import { GetStaticProps } from "next"; import { MDXRemote } from "next-mdx-remote"; import React from "react"; import { ConnectWithUs } from "@/components/ConnectWithUs"; import { DefaultLayout } from "@/components/DefaultLayout"; import { EmailSignup } from "@/components/EmailSignup"; import { EventDescriptionCard } from "@/components/EventDescriptionCard"; import { Image } from "@/components/Image"; import { Link } from "@/components/Link"; import { NewsCard } from "@/components/NewsCard"; import { GetShapesConfig } from "@/components/ShapesBackground"; import { SocialLinks } from "@/components/SocialLinks"; import { Title } from "@/components/Title"; import { Event, getUpcomingEvents } from "@/lib/events"; import { News, getRecentNews } from "@/lib/news"; import styles from "./index.module.css"; interface Props { moreEvents: boolean; // true if there are more than 2 upcoming events events: Event[]; // array of 0 - 2 events news: News; } export default function Home(props: Props) { return ( <> {[]}
CSC Logo

Computer Science Club

University of Waterloo's
student computing community

CSC mascot Codey, a blue shiba with circular glasses

Upcoming Events

See past events here

{ === 0 ? (

There are no upcoming events right now. Please check back later!

) : null}
{ > 0 ? => ( )) : null}
{props.moreEvents ? (

See more upcoming events here

) : null}


Updates from our execs!
See past news here

{ }
); } Home.Layout = function HomeLayout(props: { children: React.ReactNode }) { return
; }; export const getStaticProps: GetStaticProps = async () => { const upcomingEvents = await getUpcomingEvents(); const recentNews = await getRecentNews(); return { props: { moreEvents: upcomingEvents.length > 2, events: upcomingEvents.slice(0, 2), news: recentNews[0], }, }; }; Home.getShapesConfig = (() => { const bigDesktopConfig = { dots: [ { top: "calc(0.06 * (580rem / 0.65) / 16)", right: "90vw", width: "calc(168rem / 16)", height: "calc(204rem / 16)", filter: "var(--teal)", opacity: "25%", }, ], hash: [ { top: "calc(0.32 * (580rem / 0.65) / 16)", left: "12vw", width: "calc(60rem / 16)", height: "calc(60rem / 16)", }, { top: "calc(0.25 * (580rem / 0.65) / 16)", right: "9vw", width: "calc(60rem / 16)", height: "calc(60rem / 16)", }, ], plus: [ { top: "calc(0.42 * (580rem / 0.65) / 16)", right: "22vw", width: "calc(48rem / 16)", height: "calc(48rem / 16)", }, ], triangle: [ { top: "calc(0.05 * (580rem / 0.65) / 16)", left: "20vw", width: "calc(68rem / 16)", height: "calc(68rem / 16)", transform: "rotate(18deg)", filter: "var(--teal)", opacity: "30%", }, { top: "calc(0.02 * (580rem / 0.65) / 16)", right: "40vw", width: "calc(68rem / 16)", height: "calc(68rem / 16)", transform: "rotate(-26deg)", }, ], waves: [ { top: "calc(0.5 * (580rem / 0.65) / 16)", left: "24vw", width: "calc(116rem / 16)", height: "calc(58rem / 16)", filter: "var(--teal)", }, { top: "calc(0.1 * (580rem / 0.65) / 16)", right: "18vw", width: "calc(102rem / 16)", height: "calc(50rem / 16)", filter: "var(--teal)", }, ], }; const mediumDesktopConfig = { dots: [{ ...bigDesktopConfig["dots"][0], top: "6vh" }], hash: [ { ...bigDesktopConfig["hash"][0], top: "32vh" }, { ...bigDesktopConfig["hash"][1], top: "25vh" }, ], plus: [{ ...bigDesktopConfig["plus"][0], top: "42vh" }], triangle: [ { ...bigDesktopConfig["triangle"][0], top: "5vh" }, { ...bigDesktopConfig["triangle"][1], top: "2vh" }, ], waves: [ { ...bigDesktopConfig["waves"][0], top: "50vh" }, { ...bigDesktopConfig["waves"][1], top: "10vh" }, ], }; const smallDesktopConfig = { dots: [ { ...bigDesktopConfig["dots"][0], top: "calc(0.06 * (420rem / 0.65) / 16)", }, ], hash: [ { ...bigDesktopConfig["hash"][0], top: "calc(0.32 * (420rem / 0.65) / 16)", }, { ...bigDesktopConfig["hash"][1], top: "calc(0.25 * (420rem / 0.65) / 16)", }, ], plus: [ { ...bigDesktopConfig["plus"][0], top: "calc(0.42 * (420rem / 0.65) / 16)", }, ], triangle: [ { ...bigDesktopConfig["triangle"][0], top: "calc(0.05 * (420rem / 0.65) / 16)", }, { ...bigDesktopConfig["triangle"][1], top: "calc(0.02 * (420rem / 0.65) / 16)", }, ], waves: [ { ...bigDesktopConfig["waves"][0], top: "calc(0.5 * (420rem / 0.65) / 16)", }, { ...bigDesktopConfig["waves"][1], top: "calc(0.1 * (420rem / 0.65) / 16)", }, ], }; const mobileConfig = { dots: [ { top: "0", right: "80vw", width: "calc(168rem / 16)", height: "calc(152rem / 16)", }, ], hash: [ { top: "calc(250rem / 16)", right: "80vw", width: "calc(45rem / 16)", height: "calc(45rem / 16)", }, ], triangle: [ { top: "calc(4rem / 16)", right: "3vw", width: "calc(45rem / 16)", height: "calc(45rem / 16)", transform: "rotate(16deg)", }, ], waves: [ { top: "calc(230rem / 16)", left: "86vw", width: "calc(102rem / 16)", height: "calc(50rem / 16)", }, ], }; if (window.innerWidth <= 768) { return mobileConfig; } else if (window.innerHeight <= 420 / 0.65) { return smallDesktopConfig; } else if (window.innerHeight <= 580 / 0.65) { return mediumDesktopConfig; } return bigDesktopConfig; }) as GetShapesConfig;