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Tesla Vehicle Software Development Coffee Chat Join 3 special events with Tesla engineers and learn more about internships and new grad roles in AI, Autopilot, and Vehicle software! March 23 2022 19:00 true Online images/events/2022/winter/Tesla-Autopilot-Coffee-Chat.png https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=9MUmkNCGn0u9ObfU0PtGdG9a0mm6j6BFvW5CeQngudlUOUczS1ZWQkJTRTVTQzA5MlA1N005UjVaTy4u

🎉 It's that time of year again! CSC is bringing back our partnership with Tesla for multiple coffee chat events!

🚘 Join 3 special events with Tesla engineers and learn more about internships and new grad roles in AI, Autopilot, and Vehicle software!

The Vehicle Software Development coffee chat will be on March 23rd from 7-8PM EST. All students interested in full stack development, infotainment, and creating fun applications are welcome to join!

A private application link will be added for each coffee chat per team to sign up for internships for Fall 2022!

🍴 All attendees will also have a chance to win a $25 Uber Eats gift card!

👉 Sign up at: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=9MUmkNCGn0u9ObfU0PtGdG9a0mm6j6BFvW5CeQngudlUOUczS1ZWQkJTRTVTQzA5MlA1N005UjVaTy4u