rayside presents current research on the field of microfluidics. Microfluidics are currently developed mainly by trial and error. How can this be improved? END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - EIT 1015 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20150327T220000Z DTEND:20150327T230000Z SUMMARY:Constitutional GM and Code Party 1 DESCRIPTION:GM for the W2015 term, two main amendments to be discussed: Requiring elections to be held within two weeks of the beginning of term and adopting a club-wide code of conduct. Code Party 1 follows, we're doing timed code golf problems, T-shirts might find themselves on people who do well on code golf. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4040 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20150310T220000Z DTEND:20150310T230000Z SUMMARY:Runtime Type Inference in Dynamic Languages - Day 2 DESCRIPTION:Day 2 of Runtime Type Inference in Dynamic Languages with Kannan Vijayan END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4040 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20150309T220000Z DTEND:20150309T230000Z SUMMARY:Runtime Type Inference in Dynamic Languages - Day 1 DESCRIPTION:Javascript is fast. In some cases, very close to compiled-language fast. How is this even possible? How do we know what types our variables have? How can we optimize it well? Kannan Vijayan will be talking about the historical advances in JIT-compilation of dynamically typed programs over two days. Of course, both of those talks will have free food. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2038 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20150303T230000Z DTEND:20150304T000000Z SUMMARY:SAT and SMT solvers DESCRIPTION:Murphy Berzish explains how to programmatically determine if a program is satisfiable, and how to find a concrete counterexample if it is unsatisfiable. At the core are SAT/SMT solvers. SAT theory deals with Boolean Satisfiability solvers, while SMT theory--Satisfiability Modulo a Theory--allows SMT to be extended to common data structures. Free food! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - EV3 1408 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20150227T230000Z DTEND:20150228T000000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 0 DESCRIPTION:The first code party of Winter 2015, and we have something a litle different this time. We're running a Code Retreat ( with Boltmade. The result of this is that you will be able to do a coding challenge, wherein you implement Rule 110 (like the Game of Life). Of course, if you want to work on whatever you can do that as well. Delicious free food, but RSVP! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC 1302 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20150205T203000Z DTEND:20150205T213000Z SUMMARY:Making Robots Behave DESCRIPTION:Part of the Cheriton School of CS' Distinguished Lecture Series, MIT's Leslie Kaelbling will discuss robotic AI applied to the messy real world. We make a number of approximations during planning but regain robustness and effectiveness through a continuous state estimation and replanning process. This allows us to solve problems that would otherwise be intractable to solve optimally. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4063 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20150202T230000Z DTEND:20150203T000000Z SUMMARY:Racket's Magical match DESCRIPTION:Theo Belaire, a fourth-year CS student, will be talking about Racket's match' function. Bug resistant, legible, and super powerful! Especially useful for CS 241 in writing compilers, but all-round a joy to write. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2017 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20150121T230000Z DTEND:20150122T000000Z SUMMARY:Alumni Tech Talk DESCRIPTION:Alex Tsay from AeroFS will talk about the high availability distributed file systems they develop. The CAP Theorem outlined the fundamental limitations of a distributed system. When designing a distributed system, one has to constantly be aware of the trade-off between consistency and availability. Most distributed systems are designed with consistency in mind. However, AeroFS has decided to build a high-availability file system instead. In this tech talk, I'll be presenting an overview of AeroFS file system, advantages and challenges of a high-availability file system, and examine the inner workings of AeroFS's core syncing algorithm. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20150116T000000Z DTEND:20150116T010000Z SUMMARY:Winter 2015 Elections DESCRIPTION:Elections for Winter 2015 are being held! Submit a nomination and join your fellow members in choosing this term's CSC executive. (Please note the time change to 7PM.) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2065 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20150115T230000Z DTEND:20150116T000000Z SUMMARY:Tech Talk: Google Fiber Internet: The Messy Bits DESCRIPTION:Our speaker, Avery Pennarun, will share some not-very-secret secrets from the team creating GFiber's open source router firmware, including some discussion of wifi, marketing truthiness, the laws of physics, something about coaxial cables, embedded ARM processors, queuing theory, signal processing, hardware design, and kernel driver optimization. If you're lucky, he may also rant about poor garbage collector implementations. Also, there will be at least one slide containing one of those swooshy circle-and-arrow lifecycle diagrams, we promise. Please RSVP here: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4020 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20141127T230000Z DTEND:20141128T000000Z SUMMARY:Talk: Heroic Android HTTP DESCRIPTION:The network is unreliable. 3G networking is slow. Using WiFi drains your battery. The NSA is spying on you. Different versions of HttpURLConnection have different bugs. Jesse Wilson, a software developer at Square, will be talking about OkHttp, a library that he maintains, and how to use it to make your app's networking work even when conditions aren't ideal. He will talk about how to configure caching to improve behavior and save resources. He will talk about crypto, and he will give advice on which libraries to use to make good networking easy. Please RSVP here: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4041 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20141125T223000Z DTEND:20141125T233000Z SUMMARY:Talk: C++ ABI DESCRIPTION:C++ is an interesting study because it supports a large number of powerful, abstract concepts, yet it operates very close to the hardware compared to many modern programming languages. There are also many implementations of C++ which must be made interoperable. I will discuss some aspects of the Itanium 64 Application Binary Interface (ABI) for C++, which is now the de facto standard across Unix-like platforms of all architectures. In particular, I will cover a number of aspects of the class system fundamental to C++: data layout, polymorphic types, construction and destruction, and dynamic casting. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - M3 1006 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20141121T230000Z DTEND:20141122T000000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 1/SE Hack Day #13 DESCRIPTION:Why sleep when you could be hacking on $SIDE_PROJECT, or working on $THE_NEXT_BIG_THING with some cool CSC/SE people? Come when you want, hack on something cool, demo before you leave. If you don't have a project, don't worry - we have a list of ideas, and a lot of people will be looking for an extra helping hand on their projects. NOTE: Dinner and snacks will only be served to those working on projects during the event. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - QNC 1502 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20141117T230000Z DTEND:20141118T000000Z SUMMARY:Talk: Why Pattern Recognition is Hard, and Why Deep Neural Networks Help DESCRIPTION:In the last few years, there has been breakthrough progress in pattern recognition -- problems like computer vision and voice recognition. This sudden progress has come from a powerful class of models called deep neural networks. This talk will explore what it means to do pattern recognition, why it is a hard problem, and why deep neural networks are so effective. We will also look at exciting and strange recent results, such as state of the art object recognition in images, neural nets playing video games, neural nets proving theorems, and neural nets learning to run python programs! Our speaker, Christopher Olah, is a math-obsessed and Haskell-loving research intern from Google's Deep Learning group. He has a blog about his research here: END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - EIT 1015 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20141112T223000Z DTEND:20141112T233000Z SUMMARY:Talk: Machine Learning at Bloomberg DESCRIPTION:Kang, our guest speaker from Bloomberg, will illustrate some examples and difficulties associated with working on some of the most fascinating technical challenges in business and finance. He will also show some of the machine learning applications at Bloomberg that are useful in this environment. Please show up early to ensure a spot (and dinner). END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - RCH 205 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20141110T050000Z DTEND:20141110T060000Z SUMMARY:Talk: From Zero to Kernel DESCRIPTION:From the massive supercomputer, to your laptop, to a Raspberry Pi: all computing systems run on an operating system powered by a kernel. The kernel is the most fundamental software running on your computer, enabling developers and users to interact with its hardware at a higher level. This talk will explore the process of writing a minimal kernel from scratch, common kernel responsibilities, and explore of the challenges of kernel development. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20141108T000000Z DTEND:20141108T010000Z SUMMARY:'Hackers' Screening DESCRIPTION:Women in Computer Science (WiCS) and the Computer Science Club (CSC) will meet up in the Comfy Lounge to watch a favourite cult classic: Hackers. Join us as we relive our 90s teenage hacking fantasies and stuff our faces with popcorn and junk food. Hackers of the world, unite! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20141024T210000Z DTEND:20141024T220000Z SUMMARY:Unix 101 DESCRIPTION:Interested in Unix, but don't know where to start? Then Come learn some basic topics with us including interaction with the shell, motivation for using it, some simple commands, and more. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20141024T220000Z DTEND:20141024T230000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 0 DESCRIPTION:Immediately after UNIX 101, we will be having our first annual code party. Enjoy a free dinner, relax, and share ideas with your friends about your favourite topics in computer science. Feel free to show up with or without personal projects to work on, we've got lots of ideas to get started with. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4041 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20141022T210000Z DTEND:20141022T220000Z SUMMARY:Talk: In Pursuit of the Travelling Salesman DESCRIPTION:The Travelling Salesman Problem is easy to state: given a number of cities along with the cost of travel between each pair, find the cheapest way to visit all of the cities and return to your starting point. However, TSP is very difficult to solve. In this talk, Professor Bill Cook will discuss the history, applications, and computation of this fascinating problem. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4021 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20140918T220000Z DTEND:20140918T230000Z SUMMARY:Talk: Building a Mobile Platform for Android and iOS DESCRIPTION:Come listen to a Google software engineer give a talk on building a mobile platform for Android and iOS! Wesley Tarle has been leading development at Google in Kitchener and Mountain View, and building stuff for third-party developers on Android and iOS. He's contributed to Google Play services since its inception and continues to produce APIs and SDKs focused on mobile startups. RSVP at END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Laurel Creek Fire Pit DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20140725T233000Z DTEND:20140726T003000Z SUMMARY:CSC Goes Outside...Again! DESCRIPTION:Do you like going outside? Are you vitamin-D deficient from being in the MC too long? Do you think s'mores and bonfire are a delicious combination? If so, you should join us as the CSC is going outside again! Around 7:30PM, we're going to Laurel Creek Fire Pit for some outdoor fun. Come throw frisbees, relax and eat snacks in good company - even if you aren't a fan of the outside or vitamin-D deficient! We'll also have some sort of real food - probably pizza. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4020 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20140722T220000Z DTEND:20140722T230000Z SUMMARY:The Most Important Parts of School (from a CS dropout) DESCRIPTION:Learn about the real reasons you should be in school from David Wolever, CTO of akindi and a director of PyCon Canada. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3003, M3 1006 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20140711T210000Z DTEND:20140711T220000Z SUMMARY:Unix 102, Code Party 1 DESCRIPTION:Learn how to host a website and spend the night hacking! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2035 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20140625T220000Z DTEND:20140625T230000Z SUMMARY:Battle Decks DESCRIPTION:Five slides. Five minutes. Pure fun. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4064 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20140619T213000Z DTEND:20140619T223000Z SUMMARY:Bloomberg Technical Talk DESCRIPTION:Learn how functional programming is used in the real world, while enjoying free dinner, and free swag. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Laurel Creek Fire Pit DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20140613T233000Z DTEND:20140614T003000Z SUMMARY:CSC Goes Outside DESCRIPTION:Come throw a frisbee, hang around a bonfire, and roast marshmellows! This is a social event just for fun, so come relax and eat snacks in good company! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3003, Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20140530T213000Z DTEND:20140530T223000Z SUMMARY:Unix 101/Code Party 0 DESCRIPTION:Interested in Unix, but don't know where to start? Then Come learn some basic topics with us including interaction with the shell, motivation for using it, some simple commands, and more. Afterwards we will be moving over to the MC Comfy Lounge for a fun night of hacking! The sysadmin position will also be ratified during a general meeting of the membership at this time. Come join us for an evening of fun, learning, and food! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20140515T220000Z DTEND:20140515T230000Z SUMMARY:Spring 2014 Elections DESCRIPTION:The Computer Science Club will soon be holding elections for this term's executive. The president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary for the spring 2014 term will be elected. The system administrator, office manager, and librarian are also typically appointed here. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - CPH 1346 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20140328T230000Z DTEND:20140329T000000Z SUMMARY:HackWaterloo DESCRIPTION:Work on a software project for 24 hours in teams of up to 4 members. Swag will be provided by Facebook and Google. A Microsoft Surface Tablet will be awarded to the winning team. Register and find out more at END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4041 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20140318T230000Z DTEND:20140319T000000Z SUMMARY:Battle Decks DESCRIPTION:Create a 5-slide PowerPoint presentation about a specific topic. Bring it with you to the event (on a flash drive). Submit it into the lottery. Select a random PowerPoint presentation from the lottery and talk about it on the spot. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20140314T230000Z DTEND:20140315T000000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 1 DESCRIPTION:We will be having our 2nd code party this term. Enjoy a free dinner, relax, and share ideas with your friends about your favourite topics in computer science. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20140213T223000Z DTEND:20140213T233000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 101 DESCRIPTION:Learn the basics of using tools found commonly on UNIX-like operating systems. For students new to this topic, knowledge gained from UNIX 101 would be useful in coursework. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20140213T233000Z DTEND:20140214T003000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 0 DESCRIPTION:Immediately after UNIX 101, we will be having our first annual code party. Enjoy a free dinner, relax, and share ideas with your friends about your favourite topics in computer science. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4058 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20140204T223000Z DTEND:20140204T233000Z SUMMARY:Bloomberg Talk DESCRIPTION:Bloomberg's Alex Scotti will be presenting a talk this Tuesday on concurrency control implementations in relational databases. Free swag and dinner will be provided. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20140116T223000Z DTEND:20140116T233000Z SUMMARY:Winter 2014 Elections DESCRIPTION:Elections for Winter 2014 are being held! The Executive will be elected, and the Office Manager and Librarian will be appointed by the new executive. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Toronto, ON DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20131123T050000Z DTEND:20131123T060000Z SUMMARY:CSC Goes to Toronto Erlang Factory Lite 2013 DESCRIPTION:The CSC has been invited to attend this Erlang conference in Toronto. If you are interested in attending, please sign up on our web form. We have submitted a MEF proposal to cover the transportation fees of up to 25 math undergraduates. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3001 (Comfy) DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20131122T233000Z DTEND:20131123T003000Z SUMMARY:Hackathon-Code Party!! DESCRIPTION:Join us for a night of code, food, and caffeine! There will be plenty of edibles and hacking for your enjoyment. If you are interested in getting involved in Open Source, there will be mentors on hand to get you started. Hope to see you there—bring your friends! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2038 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20131126T220000Z DTEND:20131126T230000Z SUMMARY:Disk Encryption DESCRIPTION:The last lecture of our security and privacy series. By MMath alumnus Zak Blacher. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4060 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20131112T220000Z DTEND:20131112T230000Z SUMMARY:Trust in ISPs DESCRIPTION:This is the fifth lecture of six in the Security and Privacy Lecture Series. By founding member of the Canadian Cybersecurity Institute and employee of local ISP Sentex Sean Howard. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3001 (Comfy) DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20131105T230000Z DTEND:20131106T000000Z SUMMARY:Hands On Seminar on Public Key Cryptography DESCRIPTION:The fourth event in our security and privacy series. By undergraduate students Murphy Berzish and Nick Guenther. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC 1302 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20131024T223000Z DTEND:20131024T233000Z SUMMARY:Practical Tor Usage DESCRIPTION:The third lecture of our security and privacy series. By undergraduate student Simon Gladstone. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4060 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20131015T210000Z DTEND:20131015T220000Z SUMMARY:Tunnels and Censorship DESCRIPTION:The second lecture of our security and privacy series. By undergraduate student Eric Dong. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4041 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20131008T210000Z DTEND:20131008T220000Z SUMMARY:Why Should You Care About Security and Privacy DESCRIPTION:The first lecture of our security and privacy series. By PhD student Sarah Harvey. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - PHY 150 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20131003T223000Z DTEND:20131003T233000Z SUMMARY:C++ GoingNative Lectures DESCRIPTION:We will be showing GoingNative lectures from some of the top individuals working on C++ approximately biweekly on Thursdays at 6:30PM in the PHY 150 theatre. Every lecture will be accompanied with free pizza and drinks! Dates are Oct. 3, 17, 31 and Nov. 7 and 21. Please view this event in detail for more information. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - PHY 150 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20131017T223000Z DTEND:20131017T233000Z SUMMARY:C++ Night 0x02 - Don't Help The Compiler DESCRIPTION:The second in a series of recorded talks from GoingNative 2013. Featuring Stephan T. Lavavej. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - PHY 150 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20131031T223000Z DTEND:20131031T233000Z SUMMARY:C++ Night 0x03 - An Effective C++11/14 Sampler DESCRIPTION:The third in a series of recorded talks from GoingNative 2013. Featuring Scott Meyers. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - PHY 150 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20131107T233000Z DTEND:20131108T003000Z SUMMARY:C++ Night 0x04 - Writing Quick Code in C++, Quickly DESCRIPTION:The fourth in a series of recorded talks from GoingNative 2013. Featuring Andrei Alexandrescu. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - PHY 150 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20131121T233000Z DTEND:20131122T003000Z SUMMARY:C++ Night 0x05 - C++ Seasoning DESCRIPTION:The fifth in a series of recorded talks from GoingNative 2013. Featuring Sean Parent. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Bingemans DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20131030T220000Z DTEND:20131030T230000Z SUMMARY:CSC Goes Bowling DESCRIPTION:All CSC members and their guests are invited for a night of free bowling at Bingemans! Transportation will be provided. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP using the online form by Oct. 18. You can find it by viewing this event in detail. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20130917T203000Z DTEND:20130917T213000Z SUMMARY:Fall 2013 Elections DESCRIPTION:Elections for Fall 2013 are being held! The Executive will be elected, and the Office Manager and Librarian will be appointed by the new executive. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20130726T230000Z DTEND:20130727T000000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 1 DESCRIPTION:Come out to the Code Party happening in the Comfy Lounge on July 26 at 7:00 PM! Why sleep when you could be hacking on $your_favourite_project or doing $something_classy in great company? Join us for a night of coding, snacks, and camaraderie! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4020 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20130722T210000Z DTEND:20130722T220000Z SUMMARY:The Future of 3D Graphics is in Software! DESCRIPTION:Convergence between CPU and GPU approaches to processing sets the stage for an exciting transition to 3D rendering that takes place entirely in software. TransGaming's Nicolas Capens and Gavriel State will speak about this convergence and how it will influence the future of graphics. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - EV3 Fire Pit DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20130719T230000Z DTEND:20130720T000000Z SUMMARY:CSC Goes Outside! DESCRIPTION:Do you love the combination of s'mores, burgers, and fire? Are you brave enough to face the newly-grown geese? Do you want to play some Frisbee while listening to some chill tunes? If so, come hang out with the CSC at the EV3 Fire Pit this Friday! All are welcome for some outdoor food, games, and music. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4041 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20130718T210000Z DTEND:20130718T220000Z SUMMARY:Path Tracing DESCRIPTION:As a follow on to last term's tutorial on building a ray-tracer from scratch, this talk will be presenting the basic mechanics of how a bidirectional path-tracer creates a globally illuminated scene, advantages and limitations of this approach over other offline global illumination techniques along with a simple example path-tracer written in C++, and opportunities for hardware acceleration on GPUs, time permitting. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4041 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20130711T210000Z DTEND:20130711T220000Z SUMMARY:3D Movies and Computer Science DESCRIPTION:While humans started making 3D motion pictures in the 1800's, several technical and artistic challenges prevented widespread interest in the medium. By investing heavily in a computerized production pipeline, James Cameron's 2009 release of Avatar ushered in an era of mainstream interest in 3D film. However, many technical and artistic problems still find their way into otherwise-modern 3D movies. The talk explores some of these problems while introducing the fundamentals of 3D film-making from a CS perspective. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20130607T220000Z DTEND:20130607T230000Z SUMMARY:Unix 101/ Code Party 0 DESCRIPTION:We are offering a Unix tutorial on Friday, June 7th, 2013! Following the tutorial a code party will take place. Bring your laptops and chargers for an awesome night of coding, hacking and learning. All are welcome to join in the comfy lounge! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20130515T220000Z DTEND:20130515T230000Z SUMMARY:Spring 2013 Elections DESCRIPTION:Elections for Spring 2013 are being held! The Executive will be elected, and the Office Manager and Librarian will be appointed by the new executive. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20130401T230000Z DTEND:20130402T000000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 1 DESCRIPTION:The Computer Science Club is running the second code party of the term! Come join us and hack on open source software, your own projects, or whatever comes up. Everyone is welcome; please bring your friends. There will be foodstuffs and sugary drinks available for your hacking pleasure. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20130401T220000Z DTEND:20130401T230000Z SUMMARY:Unix 101 DESCRIPTION:by Calum T. Dalek. New to the Unix computing environment? If you seek an introduction, look no further. We will be holding a tutorial on using Unix this upcoming Monday. Topics that will be covered include basic interaction with the shell and use of myriad powerful tools. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4020 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20130321T203000Z DTEND:20130321T213000Z SUMMARY:Using Computers to Find Evidence in Litigation DESCRIPTION:Professor Gordon Cormack will be presenting a talk on using machine-learning based spam filters to accurately locate relevent electronic documents - a process which has typically been very manual, and very expensive. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC 1302 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20130228T213000Z DTEND:20130228T223000Z SUMMARY:Machine Architecture, Performance, and Scalability: Things Your Programming Language Never Told You DESCRIPTION:"Herb Sutter is a leading authority on software development. He is the best selling author of several books including Exceptional C++ and C++ Coding Standards, as well as hundreds of technical papers and articles [and] has served for a decade as chair of the ISO C++ standards committee." - END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20130116T210000Z DTEND:20130116T220000Z SUMMARY:Elections DESCRIPTION:CSC Elections have begun for the Winter 2013 term, nominations are open! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3001 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20121123T050000Z DTEND:20121123T060000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 3 DESCRIPTION:The Computer Science Club is running our third, and last, code party of the term! Whether you're a hacking guru or a newbie to computer science, you're welcome to attend; there will be activities for all. Syed Albiz will be presenting a tutorial on implementing a ray-tracer in C and Scheme. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 5136B DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20121121T213000Z DTEND:20121121T223000Z SUMMARY:SASMS DESCRIPTION:by PMC.The Pure Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Combinatorics & Optimization Club is hosting the Fall 2012 Short Attention Span Math Seminars (SASMS). END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20121119T203000Z DTEND:20121119T213000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 101 DESCRIPTION:by Calum T. Dalek. New to the Unix computing environment? If you seek an introduction, look no further. We will be holding a series of tutorials on using Unix, beginning with Unix 101 this upcoming Monday. Topics that will be covered include basic interaction with the shell and use of myriad powerful tools. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC 1302 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20121116T000000Z DTEND:20121116T010000Z SUMMARY:KW Perlmongers Talk DESCRIPTION:by Justin Wheeler.In his own words, this talk will cover the virtues of Perl: CPAN, Moose, CPAN, Catalyst, CPAN, DBIx::Class, CPAN, TMTOWTDI, and did I mention CPAN? END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3001 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20121026T230000Z DTEND:20121027T000000Z SUMMARY:CSC Code Party 2 DESCRIPTION:We will be holding our second code party of the term. Watch for further details, as we plan on working with some robots and Scala, git, and Haskell. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2034 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20121018T200000Z DTEND:20121018T210000Z SUMMARY:The Cryptographic and Game-Theoretical Fundamentals behind Bitcoin DESCRIPTION:by Vitalik Buterin. In this talk, we will cover the cryptographic and game-theory principles behind the currency, including how the issues of double-spending, the "51% attack," and "mining" are addressed, the game-theory incentives to use Bitcoins honestly, and other issues being faced today in practice, such as implementation, attacks, and future scalability. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - PHY 150 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20120928T230000Z DTEND:20120929T000000Z SUMMARY:Tron Screening: Frosh-A-Tron DESCRIPTION:ehashman's lousy frosh event naming scheme continues as we prepare for this week's movie night---a screening of the original TRON in PHY 150. Come watch the groundbreaking film that defined the role of computer graphics and the quality of special effects in modern cinema. And bring your friends! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3001 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20120914T040000Z DTEND:20120914T050000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 1: FROSH-A-THON DESCRIPTION:The Computer Science Club is running our first "welcome back" code party of the term! Whether you're a hacking guru or a newbie to computer science, you're welcome to attend; there will be activities for all! Our party is loosely themed as a Linux installfest, where we will have a team of members dedicated to helping individuals install and learn to use one of many flavours of Linux. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20120918T200000Z DTEND:20120918T210000Z SUMMARY:Elections DESCRIPTION:CSC Elections have begun for the Fall 2012 term, nominations are open! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Math 3 Atrium DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20120906T040000Z DTEND:20120906T050000Z SUMMARY:SCS First-year Welcome Dinner DESCRIPTION:The School of Computer Science is hosting a dinner event for incoming first-year students. You'll get to meet us, some of the faculty, and other new undergraduates. Food will be provided. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3001 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20120608T040000Z DTEND:20120608T050000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 1 DESCRIPTION:The Computer Science Club is running the first code party of the term! Come join us and hack on open source software, your own projects, or whatever comes up. Everyone is welcome; please bring your friends. There will be foodstuffs and sugary drinks available for your hacking pleasure. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20120510T203000Z DTEND:20120510T213000Z SUMMARY:Elections DESCRIPTION:CSC Elections have begun for the Spring 2012 term, nominations are open! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC 1302 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20120507T220000Z DTEND:20120507T230000Z SUMMARY:mmap and the Mortgage Crisis DESCRIPTION:Palantir is a Palo Alto-based intelligence analysis software company that has partnered with the CSC to put on a tech talk and social. There will be free food, free drinks, and for one lucky winner, a free iPad, so why not come on out? END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4021 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20120322T203000Z DTEND:20120322T213000Z SUMMARY:Multi-processor Real-time Systems DESCRIPTION:by Bill Cowan. Programming systems that obey hard real-time constraints is difficult. So is programming multiple CPUs that interact to solve a single problem. This talk will describe the nature of computation typical of real-time systems, architectural solutions currently employed in CS 452, and possible architectures for multi-CPU systems. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20120308T223000Z DTEND:20120308T233000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 102 DESCRIPTION:by Calum T. Dalek. The Computer Science Club will be running the second installment of our introductory UNIX tutorials for the term. We will be covering topics intended to show off the development-friendliness of the UNIX computing environment: "real" document editors, development tools, bash scripting, and version control. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3001 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20120303T000000Z DTEND:20120303T010000Z SUMMARY:OpenCL Code Party DESCRIPTION:by Calum T. Dalek. The University of Waterloo Computer Science Club and AMD's OpenCL programming competition comes to a close, as the contest ends at midnight and prizes are awarded! Open submissions will be judged, so make sure to come out and watch. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - PHY 150 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20120307T223000Z DTEND:20120307T233000Z SUMMARY:Feynman Messenger Lecture Series DESCRIPTION:by Calum T. Dalek. Join the Computer Science Club and PhysClub every Wednesday evening for the rest of the term for our five screenings of the classic 1964 Messenger Lecture Series by Richard Feynman in PHY 150. Dinner provided! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3001 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20120217T000000Z DTEND:20120217T010000Z SUMMARY:OpenCL Introduction DESCRIPTION:by Calum T. Dalek. The University of Waterloo Computer Science Club and AMD are running an OpenCL programming competition. If you're interested in writing massively parallel software on the OpenCL platform, come out and join us for our introductory code party! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20120209T220000Z DTEND:20120209T230000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 101 DESCRIPTION:by Calum T. Dalek. New to the Unix computing environment? If you seek an introduction, look no further. We will be holding a series of tutorials on using Unix, beginning with Unix 101 this upcoming Thursday. Topics that will be covered include basic interaction with the shell and the motivations behind using it, and an introduction to compilation. You'll have to learn this stuff in CS 246 anyways, so why not get a head start! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4045 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20120207T230000Z DTEND:20120208T000000Z SUMMARY:Algorithms Talk DESCRIPTION:by Victor Fan. Join Victor Fan for his talk, intended for all second-year math students with a solid first-year background. Even if you are a first-year or a seasoned veteran, you will probably still take home something new, so please come out to enjoy the talk! Refreshments will be served. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Math CnD DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20120127T233000Z DTEND:20120128T003000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 0 DESCRIPTION:by Calum T. Dalek. The Computer Science Club is running the first code party of the term! Come join us and hack on open source software, your own projects, or whatever comes up. Everyone is welcome; please bring your friends. There will be foodstuffs and sugary drinks available for your hacking pleasure. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20120112T213000Z DTEND:20120112T223000Z SUMMARY:Elections DESCRIPTION:CSC Elections have begun for the Winter 2012 term, nominations are open! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20111119T000000Z DTEND:20111119T010000Z SUMMARY:CSC Open Data Code Party DESCRIPTION:by Calum T. Dalek. The Computer Science Club is teaming up with the UW Open Data Initiative to bring you our third code party of the term! Everyone is welcome; please bring your friends. There will be foodstuffs and sugary drinks available for your hacking pleasure. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Davis Centre DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20111112T123000Z DTEND:20111112T133000Z SUMMARY:CSC goes to Design Our Tomorrow DESCRIPTION:by Calum T. Dalek. The Computer Science Club has a limited number of tickets available for the Design Our Tomorrow Conference at the University of Toronto on Saturday, November 12, 10:00 - 16:30. See event information for ticket details. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20111024T203000Z DTEND:20111024T213000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 102: Tools in the UNIX Environment DESCRIPTION:by Calum T. Dalek. The next installment in the CS Club's popular Unix tutorials UNIX 102 introduces powerful text editing tools for programming and document formatting. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20111021T040000Z DTEND:20111021T050000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 2 DESCRIPTION:by Calum T. Dalek. The Computer Science Club is having our second code party of the term! Everyone is welcome; please bring your friends. There will be foodstuffs and sugary drinks available for your hacking pleasure. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4020 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20111013T223000Z DTEND:20111013T233000Z SUMMARY:How Browsers Work DESCRIPTION:by Ehsan Akhgari. Veteran Mozilla engineer Ehsan Akhgari will present a talk on the internals of web browsers. The material will range from the fundamentals of content rendering to the latest innovations in browser design. Click on the talk title for a full abstract. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20110930T040000Z DTEND:20110930T050000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 1 DESCRIPTION:by Calum T. Dalek. The Computer Science Club is having our first code party of the term! The theme for this code party will be collaborative development. We'll present several ideas of small projects to work on for the unexperienced. Everyone is welcome; please bring your friends! There will be foodstuffs and sugary drinks available for your hacking pleasure. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3004 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20110929T200000Z DTEND:20110929T213000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 101: An Introduction to the Shell DESCRIPTION:by Calum T. Dalek. New to Unix? No problem, we'll teach you to power use circles around your friends! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20110919T203000Z DTEND:20110919T213000Z SUMMARY:Elections DESCRIPTION:Club elections. See related news items for details. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - home of askhader, see abstract DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20110729T040000Z DTEND:20110729T050000Z SUMMARY:CTRL-D DESCRIPTION:The end of another term is here, and so we're having our End-of-Term dinner. Everybody's welcome to come to CTRL-D. We are running this like a potluck, so bringing food is suggested. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20110722T040000Z DTEND:20110722T050000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 3 DESCRIPTION:The final Code Party of the term is here! Come hack on some code, solve some puzzles, and have some fun. The event starts in the evening and will run all night. You can show up for any portion of it. You should bring a laptop, and probably have something in mind to work on, though you're welcome with neither. Snacks will be provided. Everyone is welcome. Please note this date is postponed from the originally scheduled date due to conflicts with Kitchener Ribfest & Craft Beer Show END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2038 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20110720T203000Z DTEND:20110720T213000Z SUMMARY:An Introduction to Steganography DESCRIPTION:As part of the CSC member talks series, Yomna Nasser will be presenting an introduction to steganography. Steganography is the act of hiding information such that it can only be found by its intended recipient. It has been practiced since ancient Greece, and is still in use today. This talk will include an introduction to the area, history, and some basic techniques for hiding information and detecting hidden data. There will be an overview of some of the mathematics involved, but nothing too rigorous. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Columbia Lake Firepit DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20110709T040000Z DTEND:20110709T050000Z SUMMARY:CSC Goes Outside DESCRIPTION:Do you like going outside? Are you vitamin-D deficient from being in the MC too long? Do you think marshmallows, hotdogs, and fire are a delicious combination? If so, you should join us as the CSC is going outside! Around 4PM, we're going to Columbia Lake for some outdoor fun. We'll have Frisbees, kites, snacks, and some drinks. We'll be sticking around until dusk, when we're going to have a campfire with marshmallows and hotdogs. We plan to be there until 10PM, but of course you're welcome to come for any subinterval. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 5158 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20110704T173000Z DTEND:20110704T183000Z SUMMARY:Our Troubles with Linux and Why You Should Care DESCRIPTION:A joint work between Professors Tim Brecht, Ashif Harji, and Peter Buhr, this talk describes experiences using the Linux kernel as a platform for conducting performance evaluations. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20110624T040000Z DTEND:20110624T050000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 2 DESCRIPTION:The second Code Party of the term takes place this Friday! Come hack on some code, solve some puzzles, and have some fun. The event starts in the evening and will run all night. You can show up for any portion of it. You should bring a laptop, and probably have something in mind to work on, though you're welcome with neither. Snacks will be provided. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2054 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20110614T203000Z DTEND:20110614T213000Z SUMMARY:Taming Software Bloat with AdaptableGIMP DESCRIPTION:Ever use software with 100s or 1000s of commands? Ever have a hard time finding the right commands to perform your task? In this talk, we'll present AdaptableGIMP, a new version of GIMP developed at Waterloo to help simplify complex user interfaces. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2054 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20110609T203000Z DTEND:20110609T213000Z SUMMARY:General Purpose Computing on Graphics Cards DESCRIPTION:In the first of our member talks for the term, Katie Hyatt will give a short introduction to General Purpose Graphics Processing Unit computing. This expanding field has many applications. The primary focus of this talk will be nVidia's CUDA architecture. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20110603T040000Z DTEND:20110603T050000Z SUMMARY:Code Party 1 DESCRIPTION:The Computer Science Club is having our first code party of the term. The theme for this week's code party is personal projects. Come show us what you've been working on! Of course, everybody is welcome, even if you don't have a project. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20110509T213100Z DTEND:20110509T223100Z SUMMARY:Elections Nominees List DESCRIPTION:CSC Elections, final list of nominations for Spring 2011 END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20110509T213000Z DTEND:20110509T223000Z SUMMARY:Elections DESCRIPTION:CSC Elections have begun for the Spring 2011 term, nominations are open! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2034 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20110317T203000Z DTEND:20110317T213000Z SUMMARY:Software Patents DESCRIPTION:by Stanley Khaing. What are the requirements for obtaining a patent? Should software be patentable? END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2017 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20110218T000000Z DTEND:20110218T010000Z SUMMARY:A Smorgasbord of Perl Talks DESCRIPTION:by KW Perl Mongers. These talks are intended for programmers who are curious about the Swiss Army Chainsaw of languages, Perl. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20110209T213000Z DTEND:20110209T223000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 103: Version Control Systems DESCRIPTION:by Calum T. Dalek. In this long-awaited third installment of the popular Unix Tutorials the friendly experts of the CSC will teach you the simple art of version control. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20110205T000000Z DTEND:20110205T010000Z SUMMARY:Code Party DESCRIPTION:by Calum T. Dalek. Come one, come all to the Code Party happening in the Comfy Lounge this Friday. The event starts at 7:00PM and will run through the night. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20110202T213000Z DTEND:20110202T223000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 102: Documents and Editing in the Unix environment DESCRIPTION:by Calum T. Dalek. The next installment in the CS Club's popular Unix tutorials UNIX 102 introduces powerful text editing tools for programming and document formatting. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20110126T213000Z DTEND:20110126T223000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 101: An Introduction to the Shell DESCRIPTION:by Calum T. Dalek. New to Unix? No problem, we'll teach you to power use circles around your friends! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4061 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20101117T213000Z DTEND:20101117T223000Z SUMMARY:Mathematics and aesthetics in maze design DESCRIPTION:by Dr. Craig S. Kaplan. In this talk, I discuss the role of the computer in the process of designing mazes. I present some well known algorithms for maze construction, and more recent research that attempts to novel mazes with non-trivial mathematical or aesthetic properties. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Outside DC DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20101113T170000Z DTEND:20101113T180000Z SUMMARY:CSC Invades Toronto DESCRIPTION:The CSC is going to Toronto to visit UofT's CSSU, see what they do, and have beer with them. If you would like to come along, please come by the office and sign up. The cost for the trip is $2 per member. The bus will be leaving from the Davis Center (DC) Saturday Nov. 13 at NOON (some people may have been told 1pm, this is an error). Please show up a few minutes early so we may board. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - CnD Lounge (MC3002) DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20101105T230000Z DTEND:20101106T000000Z SUMMARY:Hackathon DESCRIPTION:Come join the CSC for a night of code, music with only 8 bits, and comradarie. We will be in the C&D Lounge from 7pm until 7am working on personal projects, open source projects, and whatever else comes to mind. If you're interested in getting involved in free/open source development, some members will be on hand to guide you through the process. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4040 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20101026T203000Z DTEND:20101026T213000Z SUMMARY:Analysis of randomized algorithms via the probabilistic method DESCRIPTION:In this talk, we will give a few examples that illustrate the basic method and show how it can be used to prove the existence of objects with desirable combinatorial properties as well as produce them in expected polynomial time via randomized algorithms. Our main goal will be to present a very slick proof from 1995 due to Spencer on the performance of a randomized greedy algorithm for a set-packing problem. Spencer, for seemingly no reason, introduces a time variable into his greedy algorithm and treats set-packing as a Poisson process. Then, like magic, he is able to show that his greedy algorithm is very likely to produce a good result using basic properties of expected value. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - RCH 306 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20101019T203000Z DTEND:20101019T213000Z SUMMARY:Machine learning vs human learning - will scientists become obsolete? DESCRIPTION:by Dr. Shai Ben-David. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20101013T203000Z DTEND:20101013T213000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 102 DESCRIPTION:This installment in the CS Club's popular Unix tutorials UNIX 102 introduces powerful text editing tools for programming and document formatting. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20101006T203000Z DTEND:20101006T213000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 103 DESCRIPTION:Unix 103 will cover version control systems and how to use them to manage your projects. Unix 101 would be helpful, but all that is needed is basic knowledge of the Unix command line (how to enter commands). END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4061 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20101012T203000Z DTEND:20101012T213000Z SUMMARY:How to build a brain: From single neurons to cognition DESCRIPTION:By Dr. Chris Eliasmith. Theoretical neuroscience is a new discipline focused on constructing mathematical models of brain function. It has made significant headway in understanding aspects of the neural code. However, past work has largely focused on small numbers of neurons, and so the underlying representations are often simple. In this talk I demonstrate how the ideas underlying these simple forms of representation can underwrite a representational hierarchy that scales to support sophisticated, structure-sensitive representations. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4021 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20101004T203000Z DTEND:20101004T213000Z SUMMARY:BareMetal OS DESCRIPTION:By Ian Seyler, Return to Infinity. BareMetal is a new 64-bit OS for x86-64 based computers. The OS is written entirely in Assembly, while applications can be written in Assembly or C/C++. High Performance Computing is the main target application. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4061 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100928T203000Z DTEND:20100928T213000Z SUMMARY:A Brief Introduction to Video Encoding DESCRIPTION:By Peter Barfuss. In this talk, I will go over the concepts used in video encoding (such as motion estimation/compensation, inter- and intra- frame prediction, quantization and entropy encoding), and then demonstrate these concepts and algorithms in use in the MPEG-2 and the H.264 video codecs. In addition, some clever optimization tricks using SIMD/vectorization will be covered, assuming sufficient time to cover these topics. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC1301 (The Fishbowl) DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100923T203000Z DTEND:20100923T213000Z SUMMARY:Calling all CS Frosh DESCRIPTION:Come meet and greet your professors, advisors, and the heads of the school. Talk to the CSC executive and other upper year students about CS at Waterloo. Free food and beverages will also be available, so there is really no excuse to miss this. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100929T203000Z DTEND:20100929T213000Z SUMMARY:Unix 101 DESCRIPTION:Need to use the Unix environment for a course, want to overcome your fears of the command line, or just curious? Attend the first installment in the CSC's popular series of Unix tutorials to learn the basics of the shell and how to navigate the unix environment. By the end of the hands on workshop you will be able to work efficiently from the command line and power-use circles around your friends. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4045 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100922T220000Z DTEND:20100922T230000Z SUMMARY:Cooking for Geeks DESCRIPTION:The CSC is happy to be hosting Jeff Potter, author of "Cooking for Geeks" for a presentation on the finer arts of food science. Jeff's book has been featured on NPR, BBC and his presentations have wowed audiences of hackers & foodies alike. We're happy to have Jeff joining us for a hands on demonstration. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4061 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100921T203000Z DTEND:20100921T213000Z SUMMARY:In the Beginning DESCRIPTION:by Dr. Prabhakar Ragde, Cheriton School of Computer Science. I'll be workshopping some lecture ideas involving representations of numbers, specification of computation in functional terms, reasoning about such specifications, and comparing the strengths and weaknesses of different approaches. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100914T203000Z DTEND:20100914T213000Z SUMMARY:Elections DESCRIPTION:Fall term executive elections and general meeting. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2066 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100720T203000Z DTEND:20100720T213000Z SUMMARY:The Incompressibility Method DESCRIPTION:In this talk, we shall explore the incompressibility method---an interesting and extremely powerful framework for determining the average-case runtime of algorithms. Within the right background knowledge, the heapsort question can be answered with an elegant 3-line proof. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2066 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100713T203000Z DTEND:20100713T213000Z SUMMARY:Halftoning and Digital Art DESCRIPTION:Edgar Bering will be giving a talk titled: Halftoning and Digital Art END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100709T230000Z DTEND:20100710T000000Z SUMMARY:Code Party DESCRIPTION:There is a CSC Code Party Friday starting at 7:00PM (1900) until we get bored (likely in the early in morning). Come out for fun hacking times. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2054 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100706T203000Z DTEND:20100706T213000Z SUMMARY:Dataflow Analysis DESCRIPTION:Nomair Naeem, a P.H.D. Student at Waterloo, will be giving a talk about Dataflow Analysis END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2066 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100622T203000Z DTEND:20100622T213000Z SUMMARY:Compiling To Combinators DESCRIPTION:Professor Ragde will be giving the first of our Professor talks for the Spring 2010 term. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2066 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100525T210000Z DTEND:20100525T220000Z SUMMARY:Gerald Sussman DESCRIPTION:Why Programming is a Good Medium for Expressing Poorly Understood and Sloppily Formulated Ideas END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC5136 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100526T193000Z DTEND:20100526T203000Z SUMMARY:Gerald Sussman DESCRIPTION:Public Reception END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC5158 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100526T210000Z DTEND:20100526T220000Z SUMMARY:Gerald Sussman DESCRIPTION:The Art of the Propagator END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100511T213000Z DTEND:20100511T223000Z SUMMARY:Elections DESCRIPTION:Spring term executive elections and general meeting. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC1304 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100406T203000Z DTEND:20100406T213000Z SUMMARY:Brush-Based Constructive Solid Geometry DESCRIPTION:The last talk in the CS10 series will be presented by Jordan Saunders, in which he will discuss methods for processing brush-based constructive solid geometry. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100407T170000Z DTEND:20100407T180000Z SUMMARY:Windows Azure Lab DESCRIPTION:Get the opportunity to learn about Microsoft's Cloud Services Platform, Windows Azure. Attend this Hands-on-lab session sponsored by Microsoft. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - CSC Office DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100401T223000Z DTEND:20100401T233000Z SUMMARY:CTRL-D DESCRIPTION:Once again the CSC will be holding its traditional end of term dinner. It will be at the Vice President's house. If you don't know how to get there meet at the club office at 6:30 PM, a group will be leaving from the MC then. The dinner will be potluck style so bring a dish for 4-6 people, or some plates or pop or something. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC1304 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100330T203000Z DTEND:20100330T213000Z SUMMARY:NUI: The future of robotics and automated systems DESCRIPTION:Member Sam Pasupalak will present some of his ongoing work in Natural User Interfaces and Robotics in this sixth installment of CS10. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC7001 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100326T230000Z DTEND:20100327T000000Z SUMMARY:A Final Party of Code DESCRIPTION:There is a CSC/CMC Code Party Friday starting at 7:00PM (1900) until we get bored (likely in the early in morning). Come out for fun hacking times, spreading Intertube memes (optional), hacking on open source projects, doing some computational math, and other general classiness. There will be free energy drinks for everyone's enjoyment. This is the last of the term so don't miss out. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC5158 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100323T203000Z DTEND:20100323T213000Z SUMMARY:Memory-Corruption Security Holes: How to exploit, patch and prevent them. DESCRIPTION:Despite it being 2010, code is still being exploited due to stack overflows, a 40+ year old class of security vulnerabilities. In this talk, I will go over several common methods of program exploitation, both on the stack and on the heap, as well as going over some of the current mitigation techniques (i.e. stack canaries, ASLR, etc.) for these holes, and similarly, how some of these can be bypassed as well. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100319T230000Z DTEND:20100320T000000Z SUMMARY:Another Party of Code DESCRIPTION:There is a CSC Code Party Friday starting at 7:00PM (1900) until we get bored (likely in the early in morning). Come out for fun hacking times, spreading Intertube memes (optional), hacking on the OpenMoko, creating music mixes, and other general classiness. There will be free energy drinks for everyone's enjoyment. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC5158 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100316T203000Z DTEND:20100316T213000Z SUMMARY:Approximation Hardness and the Unique Games Conjecture DESCRIPTION:The fifth installment in CS10: Undergraduate Seminars in CS, features CSC member Elyot Grant introducing the theory of approximation algorithms. Fun times and a lack of gruesome math are promised. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100313T000000Z DTEND:20100313T010000Z SUMMARY:A Party of Code DESCRIPTION:A fevered night of code, friends, fun, energy drinks, and the CSC. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC1304 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100309T213000Z DTEND:20100309T223000Z SUMMARY:Software Transactional Memory and Using STM in Haskell DESCRIPTION:The fourth Undergraduate Seminar in Computer Science will be presented by Brennan Taylor, a club member. He will be discussing various concurrent computing problems, and introducing Software Transactional Memory as a solution to them. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Waterloo Bowling Lanes DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100306T220000Z DTEND:20100306T230000Z SUMMARY:Bowling DESCRIPTION:The CSC is going bowling. $9.75 for shoes and two games. The bowling alley serves fried food and beer. Join us for some or all of the above END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC1304 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100302T213000Z DTEND:20100302T223000Z SUMMARY:QIP=PSPACE DESCRIPTION:Dr. John Watrous of the IQC will present his recent result "QIP=PSPACE". The talk will not assume any familiarity with quantum computing or complexity theory, and light refreshments will be provided. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - CnD Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100227T000000Z DTEND:20100227T010000Z SUMMARY:Contest Closing DESCRIPTION:The contest is coming to a close tomorrow, so to finish it in style we will be having ice cream and code friday night. It would be a shame if Waterloo lost (we're not on top of the leaderboard right now) so come out and hack for the home team. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC1302 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100225T213000Z DTEND:20100225T223000Z SUMMARY:CSCF Town Hall DESCRIPTION:Come to a town hall style meeting with the managers of CSCF to discuss how to improve the undergraduate (student.cs) computing environment. Have gripes? Suggestions? Requests? Now is the time to voice them. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC5136B DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100223T213000Z DTEND:20100223T223000Z SUMMARY:The Best Algorithms are Randomized Algorithms DESCRIPTION:In this talk Nicholas Harvey discusses the prevalence of randomized algorithms and their application to solving optimization problems on graphs; with startling results compared to deterministic algorithms. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC1304 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100209T213000Z DTEND:20100209T223000Z SUMMARY:An Introduction to Vector Graphics Libraries with Cairo DESCRIPTION:Cairo is an open source, cross platform, vector graphics library with the ability to output to many kinds of surfaces, including PDF, SVG and PNG surfaces, as well as X-Window, Win32 and Quartz 2D backends. Unlike the raster graphics used with programmes and libraries such as The Gimp and ImageMagick, vector graphics are not defined by grids of pixels, but rather by a collection of drawing operations. These operations detail how to draw lines, fill shapes, and even set text to create the desired image. This has the advantages of being infinitely scalable, smaller in file size, and simpler to express within a computer programme. This talk will be an introduction to the concepts and metaphors used by vector graphics libraries in general and Cairo in particular. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3005 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100211T213000Z DTEND:20100211T223000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 101 Encore DESCRIPTION:New to Unix? No problem, we'll teach you to power use circles around your friends! The popular tutorial returns for a second session, in case you missed the first one. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100210T213000Z DTEND:20100210T223000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 101 DESCRIPTION:New to Unix? No problem, we'll teach you to power use circles around your friends! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2066 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100118T203000Z DTEND:20100118T213000Z SUMMARY:Wilderness Programming DESCRIPTION:Paul Lutus describes his early Apple II software development days, conducted from the far end of a 1200-foot power cord, in a tiny Oregon cabin. Paul describes how he wrote a best-seller (Apple Writer) in assembly language, while dealing with power outages, lightning storms and the occasional curious bear. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC1302 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20100126T220000Z DTEND:20100126T230000Z SUMMARY:Deep learning with multiplicative interactions DESCRIPTION:Geoffrey Hinton, from the University of Toronto and the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, will discuss some of his latest work in learning networks and artificial intelligence. The talk will be accessable, so don't hesitate to come out. More information about Dr. Hinton's research can be found on his website. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3036 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20091205T233000Z DTEND:20091206T045500Z SUMMARY:The Club That Really Likes Dinner DESCRIPTION:Come on out to the club's termly end of term dinner, details in the abstract END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20091128T000000Z DTEND:20091128T120000Z SUMMARY:Code Party!!11!! DESCRIPTION:A fevered night of code, friends, fun, energy drinks, and the CSC. Facebook will be around to bring some food and hang out. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2065 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20091105T213000Z DTEND:20091105T223000Z SUMMARY:In the Beginning DESCRIPTION:To most CS students an OS kernel is pretty low level. But there is something even lower, the instructions that must be executed to get the CPU ready to accept a kernel. That is, if you look at any processor's reference manual there is a page or two describing the state of the CPU when it powered on. This talk describes what needs to happen next, up to the point where the first kernel instruction executes. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3036 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20091020T203000Z DTEND:20091020T213000Z SUMMARY:CSC Goes To Dooly's DESCRIPTION:We're going to Dooly's to play pool. What more do you want from us? Come to the Club office and we'll all bus there together. We've got discount tables for club members so be sure to be there. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20091016T230000Z DTEND:20091017T000000Z SUMMARY:Code Party and Contest Finale DESCRIPTION:Come on out for a night of code, contests, and energy drinks. Join the Computer Scinece Club for the finale of the Google AI Challenge and an all night code party. Finish up your entry, or start it (its not too late). Not interested in the contest? Come out anyway for a night of coding and comradarie with us. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20091008T203000Z DTEND:20091008T213000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 103 DESCRIPTION:In this long-awaited third installment of the popular Unix Tutorials the friendly experts of the CSC will teach you the simple art of version control. You will learn the purpose and use of two different Version Control Systems (git and subversion). This tutorial will advise you in the discipline of managing the source code of your projects and enable you to quickly learn new Version Control Systems in the work place -- a skill that is much sought after by employers. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC1304 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20091014T183000Z DTEND:20091014T193000Z SUMMARY:UofT Graduate School Information Session DESCRIPTION:"Is Graduate School for You?" Get the answers to your grad school questions - and have a bite to eat, our treat END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC1301 FishBowl DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20091003T140000Z DTEND:20091003T193000Z SUMMARY:Linux Install Fest DESCRIPTION:Interested in trying Linux but don't know where to start? Come to the Linux install fest to demo Linux, get help installing it on your computer, either stand alone or a dual boot, and help setting up your fresh install. Have lunch and hang around if you like, or just come in for a CD. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20091001T203000Z DTEND:20091001T213000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 102 DESCRIPTION:The next installment in the CS Club's popular Unix tutorials UNIX 102 introduces powerful text editing tools for programming and document formatting. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090928T203000Z DTEND:20091009T040000Z SUMMARY:AI Programming Contest sponsored by Google DESCRIPTION:Come learn how to write an intelligent game-playing program. No past experience necessary. Submit your program using the online web interface to watch it battle against other people's programs. Beginners and experts welcome! Prizes provided by google, including the delivery of your resume to google recruiters. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090924T203000Z DTEND:20090924T213000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 101 DESCRIPTION:New to Unix? No problem, we'll teach you to power use circles around your friends! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090915T210000Z DTEND:20090915T220000Z SUMMARY:Elections DESCRIPTION:Nominations are open now, either place your name on the nominees board or e-mail the CRO to nominate someone for a position. Come to the Comfy Lounge to elect your fall term executive. Contact the CRO if you have questions. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090723T203000Z DTEND:20090723T220000Z SUMMARY:Unix 103 DESCRIPTION:In this long-awaited third installment of the popular Unix Tutorials the dark mages of the CSC will train you in the not-so-arcane magick of version control. You will learn the purpose and use of two different Version Control Systems (git and subversion). This tutorial will advise you in the discipline of managing the source code of your projects and enable you to quickly learn new Version Control Systems in the work place -- a skill that is much sought after by employers. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3001 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090717T230000Z DTEND:20090718T080000Z SUMMARY:Code Party DESCRIPTION:Have an assignment or project you need to work on? We will be coding from 7:00pm until 4:00am starting on Friday, July 17th in the Comfy lounge. Join us! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC 1302 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090707T190000Z DTEND:20090707T210000Z SUMMARY:History of CS Curriculum at UW DESCRIPTION:This talk provides a personal overview of the evolution of the undergraduate computer science curriculum at UW over the past forty years, concluding with an audience discussion of possible future developments. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4041 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090622T203000Z DTEND:20090622T223000Z SUMMARY:Paper Club DESCRIPTION:Come and drink tea and read an academic CS paper with the Paper Club. We will be meeting from 4:30pm until 6:30pm on Monday, June 22th on the 4th floor of the MC (exact room number TBA). See END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Dooly's DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090619T213000Z DTEND:20090619T223000Z SUMMARY:Dooly's Night DESCRIPTION:The CSC will be playing pool at Dooly's. Join us for only a few dollars. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3001 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090605T230000Z DTEND:20090606T080000Z SUMMARY:Code Party DESCRIPTION:Have an assignment or project you need to work on? We will be coding from 7:00pm until 7:00am starting on Friday, June 5th in the Comfy lounge. Join us! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090602T203000Z DTEND:20090602T213000Z SUMMARY:Unix 101 DESCRIPTION:Need to use the UNIX environment for a course, want to overcome your fears of the command line, or just curious? Come and learn the arcane secrets of the UNIX command line interface from CSC mages. After this tutorial you will be comfortable with the essentials of navigating, manipulating and viewing files, and processing data at the UNIX shell prompt. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2034 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090512T160000Z DTEND:20090512T170000Z SUMMARY:PHP on Windows DESCRIPTION:PHP Programming Contest Info Session END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC1302 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090402T203000Z DTEND:20090402T213000Z SUMMARY:Rapid prototyping and mathematical art DESCRIPTION:A talk by Craig S. Kaplan. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - TBA DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090403T220000Z DTEND:20090404T100000Z SUMMARY:CTRL-D DESCRIPTION:Join the Club That Really Likes Dinner for the End Of Term party! Inquire closer to the date for details. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge (MC) DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090327T220000Z DTEND:20090328T160000Z SUMMARY:Code Party DESCRIPTION:CSC Code Party! Same as always - no sleep, lots of caffeine, and really nerdy entertainment. Bonus: Free Cake! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2061 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090319T203000Z DTEND:20090328T160000Z SUMMARY:Artificial Intelligence Contest DESCRIPTION:Come out and try your hand at writing a computer program that plays Minesweeper Flags, a two-player variant of the classic computer game, Minesweeper. Once you're done, your program will compete head-to-head against the other entries in a fierce Minesweeper Flags tournament. There will be a contest kick-off session on Thursday March 19 at 4:30 PM in room MC3036. Submissions will be accepted until Saturday March 28. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090305T213000Z DTEND:20090305T233000Z SUMMARY:SIGGRAPH Night DESCRIPTION:Come out and watch the SIGGRAPH (Special Interest Group on Graphics) conference video review. A video of insane, amazing, and mind blowing computer graphics. . END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Toronto Hilton DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090312T120000Z DTEND:20090314T010000Z SUMMARY:Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference DESCRIPTION:See for more details. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC1302 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090309T190000Z DTEND:20090309T200000Z SUMMARY:Prabhakar Ragde DESCRIPTION:Functional Lexing and Parsing END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - RAC2009 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090312T210000Z DTEND:20090312T230000Z SUMMARY:IQC - Programming Quantum Computers DESCRIPTION:A brief intro to Quantum Computing and why it matters, followed by a talk on programming quantum computers. Meet at the CSC at 4:00PM for a guided walk to the RAC. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - CSC Office: MC3036 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090227T220000Z DTEND:20090228T000000Z SUMMARY:Dooly's Night DESCRIPTION:Come join the CSC as we head to Dooly's. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2062 and MC2063 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090205T223000Z DTEND:20090205T233000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 101 and 102 DESCRIPTION:Continuing the popular Unix Tutorials with a rerun of 101 and the debut of 102. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3003 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090203T223000Z DTEND:20090203T233000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 101 DESCRIPTION:New to Unix? No problem, we'll teach you to power use circles around your friends! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090207T000000Z DTEND:20090207T010000Z SUMMARY:Code Party! DESCRIPTION:There is a CSC Code Party starting at 7:00PM (19:00). Come out and enjoy some good old programming and meet others interested in writing code! Free energy drinks and snacks for all. Plus, we have lots of things that need to be done if you're looking for a project to work on! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090117T003000Z DTEND:20090117T013000Z SUMMARY:Code party !!11!!1!! DESCRIPTION:There is a CSC Code Party Tonight starting at 7:30PM (1930) until we get bored (likely in the early in morning). Come out for fun hacking times, spreading Intertube memes (optional), hacking on the OpenMoko, creating music mixes, and other general classyness. If we manage to swing it, there will be delicious energy drinks for your consumption! Alternatively, if we don't we will have each other as well as some delicious tea and coffee. Perhaps a crumpet END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Modern Languages Theatre DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090129T233000Z DTEND:20090130T003000Z SUMMARY:Richard M. Stallman DESCRIPTION:The Free Software Movement and the GNU/Linux Operating System END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC5136 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090122T170000Z DTEND:20090122T180000Z SUMMARY:Joel Spolsky DESCRIPTION:Joel Spolsky, of Joel on Software will be giving a talk entitled "Computer Science Education and the Software Industry". END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20090113T212000Z DTEND:20090113T222000Z SUMMARY:Term Elections DESCRIPTION:Winter Elections END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Toronto DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20081115T113000Z DTEND:20081115T123000Z SUMMARY:Changing the World Conference DESCRIPTION:Organized by Queen's students, Changing the World aims to bring together the world's greatest visionaries to inspire people to innovate and better our world. Among these speakers include Nobel Peace Prize winner, Eric Chivian. He was a recipient for his work on stopping nuclear war. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - SLC Multipurpose Room DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20081106T150000Z DTEND:20081106T160000Z SUMMARY:Linux Install Fest DESCRIPTION:Come join the CSC in celebrating the new releases of Ubuntu Linux, Free BSD and Open BSD, and get a hand installing one of them on your own system. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4061 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20081110T213000Z DTEND:20081110T223000Z SUMMARY:Functional Programming DESCRIPTION:This talk will survey concepts, techniques, and languages for functional programming from both historical and contemporary perspectives, with reference to Lisp, Scheme, ML, Haskell, and Erlang. No prior background is assumed. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20081024T220000Z DTEND:20081024T230000Z SUMMARY:Code Party DESCRIPTION:A fevered night of code, friends, fun, free energy drinks, and the CSC. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20081016T203000Z DTEND:20081016T213000Z SUMMARY:SIGGRAPH Night DESCRIPTION:Come out and watch the SIGGRAPH (Special Interest Group on Graphics) conference video review. A video of insane, amazing, and mind blowing computer graphics. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20080912T203000Z DTEND:20080912T213000Z SUMMARY:Meet the CSC DESCRIPTION:Come out and meet other CSC members, find out about the CSC, meet the executive nominees, and join if you like what you see. Nominees should plan on attending. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20080916T203000Z DTEND:20080916T213000Z SUMMARY:CSClub Elections DESCRIPTION:Elections are scheduled for Tues, Sep 16 @ 4:30 pm in the comfy lounge. The nomination period closes on Mon, Sep 15 @ 4:30 pm. Nominations may be sent to Candidates should not engage in campaigning after the nomination period has closed. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20080925T203000Z DTEND:20080925T213000Z SUMMARY:Unix 101 DESCRIPTION:New to Unix? No problem, we'll teach you to power use circles around your friends! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20081007T203000Z DTEND:20081007T213000Z SUMMARY:Unix 101 DESCRIPTION:New to Unix? No problem, we'll teach you to power use circles around your friends! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20081009T203000Z DTEND:20081009T213000Z SUMMARY:Unix 102 DESCRIPTION:Want more from Unix? No problem, we'll teach you to create and quickly edit high quality documents. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2065 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20081003T203000Z DTEND:20081003T213000Z SUMMARY:Game Sketching DESCRIPTION:Juancho Buchanan, CTO Relic Entertainment END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4021 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20081002T203000Z DTEND:20081002T213000Z SUMMARY:General Meeting 2 DESCRIPTION:The second official general meeting of the term. Items on the adgenda are CSC Merch, upcoming talks, and other possible planned events, as well as the announcement of a librarian and planning of an office cleanout and a library organization day. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4042 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20080208T213000Z DTEND:20080208T223000Z SUMMARY:A Brief History of Blackberry and the Wireless Data Telecom Industry DESCRIPTION:Tyler Lessard END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - BFG2125 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20080229T220000Z DTEND:20080229T230000Z SUMMARY:Quantum Information Processing DESCRIPTION:Raymond Laflamme END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2061 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20080214T210000Z DTEND:20080214T220000Z SUMMARY:CSC Programming Contest 1 DESCRIPTION:Yes, we know this is Valentine's Day. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4020 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20080123T220000Z DTEND:20080123T230000Z SUMMARY:Creating Distributed Applications with TIPC DESCRIPTION:Elmer Horvath END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20080115T213000Z DTEND:20080115T223000Z SUMMARY:CSClub Elections DESCRIPTION:Elections are scheduled for Tues, Jan 15 @ 4:30 pm in the comfy lounge. The nomination period closes on Mon, Jan 14 @ 4:30 pm. Candidates should not engage in campaigning after the nomination period has closed. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4058 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20071019T210000Z DTEND:20071019T220000Z SUMMARY:General Meeting DESCRIPTION:There is a general meeting scheduled for Friday, October 19, 2007 at 17:00. This is a chance to bring out any ideas and concerns about CSC happenings into the open, as well as a chance to make sure all CSC staff is up to speed on current CSC doings. The current agenda can be found at END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC 1302 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20070925T173000Z DTEND:20070925T183000Z SUMMARY:Virtual Reality, Real Law: The regulation of Property in Video Games DESCRIPTION:Susan Abramovitch END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4061 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20071002T203000Z DTEND:20071002T213000Z SUMMARY:Putting the fun into Functional Languages and Useful Programming with OCaml/F# DESCRIPTION:Brennan Taylor END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4060 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20071009T204500Z DTEND:20071009T214500Z SUMMARY:Join-Calculus with JoCaml. Concurrent programming that doesn't fry your brain DESCRIPTION:Brennan Taylor END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4041 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20071015T203000Z DTEND:20071015T213000Z SUMMARY:Off-the-Record Messaging: Useful Security and Privacy for IM DESCRIPTION:Ian Goldberg END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4041 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20071120T213000Z DTEND:20071120T223000Z SUMMARY:Why you should care about functional programming with Haskell *New-er Date* DESCRIPTION:Andrei Barbu END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4041 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20071122T213000Z DTEND:20071122T223000Z SUMMARY:More Haskell functional programming fun! DESCRIPTION:Andrei Barbu END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4061 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20071129T213000Z DTEND:20071129T223000Z SUMMARY:Concurrent / Distributed programming with JoCaml DESCRIPTION:Brennan Taylor END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - TBA DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20071204T213000Z DTEND:20071204T223000Z SUMMARY:PE Executable Translation: A solution for legacy games on linux (Postponed) DESCRIPTION:David Tenty END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20071201T183000Z DTEND:20071201T193000Z SUMMARY:Programming Contest DESCRIPTION:Win Prizes! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - TBA DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20071202T193000Z DTEND:20071202T203000Z SUMMARY:Multi-Player Linux games for Linux awarness week DESCRIPTION:Multi-Player Gaming with Linux [Possibly Pizza!] END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - TBA DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20071004T203000Z DTEND:20071004T213000Z SUMMARY:Distributed Programming with Erlang DESCRIPTION:Brennan Taylor END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4061 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20071205T213000Z DTEND:20071205T223000Z SUMMARY:Google Summer of Code, a look back on 2007 DESCRIPTION:Holden Karau END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - AL 116 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20070717T230000Z DTEND:20070718T000000Z SUMMARY:C++0x - An Overview DESCRIPTION:Bjarne Stroustrup END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - AL 116 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20070706T203000Z DTEND:20070706T213000Z SUMMARY:Copyright vs Community in the Age of Computer Networks DESCRIPTION:Richard Stallman END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4042 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20070627T203000Z DTEND:20070627T213000Z SUMMARY:Usability in the wild DESCRIPTION:A talk by Michael Terry END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4042 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20070622T203000Z DTEND:20070622T213000Z SUMMARY:Email encryption for the masses DESCRIPTION:Ken Ho END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC 4040 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20070618T203000Z DTEND:20070618T213000Z, Web 3.0, Portals and the Metaverse DESCRIPTION:Peter Macdonald END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Hagey Hall DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20070411T193000Z DTEND:20070411T203000Z SUMMARY:The Free Software Movement and the GNU/Linux Operating System DESCRIPTION:A talk by Richard M. Stallman (RMS) [CANCELLED] END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4041 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20070408T203000Z DTEND:20070408T213000Z SUMMARY:Loop Optimizations DESCRIPTION:A talk by Simina Branzei END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3036 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20070401T203000Z DTEND:20070401T213000Z SUMMARY:Surprise Bill Gates Visit DESCRIPTION:Bill Gates is coming to visit the CSClub END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 1056 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20070328T213000Z DTEND:20070328T223000Z SUMMARY:Computational Physics Simulations DESCRIPTION:A talk by David Tenty and Alex Parent END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 1056 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20070329T203000Z DTEND:20070329T213000Z SUMMARY:All The Code DESCRIPTION:A demo/introduction to a new source code search engine. A talk by Holden Karau END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 1056 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20070404T200000Z DTEND:20070404T210000Z SUMMARY:Data Analysis with Kernels: [an introduction] DESCRIPTION:A talk by Michael Biggs. This talk is RESCHEDULED due to unexpected circumstances END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC 1350 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20070226T213000Z DTEND:20070226T223000Z SUMMARY:ReactOS: An Open Source OS Platform for Learning DESCRIPTION:A talk by Alex Ionescu END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2065 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20070215T213000Z DTEND:20070215T223000Z SUMMARY:An Introduction to Recognizing Regular Expressions in Haskell DESCRIPTION:A talk by James deBoer END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4041 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20070209T213000Z DTEND:20070209T223000Z SUMMARY:Introduction to 3-d Graphics DESCRIPTION:A talk by Chris "The Prof" Evensen END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC 1351 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20070210T013000Z DTEND:20070210T023000Z SUMMARY:Writing World Class Software DESCRIPTION:A talk by James Simpson END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2066 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20070208T213000Z DTEND:20070208T223000Z SUMMARY:UW Software Start-ups: What Worked and What Did Not DESCRIPTION:A talk by Larry Smith END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4041 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20070207T213000Z DTEND:20070207T223000Z SUMMARY:Riding The Multi-core Revolution DESCRIPTION:How a Waterloo software company is changing the way people program computers. A talk by Stefanus Du Toit END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4041 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20070131T210000Z DTEND:20070131T220000Z SUMMARY:Network Security -- Intrusion Detection DESCRIPTION:A talk by Reg Quinton END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - East Side Mario DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20060729T230000Z DTEND:20060730T000000Z SUMMARY:CTRL D DESCRIPTION:Come out for the Club that Really Likes Dinner END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20060726T193000Z DTEND:20060726T203000Z SUMMARY:Lemmings Day DESCRIPTION:Come out for some retro Amiga-style Lemmings gaming action! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC Fishbowk DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20060725T170000Z DTEND:20060725T180000Z SUMMARY:Linux Installfest! DESCRIPTION:A part of Linux Awareness Week END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4063 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20060724T203000Z DTEND:20060724T213000Z SUMMARY:Software development gets on the Cluetrain DESCRIPTION:or How communities of interest drive modern software development. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC1085 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20060721T213000Z DTEND:20060721T223000Z SUMMARY:March of the Penguins DESCRIPTION:The Computer Science Club will be showing March of the Penguins END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4041 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20060720T213000Z DTEND:20060720T223000Z SUMMARY:Cool Stuff to do With Python DESCRIPTION:Albert O'Connor will be introducing the joys of programming in python END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4041 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20060720T203000Z DTEND:20060720T213000Z SUMMARY:Simulating multi-tasking on an embedded architecture DESCRIPTION:Alex Tsay will look at the common hack used to simulate multi-processing in a real time embedded environment. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC1085 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20060719T203000Z DTEND:20060719T213000Z SUMMARY:Semacode: Image recognition on mobile camera phones DESCRIPTION:Simon Woodside, founder of Semacode, comes to discuss image what it is like to start a business and how imaging code works END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3036 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20060718T035900Z DTEND:20060718T045900Z SUMMARY:Midnight Madness, Alpha Edition DESCRIPTION:Come out to discuss current & future plans/projects for the Club END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4042 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20060621T203000Z DTEND:20060621T213000Z SUMMARY:CSC General Meeting DESCRIPTION:Come out to discuss current & future plans/projects for the Club END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4060 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20060525T200000Z DTEND:20060525T210000Z SUMMARY:Eighteen Years in the Software Tools Business DESCRIPTION:Eighteen Years in the Software Tools Business at Microsoft, a talk by Rico Mariani, (BMath CS/EEE 1988) END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - CSC DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20060514T170000Z DTEND:20060514T180000Z SUMMARY:Unix 101 and 102 Recording DESCRIPTION:Unix 101 and 102 recording END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - CSC DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20060513T170000Z DTEND:20060513T180000Z SUMMARY:Video 4 Linux Day DESCRIPTION:We don't know enough about V4L END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - The Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20060508T203000Z DTEND:20060508T213000Z SUMMARY:CSC Elections DESCRIPTION:Come out and vote for the Spring 2006 executive! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Physics 145 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20060306T214500Z DTEND:20060306T224500Z SUMMARY:Creating Killer Applications DESCRIPTION:A talk by Larry Smith END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Bombshelter Pub DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20060209T223000Z DTEND:20060209T233000Z SUMMARY:Pints With Profs DESCRIPTION:Come out and meet your professors. Free food provided! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - TBA DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20051129T223000Z DTEND:20051129T233000Z SUMMARY:Programming Contest DESCRIPTION:Come out, program, and win shiny things! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Fishbowl DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20051017T213000Z DTEND:20051017T223000Z SUMMARY:Party with Profs! DESCRIPTION:Get to know your profs and be the envy of your friends! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20051011T203000Z DTEND:20051011T213000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 103: Scripting Unix DESCRIPTION:You Too Can Be a Unix Taskmaster END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3D 2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20051006T203000Z DTEND:20051006T213000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 102 DESCRIPTION:Fun with Unix END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20051004T203000Z DTEND:20051004T213000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 101 DESCRIPTION:First UNIX tutorial END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC 1302 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20050602T193000Z DTEND:20050602T203000Z SUMMARY:Programming and Verifying the Interactive Web DESCRIPTION:Shriram Krishnamurthi will be talking about continuations in Web Programming END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4042 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20050607T200000Z DTEND:20050607T210000Z SUMMARY:UW's CS curriculum: past, present, and future DESCRIPTION:Come out to here Prabhakar Ragde talk about our UW's CS curriculum END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4060 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20050315T213000Z DTEND:20050315T223000Z SUMMARY:Oh No! More Lemmings Day! DESCRIPTION:Come out for some retro Amiga-style Lemmings gaming action! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20050201T213000Z DTEND:20050201T223000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 102 DESCRIPTION:Fun with Unix END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20050125T213000Z DTEND:20050125T223000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 101 DESCRIPTION:First UNIX tutorial END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - The Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20050113T213000Z DTEND:20050113T223000Z SUMMARY:CSC Elections DESCRIPTION:Come out and vote for the Winter 2005 executive! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Mongolian Grill DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20041208T213000Z DTEND:20041208T223000Z SUMMARY:CTRL-D DESCRIPTION:This semesters CTRL-D (or the club that really likes dinner) is going to be at Mongolian grill. Be there or be square END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4058 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20041201T193000Z DTEND:20041201T203000Z SUMMARY:Knitting needles, hairpins and other tangled objects DESCRIPTION:In this talk, I'll study linkages (objects built from sticks that are connected with flexible joints), and explain some interesting examples that can or cannot be straightened out END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2066 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20041124T213000Z DTEND:20041124T223000Z SUMMARY:Eclipse DESCRIPTION:How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the IDE END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2066 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20041118T220000Z DTEND:20041118T230000Z SUMMARY:GracefulTavi DESCRIPTION:Wiki software in PHP+MySQL END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4063 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20041112T193000Z DTEND:20041112T203000Z SUMMARY:Lemmings Day! DESCRIPTION:Everyone else is doing it! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20041024T030000Z DTEND:20041024T040000Z SUMMARY:CSC Programming Contest DESCRIPTION:CSC Programming Contest END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20041018T203000Z DTEND:20041018T213000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 103: Scripting Unix DESCRIPTION:You Too Can Be a Unix Taskmaster END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20041004T203000Z DTEND:20041004T213000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 102 DESCRIPTION:Fun with Unix END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20040927T203000Z DTEND:20040927T213000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 101 DESCRIPTION:First UNIX tutorial END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - The Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20040917T200000Z DTEND:20040917T210000Z SUMMARY:CSC Elections DESCRIPTION:Come out and vote for the Fall 2004 executive! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2065 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20040727T203000Z DTEND:20040727T213000Z SUMMARY:Game Complexity Theorists Ponder, by Jonathan Buss DESCRIPTION:Attention AI buffs: Game Complexity presentation END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - RCH 308 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20040717T153000Z DTEND:20040717T163000Z SUMMARY:Case Modding Workshop! DESCRIPTION:Come and learn how to make your computer 1337! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2066 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20040617T200000Z DTEND:20040617T210000Z SUMMARY:``Optical Snow'': Motion parallax and heading computation in densely cluttered scenes. -or- Why Computer Vision needs the Fourier Transform! DESCRIPTION:A talk by Richard Mann; School of Computer Science END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC 1350 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20040526T213000Z DTEND:20040526T223000Z SUMMARY:Computing's Next Great Empires: The True Future of Software DESCRIPTION:A talk by Larry Smith END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - The Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20040512T203000Z DTEND:20040512T213000Z SUMMARY:CSC Elections DESCRIPTION:Come out and vote for the Spring 2004 executive! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4058 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20040329T230000Z DTEND:20040330T000000Z SUMMARY:LaTeXing your work report DESCRIPTION:A talk by Simon Law END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - The Grad House DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20040330T223000Z DTEND:20040330T233000Z SUMMARY:Pints with Profs! DESCRIPTION:Get to know your profs and be the envy of your friends! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4058 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20040323T230000Z DTEND:20040324T000000Z SUMMARY:Extending LaTeX with packages DESCRIPTION:A talk by Simon Law END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4058 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20040316T230000Z DTEND:20040317T000000Z SUMMARY:Distributed programming for CS and Engineering students DESCRIPTION:A talk by Simon Law END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4040 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20040315T223000Z DTEND:20040315T233000Z SUMMARY:SPARC Architecture DESCRIPTION:A talk by James Morrison END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4062 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20040309T230000Z DTEND:20040310T000000Z SUMMARY:Managing your home directory using CVS DESCRIPTION:A talk by Simon Law END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4042 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20040302T230000Z DTEND:20040303T000000Z SUMMARY:Graphing webs-of-trust DESCRIPTION:A talk by Simon Law END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC2305 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20040219T000000Z DTEND:20040219T010000Z SUMMARY:KW Perl Mongers DESCRIPTION:Perl Modules: A look under the hood END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4041 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20040205T203000Z DTEND:20040205T213000Z SUMMARY:Constitutional Change DESCRIPTION:Vote to change the CSC Constitution END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC1301 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20040112T200000Z DTEND:20040112T210000Z SUMMARY:InstallFest DESCRIPTION:See END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - RCH 101 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20031202T000000Z DTEND:20031202T010000Z SUMMARY:Jon 'maddog' Hall: Free and Open Source: Its uses in Business and Education DESCRIPTION:Free and Open Source software has been around for a long time, even longer then shrink-wrapped code. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Grad House Pub (Green Room) DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20031105T213000Z DTEND:20031105T223000Z SUMMARY:CS Pints With Profs DESCRIPTION:Come have a pint with your favourite CS profs! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2065 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20031021T203000Z DTEND:20031021T213000Z SUMMARY:.NET & Linux: When Worlds Collide DESCRIPTION:A talk by James Perry END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4061 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20031022T203000Z DTEND:20031022T213000Z SUMMARY:Real-Time Graphics Compilers DESCRIPTION:Sh is a GPU metaprogramming language developed at the UW Computer Graphics Lab END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3001 (Comfy) DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20031017T190000Z DTEND:20031017T200000Z SUMMARY:Poster Team Meeting DESCRIPTION:More free pizza from the Poster Team END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20031016T200000Z DTEND:20031016T210000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 103: Development Tools DESCRIPTION:GCC, GDB, Make END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20031002T200000Z DTEND:20031002T210000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 101: Text Editors DESCRIPTION:vi vs. emacs: The Ultimate Showdown END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3001 (Comfy) DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20031006T200000Z DTEND:20031006T210000Z SUMMARY:Poster Team Meeting DESCRIPTION:Join the Poster Team and get Free Pizza! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3001 (Comfy) DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030917T203000Z DTEND:20030917T213000Z SUMMARY:CSC Elections DESCRIPTION:CSC Fall 2003 Elections END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4064 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030731T203000Z DTEND:20030731T213000Z SUMMARY:LaTeX and Work Reports DESCRIPTION:Writing beautiful work reports END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030724T203000Z DTEND:20030724T213000Z SUMMARY:vi: the visual editor DESCRIPTION:It's not 6. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - CSC Office DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030724T190000Z DTEND:20030724T200000Z SUMMARY:July Exec Meeting DESCRIPTION:See Abstract for minutes END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC1302 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030627T183000Z DTEND:20030627T193000Z SUMMARY:Friday Flicks DESCRIPTION:SIGGRAPH Electronic Theatre Showing END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2065 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030708T200000Z DTEND:20030708T210000Z SUMMARY:Mainframes and Linux DESCRIPTION:A talk by Jim Elliott. Jim is responsible for IBM's in Open Source activities and IBM's mainframe operating systems for Canada and the Carribbean. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - University of Guelph DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030704T193000Z DTEND:20030704T203000Z SUMMARY:Guelph Trip DESCRIPTION:Come Visit the University of Guelph's Computer Science Club END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4064 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030717T203000Z DTEND:20030717T213000Z SUMMARY:Sh DESCRIPTION:Metaprogramming your way to stunning effects. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030619T203000Z DTEND:20030619T213000Z SUMMARY:vi: the visual editor DESCRIPTION:It's not 6. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3036 CSC Office DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030612T193000Z DTEND:20030612T203000Z SUMMARY:June 12 Exec Meeting DESCRIPTION:Have an issue that should be brought up? We'd love to hear it! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2066 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030610T203000Z DTEND:20030610T213000Z SUMMARY:A Brief History of Computer Science DESCRIPTION:War, insanity, espionage, beauty, domination, sacrifice, and tragic death... not what one might associate with the history of computer science. In this talk I will focus on the origin of our discipline in the fields of engineering, mathematics, and science, and on the complicated personalities that shaped its evolution. No advanced technical knowledge is required. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - The Grad House DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030610T010000Z DTEND:20030610T020000Z SUMMARY:Pints with Profs! DESCRIPTION:Get to know your profs and be the envy of your friends! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030529T203000Z DTEND:20030529T213000Z SUMMARY:Unix 101: First Steps With Unix DESCRIPTION:Learn Unix and be the envy of your friends! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030605T203000Z DTEND:20030605T213000Z SUMMARY:Unix 102: Fun With Unix DESCRIPTION:Talking to your Unix can be fun and profitable END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030612T203000Z DTEND:20030612T213000Z SUMMARY:Unix 103: Scripting Unix DESCRIPTION:You too can be a Unix taskmaster END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3036 CSC Office DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030522T203000Z DTEND:20030522T213000Z SUMMARY:May 22 Exec Meeting DESCRIPTION:The execs discuss what needs discussion END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3001 Comfy Lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030514T203000Z DTEND:20030514T213000Z SUMMARY:Spring 2003 Elections DESCRIPTION:Come on out and vote for your exec! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030204T213000Z DTEND:20030204T223000Z SUMMARY:Unix 101 Tutorial DESCRIPTION:Learn Unix and be the envy of your friends! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030211T213000Z DTEND:20030211T223000Z SUMMARY:Unix 102 Tutorial DESCRIPTION:Learn more Unix and be the envy of your friends! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030218T213000Z DTEND:20030218T223000Z SUMMARY:Unix 103 Tutorial DESCRIPTION:Learn more Unix and be the envy of your friends! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3001 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030113T230000Z DTEND:20030114T000000Z SUMMARY:W03 Elections DESCRIPTION:Come out and vote for the new exec! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC1085 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030123T233000Z DTEND:20030124T003000Z SUMMARY:Regular Expressions DESCRIPTION:Find your perfect match END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC1085 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030130T233000Z DTEND:20030131T003000Z SUMMARY:sed & awk DESCRIPTION:Unix text editing END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC1085 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030206T233000Z DTEND:20030207T003000Z SUMMARY:LaTeX: A Document Processor DESCRIPTION:Typesetting beautiful text END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC1085 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030213T233000Z DTEND:20030214T003000Z SUMMARY:LaTeX: Reports DESCRIPTION:Writing reports that look good. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC1085 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030220T233000Z DTEND:20030221T003000Z SUMMARY:LaTeX: Beautiful Mathematics DESCRIPTION:LaTeX => fun END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC1085 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030227T230000Z DTEND:20030228T000000Z SUMMARY:The BSD License Family DESCRIPTION:Free for all END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC1085 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030227T233000Z DTEND:20030228T003000Z SUMMARY:The GNU General Public License DESCRIPTION:The teeth of Free Software END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC1085 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030313T233000Z DTEND:20030314T003000Z SUMMARY:XML DESCRIPTION:Give your documents more markup END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC1085 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030320T233000Z DTEND:20030321T003000Z SUMMARY:XSLT DESCRIPTION:Transforming your documents END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Humanities Theatre, Hagey Hall DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030325T010000Z DTEND:20030325T020000Z SUMMARY:Judy, or What Is It Like To Be A Robot? DESCRIPTION:Held in co-operation with the UW Cognitive Science Club END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2065 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030325T213000Z DTEND:20030325T223000Z SUMMARY:Stream Processing DESCRIPTION:A talk by Assistant Professor Michael McCool END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2065 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030326T230000Z DTEND:20030327T000000Z SUMMARY:Abusing the C++ Compiler DESCRIPTION:Abusing template metaprogramming in C++ END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC1085 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20030327T233000Z DTEND:20030328T003000Z SUMMARY:SSH and Networks DESCRIPTION:Once more into the breach END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Princess Cinema DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:19940914T010000Z DTEND:19940914T020000Z SUMMARY:Movie Outing: Brainstorm DESCRIPTION:No description available. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 4040 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:19940916T203000Z DTEND:19940916T213000Z SUMMARY:CSC Elections DESCRIPTION:No description available END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3022 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:19940919T203000Z DTEND:19940919T213000Z SUMMARY:UNIX I Tutorial DESCRIPTION:No description available END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC 1302 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:19940921T223000Z DTEND:19940921T233000Z SUMMARY:SIGGRAPH Video Night DESCRIPTION:No description available END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3022 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:19940922T203000Z DTEND:19940922T213000Z SUMMARY:UNIX I Tutorial DESCRIPTION:No description available END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3022 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:19940926T203000Z DTEND:19940926T213000Z SUMMARY:UNIX II Tutorial DESCRIPTION:No description available END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC 1302 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:19941013T210000Z DTEND:19941013T220000Z SUMMARY:Prograph: Picture the Future DESCRIPTION:No description available END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3022 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:19941015T140000Z DTEND:19941015T150000Z SUMMARY:ACM-Style Programming Contest DESCRIPTION:No description available END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 3009 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:19941020T203000Z DTEND:19941020T213000Z SUMMARY:Exploring the Internet DESCRIPTION:No description available END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2038 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:19941102T213000Z DTEND:19941102T223000Z SUMMARY:Game Theory DESCRIPTION:No description available END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC1304 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:19991018T183000Z DTEND:19991018T193000Z SUMMARY:Living Laboratories: The Future Computing Environments at Georgia Tech DESCRIPTION:By Blair MacIntyre and Elizabeth Mynatt END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC1304 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:19991019T203000Z DTEND:19991019T213000Z SUMMARY:GDB, Purify Tutorial DESCRIPTION:No description available. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2066 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:19991201T213000Z DTEND:19991201T223000Z SUMMARY:Homebrew Processors and Integrated Systems in FPGAs DESCRIPTION:By Jan Gray END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Golf's Steakhouse DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:19991202T000000Z DTEND:19991202T010000Z SUMMARY:Ctrl-D DESCRIPTION:End-of-term dinner END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC1302 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:19991202T183000Z DTEND:19991202T193000Z SUMMARY:Calculational Mathematics DESCRIPTION:By Edgar Dijkstra END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Siegfried Hall, St Jerome's DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:19991203T150000Z DTEND:19991203T160000Z SUMMARY:Proofs and Programs DESCRIPTION:By Edsger Dijkstra END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC1351 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:19991203T200000Z DTEND:19991203T210000Z SUMMARY:Open Q&A session DESCRIPTION:By Edsger Dijkstra END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC1304 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20000324T213000Z DTEND:20000324T223000Z SUMMARY:Enterprise Java APIs and Implementing a Web Portal DESCRIPTION:No description available. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC1304 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20000330T213000Z DTEND:20000330T223000Z SUMMARY:Enterprise Java APIs and Implementing a Web Portal (1) DESCRIPTION:No description available. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Ali Babas Steak House, 130 King Street S, Waterloo DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20000720T230000Z DTEND:20000721T000000Z SUMMARY:Ctrl-D DESCRIPTION:End-of-term dinner END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC1302 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20000914T220000Z DTEND:20000914T230000Z SUMMARY:CSC Elections DESCRIPTION:Fall 2000 Elections for the CSC. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC1302 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20000914T230000Z DTEND:20000915T000000Z SUMMARY:SIGGraph Video Night DESCRIPTION:SIGGraph Video Night Featuring some truly awesome computer animations from Siggraph '99. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - DC1302 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20000925T183000Z DTEND:20000925T193000Z SUMMARY:Realising the Next Generation Internet DESCRIPTION:By Frank Clegg of Microsoft Canada END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3036 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20010115T213000Z DTEND:20010115T223000Z SUMMARY:Executive elections DESCRIPTION:Winter 2001 CSC Elections. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3036 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20010122T203000Z DTEND:20010122T213000Z SUMMARY:Meeting #2 DESCRIPTION:Second CSC meeting for Winter 2001. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3006 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20010127T153000Z DTEND:20010127T163000Z SUMMARY:ACM-Style programming contest DESCRIPTION:Practice for the ACM international programming contest END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3036 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20010129T193900Z DTEND:20010129T203900Z SUMMARY:Meeting #3 DESCRIPTION:No description available. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3036 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20010205T203000Z DTEND:20010205T213000Z SUMMARY:Meeting #4 DESCRIPTION:No description available. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3036 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20010212T203000Z DTEND:20010212T213000Z SUMMARY:Meeting #5 DESCRIPTION:No description available. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3006 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20010602T143000Z DTEND:20010602T153000Z SUMMARY:ACM-Style programming contest DESCRIPTION:Practice for the ACM international programming contest END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge MC3001 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20020126T190000Z DTEND:20020126T200000Z SUMMARY:An Introduction to GNU Hurd DESCRIPTION:Bored of GNU/Linux? Try this experimental operating system! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy Lounge MC3001 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20020126T193000Z DTEND:20020126T203000Z SUMMARY:GnuPG/PGP Keysigning Party DESCRIPTION:Get more signatures on your key! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20020131T230000Z DTEND:20020201T000000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 101: First Steps With UNIX DESCRIPTION:This is the first in a series of seminars that cover the use of the UNIX Operating System. UNIX is used in a variety of applications, both in academia and industry. We will be covering the basics of the UNIX environment, as well as the use of PINE, an electronic mail and news reader. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4060 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20020213T210000Z DTEND:20020213T220000Z SUMMARY:DVD-Video Under Linux DESCRIPTION:Billy Biggs will be holding a talk on DVD technology (in particular, CSS and playback issues) under Linux, giving some technical details as well as an overview of the current status of Free Software efforts. All are welcome. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2037 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20020207T230000Z DTEND:20020208T000000Z SUMMARY:Unix 102: Fun With UNIX DESCRIPTION:This the second in a series of UNIX tutorials. Simon Law and James Perry will be presenting some more advanced UNIX techniques. All are welcome. Accounts will be provided for those needing them. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4060 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20020301T220000Z DTEND:20020301T230000Z SUMMARY:Computer Go, The Ultimate DESCRIPTION:Thomas Wolf from Brock University will be holding a talk on the Asian game of Go. All are welcome. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3036 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20020511T230000Z DTEND:20020512T000000Z SUMMARY:S02 elections DESCRIPTION:Come and vote for this term's exec END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy lounge DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20020916T213000Z DTEND:20020916T223000Z SUMMARY:F02 elections DESCRIPTION:Come and vote for this term's exec END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - Comfy lounge, MC3001 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20020930T223000Z DTEND:20020930T233000Z SUMMARY:Business Meeting DESCRIPTION:Vote on a constitutional change. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3006 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20020926T213000Z DTEND:20020926T223000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 101 DESCRIPTION:First Steps with UNIX END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - The Bomber DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20021001T223000Z DTEND:20021001T233000Z SUMMARY:Pints with the Profs DESCRIPTION:Get to know your profs and be the envy of your friends! END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3006 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20021003T213000Z DTEND:20021003T223000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 102 DESCRIPTION:Talking to your UNIX can be fun and profitable. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4045 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20021008T203000Z DTEND:20021008T213000Z SUMMARY:Video cards, Linux display drivers and the Kernel Graphics Interface (KGI) DESCRIPTION:A talk by Filip Spacek, KGI developer END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3006 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20021010T213000Z DTEND:20021010T223000Z SUMMARY:UNIX 103 DESCRIPTION:No abstract available yet. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC 2065 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20021105T213000Z DTEND:20021105T223000Z SUMMARY:The Evil Side of C++ DESCRIPTION:Abusing template metaprogramming in C++; aka. writing a Mandelbrot generator that runs at compile time END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC3002 (Math Coffee and Donut Store) DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20021102T160000Z DTEND:20021102T170000Z SUMMARY:GNU/Linux InstallFest with KW-LUG and UW-DIG DESCRIPTION:Bring over your computer and we'll help you install GNU/Linux END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4063 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20021107T223000Z DTEND:20021107T233000Z SUMMARY:The GNU General Public License DESCRIPTION:The teeth of Free Software END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4058 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20021119T213000Z DTEND:20021119T223000Z SUMMARY:Metaprogramming GPUs DESCRIPTION:A talk by Michael McCool of the Computer Graphics Lab. END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - York University DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20021116T183000Z DTEND:20021116T193000Z SUMMARY:Trip to York University DESCRIPTION:Going to visit the York University Computer Club END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2066 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20021121T230000Z DTEND:20021122T000000Z SUMMARY:Perl 6 DESCRIPTION:A talk by Simon Law END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2066 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20021121T213000Z DTEND:20021121T223000Z SUMMARY:Samba and You DESCRIPTION:A talk by Dan Brovkovich, Mathsoc's Computing Director END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2066 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20021026T173000Z DTEND:20021026T183000Z SUMMARY:GNU/Linux on HPPA DESCRIPTION:Carlos O'Donnell talks about "the last of the legacy processors to fall before the barbarian horde" END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2066 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20021026T190000Z DTEND:20021026T200000Z SUMMARY:The Hurd Interfaces DESCRIPTION:Marcus Brinkmann, a GNU Hurd developer, talks about the Hurd server interfaces, at the heart of a GNU/Hurd system END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2066 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20021026T203000Z DTEND:20021026T213000Z SUMMARY:A GNU Approach to Virtual Memory Management in a Multiserver Operating System DESCRIPTION:Neal Walfield, a GNU Hurd developer, talks about a possible Virtual Memory Management subsystem for the GNU Hurd END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC2065 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20021017T213000Z DTEND:20021017T223000Z SUMMARY:Debian in the Enterprise DESCRIPTION:A talk by Simon Law END:VEVENT BEGIN:VEVENT LOCATION:University of Waterloo - MC4058 DTSTAMP:20060912T200708Z SEQUENCE:11 DTSTART:20021112T213000Z DTEND:20021112T223000Z SUMMARY:Automatic Memory Management and Garbage Collection DESCRIPTION:A talk by James A. Morrison END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR