HTTP Gateway * Download: * * Copyright (C) 2002-2004 Florian Amrhein * E-Mail: * Web: * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ @$newsgroups=$_REQUEST["newsgroups"]; @$group=$_REQUEST["group"]; @$type=$_REQUEST["type"]; @$subject=stripslashes($_REQUEST["subject"]); @$name=$_REQUEST["name"]; @$email=$_REQUEST["email"]; @$body=stripslashes($_REQUEST["body"]); @$abspeichern=$_REQUEST["abspeichern"]; @$references=$_REQUEST["references"]; @$id=$_REQUEST["id"]; if (!isset($group)) $group=$newsgroups; include ""; include ""; // Save name and email in cookies if (($setcookies==true) && (isset($abspeichern)) && ($abspeichern=="ja")) { setcookie("cookie_name",stripslashes($name),time()+(3600*24*90)); setcookie("cookie_email",$email,time()+(3600*24*90)); } if ((isset($post_server)) && ($post_server!="")) $server=$post_server; if ((isset($post_port)) && ($post_port!="")) $port=$post_port; include ""; include $file_newsportal; ?>

'.$text_post["button_back"].' ' .$text_post["button_back2"].' '.urlencode($group) ?>

"; } } else { echo $text_post["error_readonly"]; } } } // A reply of an other article. if ($type=="reply") { $message=message_read($id,0,$group); $head=$message->header; $body=explode("\n",$message->body[0]); nntp_close($ns); if ($head->name != "") { $bodyzeile=$head->name; } else { $bodyzeile=$head->from; } $bodyzeile=$text_post["wrote_prefix"].$bodyzeile. $text_post["wrote_suffix"]."\n\n"; for ($i=0; $i<=count($body)-1; $i++) { if((isset($cutsignature)) && ($cutsignature==true) && ($body[$i]=='-- ')) break; if (trim($body[$i])!="") { if($body[$i][0]=='>') $bodyzeile.=">".$body[$i]."\n"; else $bodyzeile.="> ".$body[$i]."\n"; } else { $bodyzeile.="\n"; } } $subject=$head->subject; if (isset($head->followup) && ($head->followup != "")) { $newsgroups=$head->followup; } else { $newsgroups=$head->newsgroups; } splitSubject($subject); $subject="Re: ".$subject; // Cut off old parts of a subject // for example: 'foo (was: bar)' becomes 'foo'. $subject=eregi_replace('(\(wa[sr]: .*\))$','',$subject); $show=1; $references=false; if (isset($head->references[0])) { for ($i=0; $i<=count($head->references)-1; $i++) { $references .= $head->references[$i]." "; } } $references .= $head->id; } if ($type=="retry") { $show=1; $bodyzeile=$body; } if ($show==1) { if ($testgroup) { $testnewsgroups=testgroups($newsgroups); } else { $testnewsgroups=$newsgroups; } if ($testnewsgroups == "") { echo $text_post["followup_not_allowed"]; echo " ".$newsgroups; } else { $newsgroups=$testnewsgroups; echo '

'.$text_post["group_head"].$newsgroups .$text_post["group_tail"].'

'; if (isset($error)) echo "


"; ?>
'; } ?>
'; } ?>

" onclick="quoten()"> ">