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Architecture and Folder Structure

The diagram below shows a general overview of how the website is architected. A thin black arrow on the graph depicts a dependency.


  • Blue: React components
  • Red: Code or assets that only exist during build time
  • Green: Static assets that exist during runtime on the server



This folder acts as the entry point for the our website. Pages are not built as reusable components, but rather as an outline of our website. All dynamically generated pages use the functionality exposed by the /lib folder. There are some folders that directly use the items in the /content folder directly.

Look at the docs about pages to learn more about them.


Components are the building blocks of our website. Most of our components are simple functional components that do not do much except making the UI look nice. Almost all of our components have no dependencies except react, date-fns, and other components from the /components folder. This structure allows us keep components and design separate from the business logic of the website making it easier to split them off into their own mini design framework if necessary.


These contain scripts that run during the CI/CD phase to insert dynamically generated assets into the public folder - this is what the thick red arrow is referring to.

The two main scripts that we have today are:

  • generate-calendar (npm run build:calendar): to generate an ical file that consumes events using the /lib folder - writing the resulting file to public/events.ics
  • optimize-images (npm run build:images): to optimize images present in the images folder and write the optimized images in the public/images folder for the website to consume. You must run it at least once after cloning the repository so that you can see all the images during development.


This folder acts as an API layer for the website. It mainly adds helper functions to access the data in the /content folder easily, with the exception of /lib/members.ts - which uses LDAP to query CSC members.


All the .md files in this folder are used by the /lib folder to provide an API over them. These markdown files may or may not have some metadata at the top written in yaml, which we parse using the gray-matter library.

Example of the metadata:

foo: i am some metadata
bar: some more
baz: ok last one

# This is not metadata

Note: The .mdx files under this folder are directly used in /pages. They are automatically converted to react components on the fly.


These are the unoptimized images that you see on the website. They are consumed by the optimize-images script to ... optimize them ... before putting them in the /public/images folder. We need to optimize images in order to decrease the latency of the website.


This is the folder that contains all the static assets of the website. Everything in here is accessible at https://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/[asset file name]

For example /public/fonts/future-bold.woff is available at https://csclub.uwaterloo.ca/fonts/future-bold.woff.