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Code Party Come to our first code party of the term! You can chill out, work on side-projects 💻, or finish up on homework and assignments📚! October 5 2022 20:00 October 5 2022 22:00 false STC 0060 images/events/2022/fall/Code-Party-1.png

📣 📣 Come to our first code party of the term! You can chill out, work on side-projects 💻, or finish up on homework and assignments📚. There will also be free pizza🍕 while you are working away or playing board games🎲 with a fellow CSC friend.

🗓️ Event date: October 5th from 6 pm - 8 pm

📌 Location: STC 0060

Registration is not required.

We hope to see you there!