--- name: 'CSC Karaoke' short: 'CSC Karaoke is coming right up! This is the perfect opportunity to sing and gather around with friends to have fun!' startDate: 'October 25 2022 19:00' endDate: 'October 25 2022 21:00' online: false location: 'DC 1351' poster: 'images/events/2022/fall/Karaoke.png' registerLink: 'https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfKLHY_Yv3c3OFTNzGuss0WvF8PGDhWypbaRO49oPCdlGBvNA/viewform' --- 🎶 CSC Karaoke is coming right up! This is the perfect opportunity to sing and gather around with friends to have fun! 📍 The date is Tuesday, October 25th, from 7-9 PM in DC 1351. Make sure to come and express your creativity through singing! 🎤