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Code party !!11!!1!! There is a CSC Code Party Tonight starting at 7:30PM (1930) until we get bored (likely in the early in morning). Come out for fun hacking times, spreading Intertube memes (optional), hacking on the OpenMoko, creating music mixes, and other general classyness. If we manage to swing it, there will be delicious energy drinks for your consumption! Alternatively, if we don't we will have each other as well as some delicious tea and coffee. Perhaps a crumpet January 16 2009 19:30 false Comfy Lounge

There is a CSC Code Party Tonight starting at 7:30PM (1930) until we get bored (likely in the early in morning). Come out for fun hacking times, spreading Intertube memes (optional), hacking on the OpenMoko, creating music mixes, and other general classyness. If we manage to swing it, there will be delicious energy drinks for your consumption! Alternatively, if we don't we will have each other as well as some delicious tea and coffee. Perhaps a crumpet