--- name: 'CS Pints With Profs' short: 'Come have a pint with your favourite CS profs!' date: 'Wed Nov 05 2003 16:30:00 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)' online: false location: 'Grad House Pub (Green Room)' --- Come meet CS profs in a relaxed atmosphere this Wednesday at the Grad House (by South Campus Hall). This is your chance to meet those CS profs you enjoyed in lectures in person, have a chat with them and find out what they're doing outside the lecture halls. We'll be providing free food, including hamburgers and nachos, and the Grad House offers a great selection of drinks. If you'd like to invite a particular prof, stop by on the third floor of the MC (outside of the Comfy) to pick up an invitation. Persons of all ages are welcome!