Cause make to die if ceoquery isn't present

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David Bartley 2007-09-25 21:44:19 -04:00
parent e75b7feeb5
commit be1aeaab73
1 changed files with 1 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ noroot:
if test $$UID = 0; then echo "don't build as root!"; exit 1; fi
test -e /usr/bin/ceoquery || (echo 'Erorr: ceoquery not found'; exit 1)
echo '<?xml version='\''1.0'\''?>' > $@
echo '<memberlist>' >> $@
ceoquery memberlist | sort | awk -F \| '{ name = $$1; program = $$2; userid = $$3; gsub(/&/, "\\&amp;", name); gsub(/&/, "\\&amp;", program); gsub(/"/, "\\&quot;", name); gsub(/"/, "\\&quot;", program); print "<member name=\"" name "\" program=\"" program "\" userid=\"" userid "\" />"; }' >> $@