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2007-01-27 18:41:51 -05:00
Terms Routines
This module contains functions for manipulating terms, such as determining
the current term, finding the next or previous term, converting dates to
terms, and more.
2007-01-27 18:41:51 -05:00
import time, datetime, re
# year to count terms from
EPOCH = 1970
# seasons list
SEASONS = [ 'w', 's', 'f' ]
def validate(term):
2007-01-27 18:41:51 -05:00
Determines whether a term is well-formed.
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term - the term string
Returns: whether the term is valid (boolean)
Example: validate("f2006") -> True
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regex = '^[wsf][0-9]{4}$'
return re.match(regex, term) is not None
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def parse(term):
"""Helper function to convert a term string to the number of terms
since the epoch. Such numbers are intended for internal use only."""
if not validate(term):
2007-01-27 18:41:51 -05:00
raise Exception("malformed term: %s" % term)
year = int( term[1:] )
season = SEASONS.index( term[0] )
return (year - EPOCH) * len(SEASONS) + season
def generate(term):
"""Helper function to convert a year and season to a term string."""
year = int(term / len(SEASONS)) + EPOCH
season = term % len(SEASONS)
return "%s%04d" % ( SEASONS[season], year )
def next(term):
Returns the next term. (convenience function)
term - the term string
Retuns: the term string of the following term
Example: next("f2006") -> "w2007"
return add(term, 1)
def previous(term):
Returns the previous term. (convenience function)
term - the term string
Returns: the term string of the preceding term
Example: previous("f2006") -> "s2006"
return add(term, -1)
def add(term, offset):
Calculates a term relative to some base term.
term - the base term
offset - the number of terms since term (may be negative)
Returns: the term that comes offset terms after term
return generate(parse(term) + offset)
def delta(initial, final):
Calculates the distance between two terms.
It should be true that add(a, delta(a, b)) == b.
initial - the base term
final - the term at some offset from the base term
Returns: the offset of final relative to initial
return parse(final) - parse(initial)
def compare(first, second):
Compares two terms. This function is suitable
for use with list.sort().
first - base term for comparison
second - term to compare to
Returns: > 0 (if first > second)
= 0 (if first == second)
< 0 (if first < second)
return delta(second, first)
def interval(base, count):
Returns a list of adjacent terms.
base - the first term in the interval
count - the number of terms to include
Returns: a list of count terms starting with initial
Example: interval('f2006', 3) -> [ 'f2006', 'w2007', 's2007' ]
terms = []
for num in xrange(count):
terms.append( add(base, num) )
return terms
def tstamp(timestamp):
"""Helper to convert seconds since the epoch
to terms since the epoch."""
# let python determine the month and year
date =
# determine season
if date.month <= 4:
season = SEASONS.index('w')
elif date.month <= 8:
season = SEASONS.index('s')
season = SEASONS.index('f')
return (date.year - EPOCH) * len(SEASONS) + season
def from_timestamp(timestamp):
Converts a number of seconds since
the epoch to a number of terms since
the epoch.
This function notes that:
2007-01-27 18:41:51 -05:00
timestamp - number of seconds since the epoch
Returns: the number of terms since the epoch
Example: from_timestamp(1166135779) -> 'f2006'
return generate( tstamp(timestamp) )
def curr():
"""Helper to determine the current term."""
return tstamp( time.time() )
def current():
Determines the current term.
Returns: current term
Example: current() -> 'f2006'
return generate( curr() )
def next_unregistered(registered):
Find the first future or current unregistered term.
Intended as the 'default' for registrations.
registered - a list of terms a member is registered for
Returns: the next unregistered term
# get current term number
now = curr()
# never registered -> current term is next
if len( registered) < 1:
return generate( now )
# return the first unregistered, or the current term (whichever is greater)
return generate(max([max(map(parse, registered))+1, now]))
### Tests ###
if __name__ == '__main__':
from ceo.test import test, assert_equal, success
test(parse); assert_equal(110, parse('f2006')); success()
test(generate); assert_equal('f2006', generate(110)); success()
test(next); assert_equal('w2007', next('f2006')); success()
test(previous); assert_equal('s2006', previous('f2006')); success()
test(delta); assert_equal(1, delta('f2006', 'w2007')); success()
test(compare); assert_equal(-1, compare('f2006', 'w2007')); success()
test(add); assert_equal('w2010', add('f2006', delta('f2006', 'w2010'))); success()
test(interval); assert_equal(['f2006', 'w2007', 's2007'], interval('f2006', 3)); success()
test(from_timestamp); assert_equal('f2006', from_timestamp(1166135779)); success()
test(current); assert_equal(True, parse( current() ) >= 110 ); success()
assert_equal( next(current()), next_unregistered([ current() ]))
assert_equal( current(), next_unregistered([]))
assert_equal( current(), next_unregistered([ previous(current()) ]))
assert_equal( current(), next_unregistered([ add(current(), -2) ]))