S18 xln results

This commit is contained in:
Marc Mailhot 2018-05-14 22:03:37 -04:00
parent 4745a46e95
commit e0303b4ec4
1 changed files with 16 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,22 @@
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<newsitem author="mnmailho" date="2018-05-14">
<p>Here are the results from this term's elections:</p>
<li>President: Melissa Tedesco (matedesc)</li>
<li>Vice-President: Dhruv Jauhar (djauhar)</li>
<li>Treasurer: Tristan Hume (tghume)</li>
<li>Secretary: Marc Mailhot (mnmailho)</li>
<p>Additionally, the following positions were appointed:</p>
<li>Systems Administrator: Jennifer Zhou (c7zou)</li>
<li>Office Manager: Aditya Thakral (a3thakra)</li>
<li>Librarian: Archer Zhang (z577zhan)</li>
<li>Fridge Regent: Marc Mailhot (mnmailho)</li>
<newsitem author="pj2melan" date="2018-05-14">
<p>Here are the nominations for the Spring 2018 elections:</p>