--- name: "Tesla Vehicle Software Systems Coffee Chat" short: "Join 3 special events with Tesla engineers and learn more about internships and new grad roles in AI, Autopilot, and Vehicle software!" date: 'March 16 2022 19:00' online: true location: 'Online' poster: 'images/events/2022/winter/Tesla-Autopilot-Coffee-Chat.png' registerLink: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=9MUmkNCGn0u9ObfU0PtGdG9a0mm6j6BFvW5CeQngudlUOUczS1ZWQkJTRTVTQzA5MlA1N005UjVaTy4u --- 🎉 It's that time of year again! CSC is bringing back our partnership with Tesla for multiple coffee chat events! 🚘 Join 3 special events with Tesla engineers and learn more about internships and new grad roles in AI, Autopilot, and Vehicle software! The **Vehicle Software Systems** coffee chat will be on March 16th from 7-8PM EST. All students interested in firmware, hardware, and Integration are welcome to join! ✨ A private application link will be added for each coffee chat per team to sign up for internships for Fall 2022! 🍴 All attendees will also have a chance to win a $25 Uber Eats gift card! 👉 Sign up at: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=9MUmkNCGn0u9ObfU0PtGdG9a0mm6j6BFvW5CeQngudlUOUczS1ZWQkJTRTVTQzA5MlA1N005UjVaTy4u