Would you like your own homepage on our server? That's easy! First, just make sure that you have a CSC membership and account (just come by our office and sign up if not), then follow these easy steps:

  • Log in to one of the CSC machines (e.g. csclub.uwaterloo.ca) using an SSH client (e.g. PuTTY on Windows or OpenSSH on unix).
  • Create a directory called www by typing mkdir www from your home directory.
  • Put the files you want on your web page in your new www directory. index.html will be loaded by default.
  • Go visit your snazzy new webpage at http://www.csclub.uwaterloo.ca/~username/, where username should be replaced by your username!

If you're still having trouble getting your page up, just contact the Webmaster or Sysadmin by e-mail.