--- name: 'CSC Circles Kickoff' short: 'Come to CSC Circles this term! You can meet new people and create recurring social circles based on your interest!' startDate: 'October 6 2022 20:00' endDate: 'October 6 2022 22:00' online: false location: 'DC 1351' poster: 'images/events/2022/fall/CSC-Circles-Kickoff.jpg' registerLink: 'https://forms.gle/ucTjXd1GN8Gn4PLr6' --- ๐Ÿ“ข CSC will be kickstarting one of our most anticipated events: CSC Circles! Weโ€™ll be matching participants in groups of 4-6 to create recurring social circles based on your interests ๐ŸŽฎ, availability โฐ, location ๐Ÿ“, and more! ๐Ÿ‘€ Members of CSC Circles will be a part of a vibrant community within CSC, in which you have the chance to build meaningful connections over the course of a semester and hopefully beyond ๐Ÿš€ ! ๐Ÿ“Œ If you sign up, your group will be revealed during our kickoff event, so if youโ€™re interested in participating, be sure to sign up and attend! Youโ€™ll have the chance to ask questions, meet the coordinators, and socialize with your group for the first time. There will also be food ๐Ÿ• and boardgames ๐ŸŽฒ! ๐Ÿ“† When? Oct 6th 2022 at 8-10pm EST, in DC 1351. โ— Sign ups are due on September 30th, 2022. ๐Ÿ‘‰ Register at https://forms.gle/ucTjXd1GN8Gn4PLr6 . Alternatively, you can also email us at exec@csclub.uwaterloo.ca to sign up.