--- name: 'Switching Fields Panel' short: 'Listen in as our amazing panelists discuss their experiences with shifting career fields when searching for co-op.' date: 'March 11 2022 18:00' online: true location: 'Zoom' poster: 'images/events/2022/winter/Switching-Fields-Panel.png' registerLink: https://bit.ly/3HazgpU --- Want to move away from web development for your next co-op? Need advice on a general career switch? CSC is proud to be hosting our Switching Fields Panel! Listen in as our amazing panelists discuss their experiences with shifting career fields when searching for co-op. Registration is not required to attend but we’ll be sending you an email reminder if you register and inviting you to the calendar event! 📅 Event Date: Firday March 11th, 6-7pm EST on Zoom 👉 Register using this link: https://bit.ly/3HazgpU Hope to see you at the event! 🤗