--- name: 'CSC Beginning of Term Kickoff!' short: 'Kick off the fall term with CSC’s BOT event and meet others in the CS community!' startDate: 'September 13 2022 20:00' endDate: 'September 13 2022 22:00' online: false location: 'AHS EXP 1689' poster: 'images/events/2022/fall/BOT.png' registerLink: https://forms.gle/Y48k2p8ZX4JPcALx5 --- 📢 Kick off the fall term 🍂with CSC’s BOT event! Are you interested in attending upcoming CSC events? Want to meet others in the CS community? Come to our first event of this term! 🎉Come join us for a night of fun games, arts and crafts, and a WILD goose chase! You’ll also be able to learn more about what CSC has planned for the year! 📆 When? September 13th 2022 at 8:00 - 10:00pm EST, in AHS EXP 1689 👉 Register from this link: https://forms.gle/Y48k2p8ZX4JPcALx5