--- name: 'Code Party' short: 'Come hang out at our first Code Party of the term- a traditional event for CSC where people can code, work on projects, as well as socialize over pizza, hot chocolate, and board games!' startDate: 'February 15 2023 19:00' endDate: 'February 15 2023 21:00' online: false location: 'STC 0010' poster: 'images/events/2023/winter/code-party.png' registerLink: 'https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeIVVc_xz2hdJKJRvxgH4aDSrv3oLUWtaJbRQKL-BITY4S4Hg/viewform' --- 📣📣 Attention CSC Members! Come join us for our ❤️ Valentine’s Day ❤️ themed code party! There will be free pizza 🍕and hot chocolate ☕ served while you are working and playing board games. Come study and hang out with other CSC members! ✅ Register by clicking the register button! 📅 Event Details : February 15 7-9 pm 📌Location : STC 0010 See you there! <3