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Max Erenberg de55e654ac Update env file instructions 2022-10-25 23:47:47 -04:00
README.md Update env file instructions 2022-10-25 23:47:47 -04:00
bigbluebutton.nginx some updates 2021-10-24 20:05:10 -04:00
greenlight.nginx add updates 2021-10-25 03:46:32 +00:00
playbook.yml add updates 2021-10-25 03:46:32 +00:00
turn-stun-servers.xml initial commit 2021-03-14 03:02:24 +00:00


Creating the database

On coffee, login as the postgres user, run psql, then run the following:

CREATE USER greenlight WITH PASSWORD 'replace_this_password';
ALTER DATABASE greenlight OWNER TO greenlight;

Running the playbook

Just the usual:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml

Once the playbook has finished, open /root/bbb/env and set the value of DB_PASSWORD.

Also, place copies of csclub-wildcard-chain.crt and csclub-wildcard.key (the wildcard CSC SSL certificate and key, respectively) in the directory /etc/nginx/ssl. The key file must have permissions 0600.

Then, restart BBB:

bbb-conf --restart

Installing Greenlight

See here for instructions.

Important: Add 'PORT=5000' to the top of your env file for Greenlight. Otherwise it will listen on port 80, which NGINX is already listening on.

Creating an administrator account

Theoretically, there is a bundle command which should be able to create an administrator account. However, when I did this, I found that I was unable to login using the new admin credentials. Might be because of LDAP. Here's my workaround:

  1. Login once using your CSC credentials.
  2. Log out.
  3. On coffee, login as postgres, run psql, and run the following:
\c greenlight
UPDATE users SET role_id = 2 WHERE username = 'my_csc_username';

When you log back in, you should now be an admin.

Editing the env file

Whenever you edit /root/bbb/env, make sure to restart the greenlight container on xylitol with e.g. systemct restart container-greenlight and then run podman exec greenlight bin/rake db:migrate.

Greenlight customization

To ensure that future sysadmins automatically become Greenlight admins, create a new role called "sysadmin" from the org settings in Greenlight.

To set a custom logo in the top left corner, go to 'Site Settings', and replace the branding image URL. I'm using a small CSC logo hosted on our git server in the csc-propaganda repo.